This Is Really Embarrassing.Kamala Draws 68 People In Philadelphia.This Is So Sad

so happens next? will we see "Cheap Fake Pics" of the 50,000 people crowds at future harris rallies? its amazing what we can do with editing photos. didnt they do that when about 400 people showed up or hillary, then later someone redid the photo to make it look like 10,000 showed up for Hillary?
Cheer leading rallies are cool, for those who attend. It can be fun: "I've got a flag, a T-shirt, and a hat. Is there anyone in America who's more patriotic than I am? Just a sec, I need to take a selfie to post my patriotism on meta.
Half a million people at a rally are still negligible compared to the 150M votes cast. But it's fun, just not my kind of fun.
She was Biden's vp.
And so why do you dislike Biden? Your parents? Discuss the implications of Bidens policies. Tell me how the Infrastructure bill has hurt Amercans. Tel me how trumps court taking away rights you grew up with are going to be good for you. Tell me how ending Obama care will be good for you. Tell me how a national abortion ban will benefit you as you grow older. Tell me how forcing America into one religion, basically changing America into a shar'ia style society will help you. Tell me how presidential immunity from crime is good for America. Explain how Project 2025/Agenda 47's emphasis on expanded executive power is good for you. Don't just repeat the Biden is senile lines you heard from your parents. You are voting and you should really know why you have chosen Trump based on YOUR knowedge not what your parents tell you. Because YOU will be living with the results of this election after your parents are gone.
Nobody wants to vote for used Prostitute Kamala!
There will probaly be more people voting for Harris that will have ever voted before in our history. Trump is going to lose. Americas will not elect a convicted felon for president.
ok, enough already with the Kamelface is a whore schtick

We can't write off Trump's past and then condemn K to eternal Hell for hers.

Well, we could... but it doesn't look good.

We need to work on expanding the tent
Cherrypicked videos do not show the truth.

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This was her first rally.

Now we can find pictures of Trump inside of restaurants and malls like the one you guys show here where he had 5-10 people then make false claims. The fact is, that crowd size doesn't mean anything and that trump has lost evey time he need the real crowd to show up. The only crowd that counts is the election day crowd.
I've been to bigger spur-of-the-moment High School Pep Rallies.
And so what do you dislike Biden? Your parents? Discuss the implicationsof Bidens policies. Tell me how the Infrastructure bill has hurtAmercans. Tel me how trumps court taking away rights you grew up with are going to be good for you. Tell me how ending Obama care will be good for you. Tell me how a national abortion ban will benefit you as you grow older. Tell me how forcing America into one religion, basically changing America into a shar'ia style society will help you. Tell me how presidential immunity from crime is good for America. Explain how Project 2025/Agenda 47's emphasis on expanded executive power is good for you. Don't just repeat the Biden is senile lines you heard from your parents. You are voting and you should really know why you have chosen Trump based on YOUR knowedge not what your parents tell you. Because YOU wil be living with the results of this election after your parents are gone.
Whoa! Okay, that is a lot. First, I don't agree with abortion or federal tax dollars paying for it. Killing a baby is wrong.

Second, where is anyone forcing anyone else into a religion? I'm Baptist. ANYONE is freely welcome to join our church. Many do, WITHOUT any evangelical outreach.

Third, Biden has had some--let's say questionable interactions with young children. I have three younger siblings and was livid when someone showed me how he is all over them. Anyone doing that to my siblings would answer to me.
Oh look. Another idiot using YouTube as a source.

I agree with you on this one but....

YouTube videos can be excellent sources. I'm referring to unedited videos of events without lame commentary by wannabe pundits. Those that don't treat the viewers as idiots. Those that respect viewers for being capable of making up their minds on their own.
Whoa! Okay, that is a lot. First, I don't agree with abortion or federal tax dollars paying for it. Killing a baby is wrong.

Second, where is anyone forcing anyone else into a religion? I'm Baptist. ANYONE is freely welcome to join our church. Many do, WITHOUT any evangelical outreach.

Third, Biden has had some--let's say questionable interactions with young children. I have three younger siblings and was livid when someone showed me how he is all over them. Anyone doing that to my siblings would answer to me.

Who gives a shit about your religion? There is no god. There no proof of Mr. Biden any "questionable interactions with children". We do know for a fact that the Orange Shit Gibbon boasted of grabbing Women by their 'Pussy". We know that he attened parties at Jeffery Epstein's where underage girls were available for sex. We know he was fucking Stormy Daniles while Melania was pregnant with Baron. We know he fucked Karen McDougal. We know he raped E. Jean Carroll and over 25+Women accused him Innapropriate Sexual Behavior. All YOU have is a make believe, made up fucking diety and pervert that YOU support.
Who gives a shit about your religion? There is no god. There no proof of Mr. Biden any "questionable interactions with children". We do know for a fact that the Orange Shit Gibbon boasted of grabbing Women by their 'Pussy". We know that he attened parties at Jeffery Epstein's where underage girls were available for sex. We know he was fucking Stormy Daniles while Melania was pregnant with Baron. We know he fucked Karen McDougal. We know he raped E. Jean Carroll and over 25+Women accused him Innapropriate Sexual Behavior. All YOU have is a make believe, made up fucking diety and pervert that YOU support.

Grow up already you blabbering moron

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