I Think That We Should Change The No Discussing Moderation Actions On The Public Board Rule

This is what I would say to this...
I admin'd USPOL back in it's heyday in the 2000s. It was certainly larger than this board is now.
Anyway - we had the same rule as does virtually every board.
The problem is all it becomes is "anti-mod" threads. And it makes trying to recruit/keep good mods that much harder. Think about it - who wants to be a mod when every time you do something that person calls you a fucking idiot etc. out on the open.
:auiqs.jpg:Great whine. Need some cheese to go with that?

Good gawd, can you stifle it with you and uspol

This is what I would say to this...
I admin'd USPOL back in it's heyday in the 2000s. It was certainly larger than this board is now.
Anyway - we had the same rule as does virtually every board.
The problem is all it becomes is "anti-mod" threads. And it makes trying to recruit/keep good mods that much harder. Think about it - who wants to be a mod when every time you do something that person calls you a fucking idiot etc. out on the open.

Ah okay yeah I can most definitely see your point too.
Ah okay yeah I can most definitely see your point too.
Yeah - but I can see others point too.
There are not near enough mods here, and what we have is appallingly one sided and bad.
But the owners of this site care only about page counts for ad revenue, not blaming them, it just is what it is - so they have zero interest in how good/bad moderation is as long as page counts continue and no laws are broken.
Please hear me out first. As if people want to whine I say let them whine!! After all, they're only opening themselves up to public humiliation. I got this idea when just recently seeing AyeCantSeeYou deal with a whiner although I can see why the rule exists, I say that we should give them what they want and deserve which is attention.

So no this isn't me complaining about the rules so if the mods still say no I will say okay, but please don't close this thread as I think that this could make for a really good and interesting discussion. I'm just curious what everybody else thinks about this and to see if the mods can see my side about this.
I'm not aware of any forum that wants moderating gripes aired in public. Just simply chat to a mod.
Oh come on don't you see my point?
I see it. 90% of the moderation is excellent...but power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

From my 16 year perspective...one of the current moderators abuses their power. Has it happened before? Yes. But administration was more hands on then and the offending moderator was usually dismissed.

That's no longer the case.

But luckily President Trump is going to win not only the election, but this nameless moderator's home state...and I'm going to spend the next four years rubbing it in his face every day.

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