Russia fears Harris winning US presidential election


Biden is trying to make both Ukraine and Israel disappear before he leaves office, but they will hold on until Trump is sworn in and they can survive.
Biden has provided billions to support both
Trump is a vote to end that useless war. Do you think anyone is interested in continuing it? Do you think Americans want to keep funding it, especially given our current economic situation? If you are praying for help from pro Ukraine voters, you are going to end up being very disappointed.

Both the US and NATO realize the importance of stopping Russian aggression

Trump will sell out Ukraine to appease Putin
with no identifiable benefit ro the US and no end in sight to the taxpayer giveaway.

To the contrary

Ukraine has weakened our greatest global adversary and identified the weakness of the Russian military
A vote for Trump is a vote to end that useless war. Do you think anyone is interested in continuing it? Do you think Americans want to keep funding it, especially given our current economic situation? If you are praying for help from pro Ukraine voters, you are going to end up being very disappointed.
I think we need to change the minds of pro-Putin voters. They’re the danger to democracy, since Trump admires Putin’s fascistic methods.

Both the US and NATO realize the importance of stopping Russian aggression

Trump will sell out Ukraine to appease Putin
Russia isnt going to lose what they have already taken, no matter how much money we waste. All we are doing is prolonging a stalemate where everyone is needlessly dying. Ukraine lost an entire generation already, but the truth is, you dont give a flying fuck about them. You couldnt care less that Ukrainians are dying. You just want to convince people to continue the war simply because youre hoping that it might help democrats, but it wont.
I think we need to change the minds of pro-Putin voters. They’re the danger to democracy, since Trump admires Putin’s fascistic methods.

BOooorrrrringggg. Got anything useful to add to this discussion, or is this ^ all we should expect from you?
To the contrary

Ukraine has weakened our greatest global adversary and identified the weakness of the Russian military
To the contrary, China is our greatest global adversary. Ukraine has allowd China to continue their military buikd-up while the US has drawn- down weapons and ammunition stockpiles.
Biden provided Islamic terrorists with a $320 million pier (at taxpayer expense), which, like so many things Dem / Socialist was a complete disaster and waste of time.
Biden also provided humanitarian support to starving people in Gaza
Biden also provided humanitarian support to starving people in Gaza
Which aided and abetted Islamic terrrorists. $320 million in taxpayer dollars which was a total disaster. Typical failure for Biden and the Dem/ Socialist Islamic terrorist huggers.
It appears that Putin fears a Harris presidency, There ain't too many sisters in Russia so ol Vlad don't know how to deal. She won't be punking down like Trump. And she's smarter that Putin.

Russia fears Harris winning US presidential election - WP​

Story by Oleksandra Bashchenko

The sudden changes in US policy have come as a blow to many members of the Russian elite who follow relations between Moscow and the West, reports The Washington Post.

According to analysts, as well as current and former Russian officials, US President Joe Biden's refusal to run in favor of Vice President Kamala Harris turned the election race upside down. The Kremlin and its supporters believed that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump could have won if Biden had stayed in the race. This would have created a window of opportunity to resolve the war in Ukraine on Russia's terms.

“If Kamala Harris wins the election, it will be a huge disappointment for the Kremlin,”
said Tatiana Stanovaya, founder of R.Politik, a Russian political consulting company now based in France.

She adds that if she comes, “all the windows will close shut.”

In contrast, the turmoil of Trump's presidency, his admiration for authoritarian rulers like Russian leader Vladimir Putin, and his attacks on the EU and NATO have been a gift to Russia. Trump's wild boast that he could end the war in Ukraine in one day implied that he could force Kyiv to surrender its territory.

Although Biden has sent unprecedented military and financial aid to Ukraine, Russian foreign policymakers view him as a predictable player, the media writes. A player who will not risk escalating direct military action with Russia and who understands and respects that Russia has a large nuclear arsenal.

Harris is largely unknown to the Russians and is viewed with alarm.

Yeah, Putin was soooooooooscared of Trump.
What a pantload.
Russia isnt going to lose what they have already taken, no matter how much money we waste. All we are doing is prolonging a stalemate where everyone is needlessly dying. Ukraine lost an entire generation already, but the truth is, you dont give a flying fuck about them. You couldnt care less that Ukrainians are dying. You just want to convince people to continue the war simply because youre hoping that it might help democrats, but it wont.

And Russia must pay a serious price for their aggression

Just walking away and allowing Russia to “pause” and rebuild and regroup its military will encourage further aggression in the region.

We need to maintain pressure on Russia, killing their soldiers, destroying tanks and helicopters, make them beg for military aid

Ukraine cares about this fight. That is why they keep fighting
Doesn’t seem that way
Biden has built an international coalition to stop Putin

Trump calls him a Genius
Putin was able to fund his war, by the gift Biden gave him by lifting his sanctions on his pipeline. Biden is the only president in our history to personally go to the floor of the house and plead for Putin's pipeline. After Hunter received 2 million from russia.

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