Beware the Marxist world of Kamalla Harris: "There’s a big difference between equality and equity."

Also a lot of black slaves.
I agree, but you know what, get the fuck over it. Blacks weren't fucked any more than every other ethnic group that entered this country. Do you know what indentured servitude is? Ever hear of debtors prison?

I mean if any group got fucked more than another it is Native Americans. I mean I am sorry that some Africans snapped up some other Africans and sold them to some Yankee traders as slaves. But if they hadn't, if your ancestors had not persevered through tremendous adversity, your ass would be in Africa right now. You owe them a debt of gratitude, not some whining ass bullshit looking for your piece of the pie they created.

I mean it blows my mind. I don't get it. Blacks have an amazing history in this country, and I agree, it has been mostly hidden. Muslims, the same damn thing. You should be embracing that history, trumpeting it from every street corner, make in known. Instead, you wallow in self-pity. How damn sad.

As I have already mentioned in this thread. The first non-native American to see both the Atlantic and Pacific ocean was a black Muslim. In the late 17th century, white explorers in Appalachia came across a community of blacks that gathered together for a call to prayer several times a day. I mean damn, it wasn't white "indentured servants" that first came to this country. It was black Muslim slaves that swam here after a shipwreck. Paris Island was a major starting point. And they powered inland, got to the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains, and created a community before Walter Raleigh was even a gleam in his mother's eye.
I agree, but you know what, get the fuck over it. Blacks weren't fucked any more than every other ethnic group that entered this country. Do you know what indentured servitude is? Ever hear of debtors prison?
I don't care. You should have a better argument than feel the same way I do. I don't care about your feelings.
I mean if any group got fucked more than another it is Native Americans. I mean I am sorry that some Africans snapped up some other Africans and sold them to some Yankee traders as slaves. But if they hadn't, if your ancestors had not persevered through tremendous adversity, your ass would be in Africa right now. You owe them a debt of gratitude, not some whining ass bullshit looking for your piece of the pie they created.
I mean it blows my mind. I don't get it. Blacks have an amazing history in this country, and I agree, it has been mostly hidden. Muslims, the same damn thing. You should be embracing that history, trumpeting it from every street corner, make in known. Instead, you wallow in self-pity. How damn sad.
I don't know what you're even talking about. Black Americans are the finest Americans. It's white people who venerate slavers and rapists.
As I have already mentioned in this thread. The first non-native American to see both the Atlantic and Pacific ocean was a black Muslim. In the late 17th century, white explorers in Appalachia came across a community of blacks that gathered together for a call to prayer several times a day. I mean damn, it wasn't white "indentured servants" that first came to this country. It was black Muslim slaves that swam here after a shipwreck. Paris Island was a major starting point. And they powered inland, got to the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains, and created a community before Walter Raleigh was even a gleam in his mother's eye.
Why don't you fashion an argument that goes beyond your feelings and expecting me to care?
Explain how she is doing that.
That's what equity is all about. It's an attempt to transfer power from society, to the government. Instead of government treating everyone equally, and letting a free society decide who gets preferential treatment, equity tasks government with overruling society's decisions with legal mandates. Because, I guess, we're doing it wrong.
It was not fair in the past, but it is fair today, thus why we do not need your 'justice'. 'Equity' is nothing more than a punishment directed at people who did not participate in an unjust society.
Now you understand what unfairness is and how it makes one feel. How does it feel.
I agree, but you know what, get the fuck over it. Blacks weren't fucked any more than every other ethnic group that entered this country. Do you know what indentured servitude is? Ever hear of debtors prison?

I mean if any group got fucked more than another it is Native Americans. I mean I am sorry that some Africans snapped up some other Africans and sold them to some Yankee traders as slaves. But if they hadn't, if your ancestors had not persevered through tremendous adversity, your ass would be in Africa right now. You owe them a debt of gratitude, not some whining ass bullshit looking for your piece of the pie they created.

I mean it blows my mind. I don't get it. Blacks have an amazing history in this country, and I agree, it has been mostly hidden. Muslims, the same damn thing. You should be embracing that history, trumpeting it from every street corner, make in known. Instead, you wallow in self-pity. How damn sad.

As I have already mentioned in this thread. The first non-native American to see both the Atlantic and Pacific ocean was a black Muslim. In the late 17th century, white explorers in Appalachia came across a community of blacks that gathered together for a call to prayer several times a day. I mean damn, it wasn't white "indentured servants" that first came to this country. It was black Muslim slaves that swam here after a shipwreck. Paris Island was a major starting point. And they powered inland, got to the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains, and created a community before Walter Raleigh was even a gleam in his mother's eye.
You are incorrect about the majority of what you have written. No other group was enslaved, no other group were laws made to it make illegal to read, write or get educated. White ethnic groups used their skin color to unify and discriminate aganst other blacks. And while 400,000 Africans ended up in America due to a variety of things, but all of them involved whites buying humans which they had the choice NOT TO DO, the reality is that 10 times the number of blacks were born here than were bought over here because those Africns were bred like animals primarily by whites. It was the white run gvernment that protected slavery here. So again, most of what you posred was inaccurate and you need to stop trying to lecture blacks.
I mean I am sorry that some Africans snapped up some other Africans and sold them to some Yankee traders as slaves.
I would bet some Africans sold out other Africans that way. The traitorous Africans selling out their brethren knew that siding with slave traders would keep THEM off the boat.

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