Beware the Marxist world of Kamalla Harris: "There’s a big difference between equality and equity."


It absolutely is. Equal rights means that everyone is equal under the law. Nobody gets preferential treatment from the government. Equity demands such preferential treatment. The two goals directly contradict each other.

Thank you!
You put it very well, and quickly to the point!
'Punish' the people today, for what their ancestors did? No thanks.
No one is punishing you Soy. You can renounce your citizenship and the tax paying responsibilities that come along with it. I don't particularly feel like funding the bombing of Gaza with my tax dollars but that's democracy for you.
'Reward' the people today, for what their ancestors may have had to deal with? No thanks.
Or we're just crafting policy to address the concerns of voters today.
'Equality' is the right direction to head for. 'Equity' is giving an unequal larger portion today, to people who were not discriminated against, and thus did not earn the rewards.
Equality isn't always the right direction to head for that's why speaking in pageantry is useless for actual rational dialog. Context is always important. Should we have equality between citizens and non citizens? Should they get to vote? That would be treating everyone equally. How about letting children drink or drive?
So embarrassing you couldn't deny it, or present an argument contradicting it. But you know, partisans like their cheerleading.
I just denied it. Are you high?

And in what universe does anyone have to lift a finger to "disprove" any unevidenced lie someone vomits?

Grow up, you sound uneducated.
No, you are playing fast and loose with words and you do so with no knowledge. You are a white female, go look and see when the ERA was passed then understand that you are not truly protected today by the constitution. And you support a party that wants to take more rights from you. Whites are not being vilified. Whites who practice racism are being vilified. And when right wing white men speak of whites, they ain't talking about you. Ask your boy J.D. Vance.

So go watch a movie called "The Stepford WIves" and understand that is the future you are voting for.
I'm a black female.

you do so with no knowledge
lol This tells me that you never gave talks to college students.
Hey, I let you run your mouth. It isn't my fault that mouth ran out of steam. By the way American English is my second language, my first is Jamaican patois which is also another dialect of English, just like you speak. There is no objectively right version of English. Where would that even come from? Language is invented by people and changes with time, geography and culture. Maybe when you get through a bit more of college you'll get to that lesson. :lol:
I don't even know what you are blathering about. But keep whining when people don't accept your Ghetto Speak.
Seems like you really haven't learned much.
I've learned way more than you vapparently ever will if you continue down this path. Quite frankly you're stupid. But you are here with other stupid people who will pump you up because you believe the same stupid ----.
I'm a black female.

lol This tells me that you never gave talks to college students.
So you're Candace Owens. If you are black then your parents have educated you very poorly. For you are here arguing about how whiteness is being used to vilify whites and your opinion about equity ignores the reaity of the entire black experience in this country.

I have no reason to lie about things I have done to you.. But this is the last resort used by people who cannot debate the issues because they lack the knowledge or information to present a cogent argument.

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