Harris needs to support a two state solution

There cannot be a 2 state solution

That idea failed miserably in Gaza

The Pals will never make peace

Gaza is like the Warsaw Ghetto. Most Gazans are refugees forced out of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. 70% of them are children. It's a disgusting situation. Israel should be ashamed.

This has been going on since 1948. Steal land and kill anyone who resists..

We gave the Zionists Arab land. Let's give the Palestinians Montana and Wyoming.
I would support a two-state solution, if the Palestinian state were a few thousand miles from Israel. It is no solution, if it is 10 feet from Israel, and committed to the destruction of Israel, unless the desired end result is the destruction of Israel.

Not even a majority of Israelis think that. And the current government isn't helping anything with illegal settlements on the West Bank.

A palestinian state isn't, and never has been the problem. Hamas has. And Israel has itself to blame for creating that vacuum, and perpetuating the open air refugee camps with no hope for the civilians trapped in them for decades.

THe international community isn't going to let those ruins sit indefinately, while civilians starve, and die of preventable disease. The Israeli government has no choice but to not only help with the clean up in Gaza, but to create a two state solution as part of any peace plan.

No reasonable person is going to deny Israel's security, anymore than suggesting the genocide of 2.5 million Palestinians. It isn't an either or proposition, and like it or not, Israel is occupying Palestinian land, not the other way around. If the Israeli government is going to claim legitimacy, the existence of a Greater Palestine is part of that legitimacy.

What has to happen is material infrastructure support from the international community, as well as Israel, if they are going to be part of any security that precludes Hamas. It's not hard to assume that Palestinian civilians will take security and a higher standard of living over what they have now, no matter who is providing that support.

It's Hamas, and the current government that don't want peace, because it threatens both of their existence. Hamas clearly has to go. But so does the right wing Likud government in Israel. They are both equally detrimental to the peace process, and always have been. Palestinian civilians are just pawns used by both sides.
Gaza is like the Warsaw Ghetto. Most Gazans are refugees forced out of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. 70% of them are children. It's a disgusting situation. Israel should be ashamed.

This has been going on since 1948. Steal land and kill anyone who resists..

We gave the Zionists Arab land. Let's give the Palestinians Montana and Wyoming.
Your attitude is what prevented the arabs from accepting the 1948 2-state peace deal that awarded a majority of the Holy Land to the muslims

They continued that mistake by losing wars in 1967 and 1973

Each time leaving the Pals with less territory

Will you EVER learn?
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  1. “Genocide; definition:
“Genocide, the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race."

You refuse to understand the truth.
Genocide has a specific meaning, and you cannot demonstrate Israel's actions fall under it.
Instead, you choose to lie.
Why do you lie?

Why do you need to use such a snarky and insulting tone?

Did you pop another one of your inflatable, life sized Netanyahu sex dolls?

Yes, Genocide does have a specific meaning and everyone on the planet except for a handful of ignorant and noisy Zionist shills knows that Netanyahu's right wing regime is committing it.

Please notice that I did not say "Israel" or "the Jews" but "Netanyahu's right wing regime"

I do not hate Israel and wish the best for peaceful and rational Israelis.

Gaza' native residents are being systematically exterminated because Israel's ruling right wing wants to annex Gaza as part of their "Greater Israel" delusion and hand it over to greedy, foreign "Settlers" / Israel's Human Shields.

Educated and ethical Jews(1) and non Jews (2) around the world recognize that IDF's repeated bombing of homeless, hungry, sick and traumatized refugees is no "war".

What do you think that one of Netanyahu's genocidal henchmen, Avi Dichter, meant when he said: "We are now rolling. out the Gaza Nakba." (3)?

What do you think that Yoav Gallant meant when he said:
“We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we will act accordingly.” (4)?

Of course you'll evade those questions and rely on insulting slurs in hope that no one notices that your lame Hasbara script will hide the fact that you know nothing except what's poured into your head by pro Israel, Western MSM and your Hasbaraa Handbook.

(1) “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED

(2). "The Majority of Americans Now Disapprove of Israel’s Genocide, Polling Finds"

EXCERPT "New polling finds that the majority of the American public now say that they disapprove of Israel’s genocidal siege of Gaza. Approval of the assault has plummeted over the course of a few months as Israel slaughtered at least 33,000 Palestinians and continues its destruction of Gaza with impunity.

According to a Gallup survey conducted last month, 55 percent of Americans say that they disapprove of Israel’s “military action” in Gaza — up from a minority of 45 percent in a November Gallup poll." CONTINUED

(3). "Benjamin Netanyahu Is the War Criminal of the Year"

"Experts aren't mincing words about the Israeli leader's brutal and disproportionate response to the October 7 Hamas attacks."

EXCERPT "Israeli officials, in their own words, seem to tacitly acknowledge that their critics’ worst fears are far from unfounded. In early November, Israeli security cabinet member and Agriculture Minister Avi Dichter said “We are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba,” referring to the war against Palestinians and seizure of territory that marked Israel’s founding in 1948." CONTINUED

(4). “A Textbook Case of Genocide”

“Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?”

“Why researchers fear the Gaza death toll could reach 186,000”

EXCERPT “If a permanent ceasefire were declared today, you might think the death toll would stop there. But warfare doesn’t just kill people through direct violence. In recent years, epidemiologists who study the spread of disease during armed conflict have begun to count what they call the indirect casualties of war. These deaths are caused by factors such as malnutrition, lack of medication, and unsanitary living conditions – the reverberations of warfare, which follow inevitably and predictably from it.”CONTINUED
What do you think that Yoav Gallant meant when he said:
“We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we will act accordingly.” (4)?
Thats the same policy the Allies used against the Germans in WWII

Total war may look like genocide to uneducated progressives, but its quite different from Hitler’s policy for the Jews

if you cant tell the difference then you should educate yourself
Thats the same policy the Allies used against the Germans in WWII

Total war may look like genocide to uneducated progressives, but its quite different from Hitler’s policy for the Jews

if you cant tell the difference then you should educate yourself

Why do Netanyahu's gaggle of genocidal shills keep pretending that the Gaza genocide is a "war" when only one side has military aircraft, heavy artillery, tanks, a navy, tactical nuclear weapons, illegal genotoxic ordinance, and all the bombs, blood and bullets that AIPAC can extort from America.

Add up the number of tanks, military aircraft, military ships and heavy artillery that Hamas has and get back to me.

The only people who think that the Gaza genocide is a "war" are those who have never been in one.
Why do Netanyahu's gaggle of genocidal shills keep pretending that the Gaza genocide is a "war" when only one side has military aircraft, heavy artillery, tanks, a navy, tactical nuclear weapons, illegal genotoxic ordinance, and all the bombs, blood and bullets that AIPAC can extort from America.

Add up the number of tanks, military aircraft, military ships and heavy artillery that Hamas has and get back to me.

The only people who think that the Gaza genocide is a "war" are those who have never been in one.
What Hamas did to innocent civilians on oct 7 was an act of war

Israel is responding to a war it did not start
Why do Netanyahu's gaggle of genocidal shills keep pretending that the Gaza genocide is a "war" when only one side has military aircraft, heavy artillery, tanks, a navy, tactical nuclear weapons, illegal genotoxic ordinance, and all the bombs, blood and bullets that AIPAC can extort from America.

Add up the number of tanks, military aircraft, military ships and heavy artillery that Hamas has and get back to me.

The only people who think that the Gaza genocide is a "war" are those who have never been in one.
…And those propagandized by a deceitful controlled media.
What Hamas did to innocent civilians on oct 7 was an act of war

Israel is responding to a war it did not start
Idiot. You know nothing of the history. That is clear from your post.

Hamas was responding to decades of oppression and murder. However, killing innocents is always a war crime and they are guilty of this but Israel, who you ignorantly support unconditionally, is far more guilty.

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