Harris needs to support a two state solution

That is the only way forward in the war between gaza and Israel. One state controlled by the moderates for the Palestinian. This would allow israel to control its land the way they choose and strengthen their rights to exist as the Palestinians couldn't act like like they had a right to live in it.

Harris needs to campaign on this and promise that she will push for the two state solution. The central government of palestine needs to take control of gaza and force out hamas....Needs to be a real nation on the map.
The two-state solution is a scam, that the Palestinians should reject, especially now due to Israhell's genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza, which has slaughtered tens of thousands of civilians. The so-called two-state "solution" only gives the Palestinians 20% of the land and that 20% is already full of Jewish, rabidly Zionist settlements. That's far from fair and just, hence Palestinians should take much more than 20%. If not everything at least half, 50% should be Palestine, and the Jewish Zionist settlements in Palestinian territory need to close down.
Harris best let the Semites settle their matters between themselves. Primarily she needs to concentrate on her Achilles heel in this campaign, that being the situation taking place on our own border.
The Lukud party wants greater Israel , which means the eradication of any muslim

The problem being, they're surrounded ,outmanned and outgunned by muslims

This is what Yahoo is asking Congress to support

Israeli Bedouin and Israeli Persians and Israeli Arabs have a place in Israeli Society

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