Zone1 Black People Know what we face, and Why it happens. It's Time Some Others Started Doing more Listening than Lecturing

Black people may know what they face, but you don't.
And here we see another retard who thinks I'm not black. Where is the evidence?

The words from some moron who was using multipe identities whiLe accusing me of doing what he was? Have you seen that guy here lately? Have you asked yourself what happened to him? I haven't seen him for a while, so... Keep looking at my picture every day and thinking it's fake.
Allegedly the original poster is a white gay man in his 70s posing as a far left black guy to cause a stir. And he allegedly has eight gimmick accounts on the site.

That is not to say some blacks have his type of attitude.. they do, but they are a fringe minority of the whole country.

Everyone knows that every group of people white or black have descendants who went through having to deal with being slaves or treated poorly. Everyone went through this. Stop making this out as if Blacks in America 2024 somehow deserve free money because that’s what you think im2. Get out of here.
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And here we see another retard who thinks I'm not black. Where is the evidence?

The words from some moron who was using multipe identities whiLe accusing me of doing what he was? Have you seen that guy here lately? Have you asked yourself what happened to him? I haven't seen him for a while, so... Keep looking at my picture every day and thinking it's fake.
Everyone knows it. The jig is up, time to move on like you have before.
Everyone knows it. The jig is up, time to move on like you have before.
Everyone knows what? Because I'm not going anywhere.

What kind of retardation makes you think blacks love the racism we see so much that I have to be faking as somebody white in an internet forum to tak about white racism?

You're still mad because I got your racist ass black deaths thread shut down.

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