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Zone1 Wealth is disproportionately skewed towards White households.

White jews arrived here abd recived the same government benefits every other white person received.

And there there is this:

White Jews should understand why Black Americans need reparations now​


"As a white person, as a Jewish person and as the descendant of Holocaust survivors who have benefited from the German reparations program,"

After the Holocaust, Germans collectively engaged in “cheshbon nefesh,” or soul-searching, as they grappled with the horrors of the Shoah and senseless death they inflicted upon European Jews. This soul-searching has been embodied by the German government’s economic reparations, as well as a shift in their education system and national identity to ensure the Holocaust and its horrors are well understood and not forgotten.

Just as it’s customary to give tzedakah before Shabbat, it should be customary to give reparations. This is a heightened obligation because of the concept of tzedakah: Like reparations, Judaism teaches that money, wealth and land ownership are not truly ours to keep. The individualist capitalist system is a symptom of white supremacy and is antithetical to Jewish values.

So are you really a practicing JewLisa, or do you pretend to be a Jew here in order to try getting away with racism? Because your opinions are antithetical to the beiefs of judiasm. Futhermore, White Jews not only got US Government assistance, butthey recieved reparations fronm Germany and still do today.

Germany will pay more than $1.4 billion next year to survivors of Nazi atrocities​

JUNE 15, 2023

The German government will pay more than $1.4 billion next year to Holocaust survivors, in the latest compensation for atrocities and persecution inflicted by the Nazis.

Money includes direct payments and hardship funds​

As of September 2022, an estimated 280,000 Holocaust survivors were living in countries around the world, the Claims Conference said.

The money for 2024 includes $535 million in direct payments to survivors, ranging from monthly pensions to a one-time annual payment of 1,250 euros ($1,365) per person.

The compensation payment slated for 2024 eclipses the more than $1.2 billion Germany agreed to pay in 2023.

Germany has paid compensation and restitution for decades​

As the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum notes, 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust, along with millions more civilians and soldiers from the former Soviet Union, and people who were Polish, Serbian or from the Roma minority. The Nazis also orchestrated the wholesale murders of people with disabilities and homosexuals.

The Claims Conference has been pursuing reparations from the German government since 1951, when it was founded by a coalition of Jewish organizations, and has secured more than $90 billion in payments.

And Jews have been complaining about Anti Semitism in America since they got here. Because anti semitism exists and they face it. So they have a right to do so. But the white racist wantsto gaslight.
SURVIVORS of the Holocaust.
Due to the cumulative effects of past and modern racist policies, whites control a disproportionate amount of wealth in this country. Hard work, focusing on education, having children when you are married, merit, and everything whites here have ran their mouths about don't have a damn thing to do with this.

"Looking at the population as a whole, White households hold 86.8 percent of overall wealth in the country according to the 2019 SCF, though they account for only 68.1 percent of the households in the survey. By comparison, Black and Hispanic households hold only 2.9 and 2.8 percent of wealth, respectively, while accounting for 15.6 percent and 10.9 percent of the US population respectively, reflecting the fact that wealth is disproportionately skewed towards White households."
Just remember that for over 50 years the government subsidized white women who had chidren out of wedlock.

Slavery has not been mentuoned here.
No, it called excluding others from weath accumulation. Stop repeating racist tropes.

Nope. The culture of black Americans by and large is rotten and until you fix it you will continue to fail. Makes no difference to me.
Nope. The culture of black Americans by and large is rotten and until you fix it you will continue to fail. Makes no difference to me.
It's about to. I've shown evidence of how the governmemt provided whites the equivalent of 1 quintillion dollars in the last century that blacks did not get and you produce this bs. America culture is rotten and it allows non whites like you to latch on to white supremacy.
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Many white people work hard and strive for an education.

So do many black people.

When as many black people as white people work hard and strive for education, that wealth imbalance will be corrected.

Trump was helping by lowering the black unemployment rate to its lowest in history. That allowed for more entry-level jobs which are step stones to middle class and wealth accumulation.

Biden imports illegal aliens to work those entry-level jobs, and off he books, so they don't contribute to social security.

Best thing you can do for black people is to vote for Trump.
It's about to. I've shown evidence of how thegivernmemt provided whites the equivalent of 1 quintillion dollars in the last century that blacks did not get and yu produce this bs. America culturee is rotten and it allows non whites like you to latch on to white supremacy.

Culture like this?

Many white people work hard and strive for an education.

So do many black people.

When as many black people as white people work hard and strive for education, that wealth imbalance will be corrected.

Trump was helping by lowering the black unemployment rate to its lowest in history. That allowed for more entry-level jobs which are step stones to middle class and wealth accumulation.

Biden imports illegal aliens to work those entry-level jobs, and off he books, so they don't contribute to social security.

Best thing you can do for black people is to vote for Trump.
We worked 244 years dawn to dusk for free. We worked another 100 years at discount. And today we work just as hard to get 82 cents for every 1 dollar a white man earns for doing the same thing. Stop being white with this condescending crap. We have worked hard. We have got educated. BIDEN created the lowest black unemployment rate in history, not trump. So Biden is not importing illegals to work so called entry level jobs and blacks are qualified for more than entry level work. Maybe its time for all you right wingers to get out of that racist delusion you live in.
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Culture like this?

I can find similar stupidity from whites. People like you love quoting King.

“It would neither be true or honest to say that the Negros problem is what it is because he is innately inferior or because he is basically lazy and listless or because he has not lifted himself by his own bootstraps. To find the origins of the Negro problem we must turn to the white man’s problem.”
-Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
From “the book”? Your source?

That’s your OWN book! BTW, how were your sales on Amazon? I’ve published two, and each sold 20,000 copies.
He quotes his own book. His name is Isaac Madison here is the photo on his author
page on Amazon
Sure look familiar? Best Sellers Rank: #4,673,047 in Kindle Store. It was published by a Boutique publisher, Dorrance Publishing. Houses like that are paid by the author to market his/her book, NOT by any expectance of success.
Any surviving slaves should get reparations. That’s it.

Black Reparations for Twentieth Century Federal Housing Discrimination: The Construction of White Wealth and the Effects of Denied Black Homeownership​

This paper examines the U.S. government’s instigation, participation, authorization, and perpetuation of federal housing discrimination against black-Americans from the 1930s to the 1980s and the damage that such discrimination caused and continues to cause today. Delving into the U.S. government’s twentieth century federal housing practices, this paper discusses how the government effectively barred black-Americans from obtaining quality housing and from investing in housing as wealth, while simultaneously subsidizing and endorsing white homeownership, white suburbs, and white wealth. Quantifying the U.S. government’s discriminatory practices with current wealth gaps between white- and black-American communities, this paper discusses the effects of twentieth century federal housing discrimination and argues that such government-initiated wrongs justify black reparations.

Part I examines the U.S. government’s housing practices—from the New Deal until the 1968 Fair Housing Act and its 1988 Amendments—to reveal that although the New Deal’s national housing programs revolutionized homeownership and home equity in the United States, the U.S. government’s federal housing programs were racially discriminatory. Specifically, and quite shockingly, the U.S. government actively created and promulgated racist neighborhood rating systems that constructed black neighborhoods and black property as unstable, volatile, hazardous, and not worthy of investment. Using these racist rating systems, the federal government endorsed racial covenants and invested federal money into the creation and accumulation of white wealth, the value of whiteness, white suburbia, and white homeownership. Meanwhile, the government denied blacks federal housing funding, fueling black stigma and barring black-Americans from the invaluable twentieth century opportunities of homeownership and home equity.

Understanding the U.S. government’s discriminatory housing practices, Part II discusses and quantifies the effects of the government’s housing discrimination on black-American households and communities. Finding that approximately 120 billion 1950s dollars—or more than 1.239 quintillion 2019 dollars—were invested to subsidize and create white-American wealth through homeownership....

This happened after slavery and your famiiy benefitted from it.
Since things went way past slavery and impact us now that's not going to happen.
You’ve been given priority over whites to get into college for two generations. That’s reparations enough.

If there are still problems in the black underclass after 40 years of favoritism and special advantages, then the cause is elsewhere: having babies out of wedlock, which leads to poverty and crime.

Time to stop blaming whites for the poor decisions that many blacks make, and be accountable.

And finally, here’s the question no blacktivist will answer:

If racism causes blacks to remain mired in poverty, what accounts for the fact that most blacks moved beyond it - to the working class or middle class? What is different about the majority of blacks have moved OUT of poverty?
And black survivors of American white racism should get reparations as well.
Another thought is the fact that blacks living in a two parent household have incomes higher than the white median. This means that lower incomes for median blacks is more of a function of the absence of a father than racism.
He quotes his own book. His name is Isaac Madison here is the photo on his author
page on Amazon View attachment 979060 Sure look familiar? Best Sellers Rank: #4,673,047 in Kindle Store. It was published by a Boutique publisher, Dorrance Publishing. Houses like that are paid by the author to market his/her book, NOT by any expectance of success.
Unreal. He is merely using this forum to lash out at whites because his book didn’t get the reach he wanted.

And that title? Oh my - just screams of that victimhood mindset he accuses others of. Liberal universities are rewriting entrance exams, or removing them all together, in order to leapfrog blacks over whites who are better students than them. That’s not what I’d call a knee to the neck.
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