Zone1 People who die temporarily, come back, and say they were in Hell

I'll take my chances. I do not believe in Hell, or saints either. I think people make videos on YouTube about every freakin' thing under the sun and none of it proves anything.

Nobody KNOWS whether there is an afterlife and a Hell, nobody. Not even you. You can believe what you want, it's your right and your choice. But my right to believe whatever I think is true is not one bit more or less than yours. So you can spin whatever story you want to, I don't care.
Yeh, that good old God, Freedom. It will land you in the Hell you don't believe in.

I know ASIDE from my religion that there is a Hell. I know from the experiences I"ve had in life. (My experiences confirm my Faith.. over and over)

No, I won't tell you or anyone what those experiences are because, for one, you wouldn't listen.. waste o'time for me to bother. I think I can count on one hand the people on the forum who actually listen to what others are saying.

In any case, God will reveal to you in time that there is indeed a Hell. I know He will because He doesn't want you going there.
There are many others who had a NDE and didn't go to Hell. Either way, it's all conjecture. Personally, I'd like to think there is no such place; I think Hell is an illusory construct that was created about 1700 years ago to scare people into joining the Catholic Church.
Everyone has a unique experience after death because everyone is a unique person, different from all others, and yet the same in the sense that God's laws apply to all equally..

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