The danger of religion

We do have the First Amendment codifying the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.

Conservatives of course have contempt for both the First Amendment and the Framers’ mandate, where civil suits are our only recourse to combat the Christo-fascist right’s authoritarian agenda hostile to settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence.
It's amazing how many of you leftists can't understand that the Founders intent was to have no STATE RELIGION.
The Amalekites.

1 Samuel 15:18

18 And the LORD sent you on a mission, and said, ‘Go and utterly destroy the sinners, the Amalekites, and fight against them until they are exterminated’.
Well okay, they might have been sinners like the Sodom and Gomorrah sinners.
Like I said, I'm a Catholic NT guy. The NT supersedes the OT.
How about we do not "make" them do either. If a parent wants to raise their child under a specific religion then that should be up to them without the nanny Govt being involved.

I take it you are one more Christian that has never read the Bible.

God calls for genocide in the OT. God orders his people to kill all women and children and even livestock.

Try reading the holy book for your religion for a change
Evolution Requires That Unfit Genos Need to Be Cided

That scripture is justified by what we know about the subhuman savages who have always inhabited that area. If truth could be told instead of sold to OPEC, the Hebrews were no different from the advanced American pioneers, who in fact took them as a role model.

Our frontier forefathers even took Hebrew names, as evidenced by the British calling them "Brother Jonathan."

Instead of having to sue religious pedophiles to cease and desist attacking our children, we need laws with teeth to go after these religious zealots.

The developing minds of our kids are very susceptible to the pollution spread by those nutcases, and their efforts to influence youngsters with absolute bs should be made criminal, with severe punishment. But, good luck with that since you have, like Oklahoma, religious radicals in charge of the education of children.
The Founders also thought there should be a Bible in every classroom.

Via the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 John Adams, for example, wrote:
". . .In contemplating the political institutions of the United States, I lament, that we waste so much time and money in punishing crimes, and take so little pains to prevent them. We profess to be republicans, and yet we neglect the only means of establishing and perpetuating our republican forms of government, that is, the universal education of our youth in the principles of Christianity, by means of the Bible. For this divine book, above all others, favors that equality among mankind, that respect for just laws, and all those sober and frugal virtues, which constitute the soul of republicanism.[3]. . ."

Before anti-God, anti-religion "wokeness" overtook the public schools, most educators thought some knowledge of the Bible was important because of its impact/influence on music, art, literature, and, of course, religion, the foundations of a people's culture.

There is a difference between teaching Biblical content as history and cultural influence on the values, principles, morals, laws, etc. of a nation--this should never be excluded--and teaching religious doctrine and dogma which should not be part of a public school curriculum.
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The NT doesn't eliminate the history of or the prophecies concerning Israel. It fulfills many of them especially regarding Jesus.
Harpy in #5 misuses the OT to say God said genocide was cool, go forth and kill women and children.
I still prefer to say the OT was superseded by the NT, especially if the OT prophesied about Jesus. I call that "planned obsolescence". (when He comes listen carefully)

Instead of having to sue religious pedophiles to cease and desist attacking our children, we need laws with teeth to go after these religious zealots.

The developing minds of our kids are very susceptible to the pollution spread by those nutcases, and their efforts to influence youngsters with absolute bs should be made criminal, with severe punishment. But, good luck with that since you have, like Oklahoma, religious radicals in charge of the education of children.
Humanist Hypocrisy

You're going too far in your secularism, emoting just like a sectarian fanatic who wants to stamp out all heresy. This is no different from the Protestant Reformation imitating Catholic tyranny instead of minding its own business.

Schoolchildren need something to simplify things until enough real-life experience gives them the maturity to make their own decisions about moral issues.

Instead of having to sue religious pedophiles to cease and desist attacking our children, we need laws with teeth to go after these religious zealots.

The developing minds of our kids are very susceptible to the pollution spread by those nutcases, and their efforts to influence youngsters with absolute bs should be made criminal, with severe punishment. But, good luck with that since you have, like Oklahoma, religious radicals in charge of the education of children.

Whatever problems you think radical religious people are bringing to the table it’s much worse when it comes to the left. With regards to left-wing racism against white people it’s wide open and from positions of power. And there is no real religious supremacy in the USA. That is made up by the left wing. Nobody in this country is forced to become a Christian. No matter what you say again nobody in this country is forced to become a Christian. We are Christian majority country so we are going to have Christian values.

The largest Christian demographic in the USA are black women so what are you gonna say now?

The largest atheist demographic in the USA are white men. Again, what are you gonna say about this

It’s not what you think. The radical left has brainwashed you.

Instead of having to sue religious pedophiles to cease and desist attacking our children, we need laws with teeth to go after these religious zealots.

The developing minds of our kids are very susceptible to the pollution spread by those nutcases, and their efforts to influence youngsters with absolute bs should be made criminal, with severe punishment. But, good luck with that since you have, like Oklahoma, religious radicals in charge of the education of children.
Having the 10 Commandments in school or even the Bible taught at public schools in a Christian majority country does not constitute what you’re thinking.

Again, nobody is forced to become Christian in this country. You gotta get over this man. In a country where we literally have racism against white people from major corporations who have hiring quotas for “minorities” …how can you say the things you say.

If you live in Muslim or Jewish majority country and they taught Islam or Judaism in public schools, but did not force you to become Jewish or Muslim. I mean you get the point
The radical left constantly makes things up about people.

Whereas when it comes to criticizing the left, it’s because of what they say like the racist idea that white homeless people are privileged

If we had major corporations saying they will only hire white men, if we had public schools, forcing their students to become Christian then the original poster would have a point. But of course that’s not the case. And so the radical left continues to lie about peoples positions and make things up.

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