Media Suppression - RNC and carpet bombing Gaza

Israeli's control water and electricity availability, regulate medicine imports and medical equipment imports and deny travel in or out of Gaza by requiring special permission, mostly denied too.
Egypt has a common border with Gaza. Egypt is an Arab state. Egypt could provide those services or Gaza could use some of the money they use for tunnels and rockets to provide their own infrastructure. STFU. You haven't provided anything more than whining about what Gaza brought on themselves. Israel should close that border tighter than a drum. They owe Gaza nothing more than the whooping they are currently getting.
The Palestinians become stuck and crowded into Gaza, a once lovely cosmopolitan coastal region, where Jews, Arabs and Christians had lived together for centuries.
Until Palestinians and Hamas took control of Gaza nineteen years ago. Until 2005, Gaza had Israeli settlements that were self sustaining. Then Hamas came along. Run along you're uninformed--and NO, I am not the slightest bit concerned what happens to terrorists that murder, rape, torture and kidnap innocent civilians. You're barking up the wrong tree if you're looking for a sympathetic ear from me IDGAF, GFY.
Israeli's control water and electricity availability, regulate medicine imports and medical equipment imports and deny travel in or out of Gaza by requiring special permission, mostly denied too.
They have to control imports because Gaza was importing weapons for Hamas, supplies to build rockets, and concrete to help build tunnels. Most of those wanting to travel out of their country were terrorists trying to attack Israel. Why should they ever need to leave?
Because Egypt isn't the country that imposes all the restrictions on Gaza or enforces the wall security that surrounds Gaza.
Well, you are wrong! Egypt enforces the blockade also. They don't want Hamas in power any more than Israel does. How the fuck can you be so ignorant?

This is well documented but what does reality matter to a Zionist genocide denier.

Your moniker is clearly a joke, "Concerned"? well you're obviously not concerned about facts.
You are simply a Hamas sycophant. There is no genocide like Hamas wants against Israel.
Egypt has a long association with Gaza. During the Nakba hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were expelled from their homes and became refugees. These moved North, East and South. The refugees poured over the borders into Lebanon, Jordan and Syria but Egypt refused to accept any south moving refugees.

The Palestinians become stuck and crowded into Gaza, a once lovely cosmopolitan coastal region, where Jews, Arabs and Christians had lived together for centuries.

Israel thus turned Gaza into a huge refugee camp and that's what the "Gaza strip" is and has been since the fake state of "Israel" appeared on the map like the ugly cancer that it is. Gaza is an Israeli made huge refugee camp.

Many of the refugees in Gaza came from Arab villages near Gaza, that had been ethnically cleansed by the Israelis, do you know what those Arab villages became? They became Jew-only "settlements" the very same settlements that decades later Hamas attacked on October 7th 2023.

Try opening a book not written by a Zionist for once in your life.
My God, do you need a history lesson. Very little of your comments are true. It would take all day to show all of your lies. Why don't you just admit you are biased and don't care for facts. That way you can live with knowing everything you post is a lie.
My God, do you need a history lesson. Very little of your comments are true. It would take all day to show all of your lies. Why don't you just admit you are biased and don't care for facts. That way you can live with knowing everything you post is a lie.
Please list just a few lies he stated.

This should be hilarious.
My God, do you need a history lesson. Very little of your comments are true. It would take all day to show all of your lies. Why don't you just admit you are biased and don't care for facts. That way you can live with knowing everything you post is a lie.

If anybody needs a real history lesson it's America's infestation of traitorous Zionist shills who are so gullible and bigoted that they're easily duped into hating people they've never met and about whom they know nothing.

You've clearly never set foot in the Middle East or heard from any of Palestine's native residents or Nakba survivors or else you wouldn't blindly parrot anything and everything that's poured into your head by pro Israel MSM (1) and Hollywood.

Even Israeli propagandists regard their disloyal American "Israel Firsters" as easily duped and ignorant suckers (2) who can be manipulated into cheerleading what ethical Jews(3) and non Jews around the world recognize as raw genocide.

Anyone who knows anything about the true nature of warfare should not be surprised at Gaza's death toll of over 180,000 (4) which will certainly spiral upward as long as IDF continues bombing refugee camps and blocking aid to the starving, sick and homeless.

It takes a special type of myopia to think that Netanyahu and his henchmen are going to make anyone more secure by systematically exterminating even more of Gaza's native residents.

If loyal Americans aren't careful, Israeli lobbies and America's traitorous "Israel Firsters" are going to manipulate America into sacrificing even more blood and resources fighting another War for right wing Israeli Regional Hegemony. (5), (6)

How many loyal Americans want to soak distant soil with the blood of more young American G.I.s so that right wing Zionists can rule their "Greater Israel"?

What is Greater Israel? Why is the idea ...

(1). “Studies continually show strong pro-Israel bias in western media”

EXCERPT “Mainstream western media outlets are, by and large, infused with a pro-Israeli ideological bias that colors nearly all mainstream Western reporting on Israel-Palestine.

Israel is assumed to be good, peaceful, and like ‘us’. The Palestinians, meanwhile, are backwards, violent, and foreign. These are the assumptions that most western news outlets start with,..." CONTINUED

What Do Israelis Think About Americans? Start With Disdain.

EXCERPT " Though Israel is a famously fractious society, Israelis tend to agree on one thing: Their strongest supporters are an inherently dupable people.

“Most Israelis think Americans are pro-Israel and we can sell them anything, especially mud from the Dead Sea,” said David Lifshitz, the lead writer for the Israeli comedy show “Eretz Nehederet,” or “Wonderful Land.”

“Or — just regular mud with a ‘Dead Sea’ sticker on it.”

But it’s not just American tourists whom many Israelis see as guileless. American foreign policy is held up to similar scrutiny here, even as Israel receives billions of dollars in foreign aid from the United States each year.

The naivete Israelis perceive in Americans is not just something they believe only Israel’s adversaries exploit; Israelis believe they can do so, too — and do. In a secretly recorded video of a 2001 discussion with a group of terror victims in the Ofra settlement in the Israeli occupied West Bank, now-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu laid out this widely held perception.

“I know what America is,” Netanyahu, told the settlers. “America is a thing that can be easily moved, moved in the right direction. CONTINUED

(3). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED

(4). Why researchers fear the Gaza death toll could reach 186,000

EXCERPT "If a permanent ceasefire were declared today, you might think the death toll would stop there. But warfare doesn’t just kill people through direct violence. In recent years, epidemiologists who study the spread of disease during armed conflict have begun to count what they call the indirect casualties of war. These deaths are caused by factors such as malnutrition, lack of medication, and unsanitary living conditions – the reverberations of warfare, which follow inevitably and predictably from it." CONTINUED

AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003

(6). "Top Pentagon adviser says ‘Israeli lobby’ funds officials who want war"

"Douglas Macgregor blamed pro-Israel policy for driving the United States into the Iraq conflict after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks,"

EXCERPT "Douglas Macgregor, a top adviser to President Donald Trump’s new acting defense secretary, routinely blames “the Israeli lobby” and “neocons” for pushing the United States into wars.

CNN’s KFile uncovered interviews in which Macgregor, a decorated combat veteran who appears frequently on Fox News and other conservative media, says “pro-Israel” donors and the pro-Israel lobby are behind efforts to drive the United States into war." CONTINUED
My God, do you need a history lesson. Very little of your comments are true. It would take all day to show all of your lies. Why don't you just admit you are biased and don't care for facts. That way you can live with knowing everything you post is a lie.
That's convenient and frankly, cowardly, especially for a man purportedly enmeshed with the military ethos.

To complain about "all of your lies" and at the same time fail to point any out, with the feeble excuse "it would take all day" is embarrassing to read, how you were able to write and post it is truly mystifying.

Are you a man or a mouse hiding behind a John Wayne photograph, a renowned racist and draft dodger and antisemite.
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If anybody needs a real history lesson it's America's infestation of traitorous Zionist shills who are so gullible and bigoted that they're easily duped into hating people they've never met and about whom they know nothing.

You've clearly never set foot in the Middle East or heard from any of Palestine's native residents or Nakba survivors or else you wouldn't blindly parrot anything and everything that's poured into your head by pro Israel MSM (1) and Hollywood.

Even Israeli propagandists regard their disloyal American "Israel Firsters" as easily duped and ignorant suckers (2) who can be manipulated into cheerleading what ethical Jews(3) and non Jews around the world recognize as raw genocide.

Anyone who knows anything about the true nature of warfare should not be surprised at Gaza's death toll of over 180,000 (4) which will certainly spiral upward as long as IDF continues bombing refugee camps and blocking aid to the starving, sick and homeless.

It takes a special type of myopia to think that Netanyahu and his henchmen are going to make anyone more secure by systematically exterminating even more of Gaza's native residents.

If loyal Americans aren't careful, Israeli lobbies and America's traitorous "Israel Firsters" are going to manipulate America into sacrificing even more blood and resources fighting another War for right wing Israeli Regional Hegemony. (5), (6)

How many loyal Americans want to soak distant soil with the blood of more young American G.I.s so that right wing Zionists can rule their "Greater Israel"?

View attachment 981039

(1). “Studies continually show strong pro-Israel bias in western media”

EXCERPT “Mainstream western media outlets are, by and large, infused with a pro-Israeli ideological bias that colors nearly all mainstream Western reporting on Israel-Palestine.

Israel is assumed to be good, peaceful, and like ‘us’. The Palestinians, meanwhile, are backwards, violent, and foreign. These are the assumptions that most western news outlets start with,..." CONTINUED

What Do Israelis Think About Americans? Start With Disdain.

EXCERPT " Though Israel is a famously fractious society, Israelis tend to agree on one thing: Their strongest supporters are an inherently dupable people.

“Most Israelis think Americans are pro-Israel and we can sell them anything, especially mud from the Dead Sea,” said David Lifshitz, the lead writer for the Israeli comedy show “Eretz Nehederet,” or “Wonderful Land.”

“Or — just regular mud with a ‘Dead Sea’ sticker on it.”

But it’s not just American tourists whom many Israelis see as guileless. American foreign policy is held up to similar scrutiny here, even as Israel receives billions of dollars in foreign aid from the United States each year.

The naivete Israelis perceive in Americans is not just something they believe only Israel’s adversaries exploit; Israelis believe they can do so, too — and do. In a secretly recorded video of a 2001 discussion with a group of terror victims in the Ofra settlement in the Israeli occupied West Bank, now-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu laid out this widely held perception.

“I know what America is,” Netanyahu, told the settlers. “America is a thing that can be easily moved, moved in the right direction. CONTINUED

(3). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED

(4). Why researchers fear the Gaza death toll could reach 186,000

EXCERPT "If a permanent ceasefire were declared today, you might think the death toll would stop there. But warfare doesn’t just kill people through direct violence. In recent years, epidemiologists who study the spread of disease during armed conflict have begun to count what they call the indirect casualties of war. These deaths are caused by factors such as malnutrition, lack of medication, and unsanitary living conditions – the reverberations of warfare, which follow inevitably and predictably from it." CONTINUED

AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003

(6). "Top Pentagon adviser says ‘Israeli lobby’ funds officials who want war"

"Douglas Macgregor blamed pro-Israel policy for driving the United States into the Iraq conflict after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks,"

EXCERPT "Douglas Macgregor, a top adviser to President Donald Trump’s new acting defense secretary, routinely blames “the Israeli lobby” and “neocons” for pushing the United States into wars.

CNN’s KFile uncovered interviews in which Macgregor, a decorated combat veteran who appears frequently on Fox News and other conservative media, says “pro-Israel” donors and the pro-Israel lobby are behind efforts to drive the United States into war." CONTINUED
I knew nothing of this Nazinyahu tape thanks!

Secretly taped during a 2001 meeting with terror victims in the settlement of Ofra, Netanyahu's words display a hostility and venom towards Israel's peace partners entirely consistent with his approach to negotiations with the Palestinians over the years. "America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. They won't get their way", he said, referring to his plans for a "broad attack on the Palestinian Authority ... [one which would] bring them to the point of being afraid that everything is collapsing".

"They asked me before the election if I'd honour [the Oslo accords]", he went on. "I said I would, but ... I'm going to interpret the accords in such a way that would allow me to put an end to this galloping forward to the 1967 borders. How did we do it? Nobody said what defined military zones were. Defined military zones are security zones – as far as I'm concerned the entire Jordan Valley is a defined military zone. Go argue." In this way, he concluded, "I de facto put an end to the Oslo accords."

Incredible he laughs at the US and ridicules them openly declaring he manipulates them to do his will, then this gets leaked to the outside world and then the US still bends over to let the Zionists give them a reaming every time they feel like it and hand them a 3 billion dollar check afterwards.

He admits to undermining all efforts to build a "peace process" basically admitting to deceiving everyone he's sincere when he doesn't give a f**k.

Watch, every "American patriot" here, every "friend of Israel" here, everyone who has "unconditional support for our ally Israel" should feel ashamed of themselves, but they won't say a goddam thing.

The Zionist xenophobes are the most arrogant and entitled bunch of trouble makers ever to piss on the United States.

That any American can describe themselves as a patriot and at the same time defend and INVITE TO SPEAK TO CONGRESS, a lying scumbag racist mass murderer who harbors nothing but contempt for us, is frankly unbelievable.

Only a people totally deluded and brainwashed could allow themselves to be shat on to this degree.
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I knew nothing of this Nazinyahu tape thanks!

Incredible he laughs at the US and ridicules them openly declaring he manipulates them to do his will, then this gets leaked to the outside world and then the US still bends over to let the Zionists give them a reaming every time they feel like it and hand them a 3 billion dollar check afterwards.

He admits to undermining all efforts to build a "peace process" basically admitting to deceiving everyone he's sincere when he doesn't give a f**k.

Watch, every "American patriot" here, every "friend of Israel" here, everyone who has "unconditional support for our ally Israel" should feel ashamed of themselves, but they won't say a goddam thing.

The Zionist xenophobes are the most arrogant and entitled bunch of trouble makers ever to piss on the United States.

That any American can describe themselves as a patriot and at the same time defend and INVITE TO SPEAK TO CONGRESS, a lying scumbag racist mass murderer who harbors nothing but contempt for us, is frankly unbelievable.

Only a people totally deluded and brainwashed could allow themselves to be shat on to this degree.

You're very welcome for the Netanyahu tape but I'm afraid that it does not include some of the more revealing statements he has made.

For example:
“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” - Benjamin Netanyahu

That pretty well sums up the true nature of the US - Israel alliance.

Israel's current, right wing Zionist regime is not America's ally and, in fact, it spies on the US more than any other country in the world (1) and then sells America's top secrets to the highest bidder.

More than one attentive American has observed that America will not be conquered by overt hostilities from without but rather taken down by treacherous and insidious, foreign agents working from within.

As you probably guessed after reading my previous comment, I no longer consider America's infestation of traitorous "Israel Firsters" to be just annoying, I feel that with Israel's "Sampson Option", Israel is a greater threat to America than any other that exists today.

For example, during the '73 War",Israel threatened to use its nuclear weapons if the US didn't rush more conventional weaponry for Israel to use against the Arabs.
The US, of course, caved in to that earlier instance of Israel's nuclear blackmail.

Israel's 100 parasitic lobbies are, ironically, the only foreign agents and "Dual Citizens"in the world who do not have to register with the State Department. Because they do not have to register as foreign agents, they can more effectively steal America's top secrets, extract $ Trillions, dupe America into sending it young G.I.s to die fighting Israel's"War on Islam" and evade US Law.

For example, the Symington - Glenn Amendment prohibits any aid to nuclear armed countries who will not sign the NPT. (3) Even though Israel maintains a huge, rogue nuclear arsenal and refuses to sign the NPT, AIPAC, the ZOA and similar Israeli lobbies still manage to extract $ Trillions in US "aid" (4)

How does a government that has repeatedly betrayed, deceived (5), blackmailed (6) and even attacked the US manage to extort so much American blood and resources without infecting America with traitorous Zionist agents to prey on a poorly informed, professionally deceived(5) and easily duped American public?

Since you seemed to enjoy the Netanyahu tapes,, I thought that you might be interested in a few quotes from an individual who will one day join history's other genocidal monsters:

“Stupid pro-Israel Americans - have you heard these quotes from your hero Netanyahu? See below?”

- “It is very good! It will be good for Israel!” Benjamin Nutandyahoo on the 9/11 attacks

- “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002

- “My opinion of Christian Zionists? They’re scum. But don’t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now.”— Benyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu

- “America is something that you can easily maneuver and move in the right direction. And even if they say something, so then they say something – so what? Look, I wasn’t afraid to maneuver the Americans, I wasn’t afraid to go against the UN.” Benjamin Netanyahu

Thanks for your refreshingly civil and well written comments; keep up the good work.

(1). "How Israel Has Betrayed America"

EXCERPT "A recent report by Newsweek magazine that Israel has spied on the United States at “an alarming level” and has done so “more than any other ally does” raises a very serious issue concerning how much Israel has betrayed America, which is something that the American mainstream media have time and again refused to debate in public.

(2) "The Samson Option: Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal And American Foreign Policy"The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal And American Foreign Policy

EXCERPT "Hersh argues that it is virtually certain that Israel received accelerated aid from the United States during the 1973 Yom Kippuf War by "nuclear blackmail," i.e., threatening to use nuclear weapons against the Arab foes." CONTINUED

(3). "Lawsuit Claims Aid to Nuclear Israel Illegal Under Symington Glenn Amendments"
Lawsuit Claims Aid to Nuclear Israel Illegal Under Symington Glenn Amendments - Corporate Crime Reporter

EXCERPT "A lawsuit filed in federal court in Washington, D.C. claims that United States aid to Israel is illegal under a law passed in the 1970s that prohibits aid to nuclear powers that don’t sign the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Such aid violates longstanding bans on foreign aid to non-signatories to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) with nuclear weapons programs, the lawsuit alleges."CONTINUED

(4). "The Costs to American Taxpayers of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: $3 Trillion"$3-trillion.html
By Thomas R. Stauffer
EXCERPT "Similarly, aid to Israel—and thus the regional total—also is understated, since much is outside of the foreign aid appropriation process or implicit in other programs. Support for Israel comes to $1.8 trillion, including special trade advantages, preferential contracts, or aid buried in other accounts. In addition to the financial outlay, U.S.
aid to Israel costs some 275,000 American jobs each year."CONTINUED

(5). “Studies continually show strong pro-Israel bias in western media”

EXCERPT “Mainstream western media outlets are, by and large, infused with a pro-Israeli ideological bias that colors nearly all mainstream Western reporting on Israel-Palestine.

Israel is assumed to be good, peaceful, and like ‘us’. The Palestinians, meanwhile, are backwards, violent, and foreign. These are the assumptions that most western news outlets start with," CONTINUED


The Samson Option Still Threatens the World

EXCERPT "Originally a strategy of last resort retaliation - even if it means Israel’s annihilation - it has developed into being a nuclear bullying strategy to further Israel’s territorial goals through threats and blackmail.

Israel has bullied not only Arab and Muslim nations, but the United States and Russia with its Samson Option threats. Mordechai Vanunu has alleged that Israel uses for purposes of blackmail its ability to "bombard any city all over the world, and not only those in Europe but also those in the United States."CONTINUED
That's convenient and frankly, cowardly, especially for a man purportedly enmeshed with the military ethos.

To complain about "all of your lies" and at the same time fail to point any out, with the feeble excuse "it would take all day" is embarrassing to read, how you were able to write and post it is truly mystifying.

Are you a man or a mouse hiding behind a John Wayne photograph, a renowned racist and draft dodger and antisemite.
See! There you go lying again. John Wayne was a racist, but married 3 Hispanic women, employed Native Americans in his movie instead of paying white actors in makeup, couldn't be a draft dodger as he was never drafted, and had a great relationship with many Jews in the movie industry. You just repeat the lies that have been disproven thousands of times, simply because your stupidity compels it. What you hate is the fact that he was an anti-communist leader in Hollywood.

I have shown your numerous lies and refuted many. your inability to read for comprehension obviously had a negative impact on your education and led to your liberalism. You simply spread old lies that have been refuted and do not care when you are shown to be wrong. That is your character flaw that will be permanent until you wake up!
See! There you go lying again. John Wayne was a racist, but married 3 Hispanic women, employed Native Americans in his movie instead of paying white actors in makeup, couldn't be a draft dodger as he was never drafted, and had a great relationship with many Jews in the movie industry. You just repeat the lies that have been disproven thousands of times, simply because your stupidity compels it. What you hate is the fact that he was an anti-communist leader in Hollywood.

I have shown your numerous lies and refuted many. your inability to read for comprehension obviously had a negative impact on your education and led to your liberalism. You simply spread old lies that have been refuted and do not care when you are shown to be wrong. That is your character flaw that will be permanent until you wake up!

This is antisemitic language so far as I'm concerned:


Please quote just one of my posts where you believe I lied, go on, do it.
This is antisemitic language so far as I'm concerned:

View attachment 982090

Please quote just one of my posts where you believe I lied, go on, do it.
I did. You ignored it.

Yet one of closest friends in the acting field was Sammy Davis, Jr. whom he gave his prized hat to wear while appearing as a cavalry sergeant. He could have demonstrated his racism and anti-Semitism by simply not doing that kind act.

Listen up, you are simply a fool that lacks the education and experience required to form cogent arguments. I will waste no more of my time addressing your stupid and ill-advised comments. You are simply a stupid loser and will always be one!
I did. You ignored it.
You didn't say anything for me to ignore, once again quote something I said that was an error.
Yet one of closest friends in the acting field was Sammy Davis, Jr. whom he gave his prized hat to wear while appearing as a cavalry sergeant. He could have demonstrated his racism and anti-Semitism by simply not doing that kind act.
Racists always have black friends to mask their true character. Beside his phrase "that Jew Kissinger" would get a person into trouble if it was recorded in a meeting.
Listen up, you are simply a fool that lacks the education and experience required to form cogent arguments.
And you rely on ad-hominem to fool people, you have no authority of me, I don't take orders like you, I am not afraid to step out of line like you are.
I will waste no more of my time addressing your stupid and ill-advised comments. You are simply a stupid loser and will always be one!
Explain these Jews please


There are thousands of such people and they agree with me, they'd not call me the silly names you call me, they'd not claim I was a "stupid loser" so how to reconcile your pro-Military, US focused fantasy narrative with reality.

While you're at it explain this too:

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You didn't say anything for me to ignore, once again quote something I said that was an error.

Racists always have black friends to mask their true character. Beside his phrase "that Jew Kissinger" would get a person into trouble if it was recorded in a meeting.

And you rely on ad-hominem to fool people, you have no authority of me, I don't take orders like you, I am not afraid to step out of line like you are.

Explain these Jews please

View attachment 982466

There are thousands of such people and they agree with me, they'd not call me the silly names you call me, they'd not claim I was a "stupid loser" so how to reconcile your pro-Military, US focused fantasy narrative with reality.

While you're at it explain this too:

View attachment 982468
You are now on my ignore list as you are unable to be educated. Have a miserable existence in your ignorant life.
You are now on my ignore list as you are unable to be educated. Have a miserable existence in your ignorant life.
I owe you an apology, I always thought that you were a cold, unimaginative, tight-lipped officer. But you're really quite emotional, aren't you?

You are now on my ignore list as you are unable to be educated. Have a miserable existence in your ignorant life.

I'm glad Netanyahu came and spoke in front of Congress — Because it showed in such iconic imagery what the US government has become. They are enthusiastic cheerleaders for genocide. They are the excited minions of mass butchers. They are the toadies of blood-soaked aggression. They are the courtesans of death & destruction.
Many of us have known it for a long time, but it's good to see such clear imagery proving it. - Lee Camp
They have to control imports because Gaza was importing weapons for Hamas, supplies to build rockets, and concrete to help build tunnels. Most of those wanting to travel out of their country were terrorists trying to attack Israel. Why should they ever need to leave?

Well, you are wrong! Egypt enforces the blockade also. They don't want Hamas in power any more than Israel does. How the fuck can you be so ignorant?

You are simply a Hamas sycophant. There is no genocide like Hamas wants against Israel.

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