If anybody needs a real history lesson it's America's infestation of traitorous Zionist shills who are so gullible and bigoted that they're easily duped into hating people they've never met and about whom they know nothing.
You've clearly never set foot in the Middle East or heard from any of Palestine's native residents or Nakba survivors or else you wouldn't blindly parrot anything and everything that's poured into your head by pro Israel MSM (1) and Hollywood.
Even Israeli propagandists regard their disloyal American "Israel Firsters" as easily duped and ignorant suckers (2) who can be manipulated into cheerleading what ethical Jews(3) and non Jews around the world recognize as raw genocide.
Anyone who knows anything about the true nature of warfare should not be surprised at Gaza's death toll of over 180,000 (4) which will certainly spiral upward as long as IDF continues bombing refugee camps and blocking aid to the starving, sick and homeless.
It takes a special type of myopia to think that Netanyahu and his henchmen are going to make anyone more secure by systematically exterminating even more of Gaza's native residents.
If loyal Americans aren't careful, Israeli lobbies and America's traitorous "Israel Firsters" are going to manipulate America into sacrificing
even more blood and resources fighting
another War for right wing Israeli Regional Hegemony. (5), (6)
How many loyal Americans want to soak distant soil with the blood of more young American G.I.s so that right wing Zionists can rule their "Greater Israel"?
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(1). “Studies continually show strong pro-Israel bias in western media”
EXCERPT “Mainstream western media outlets are, by and large, infused with a pro-Israeli ideological bias that colors nearly all mainstream Western reporting on Israel-Palestine.
Israel is assumed to be good, peaceful, and like ‘us’. The Palestinians, meanwhile, are backwards, violent, and foreign. These are the assumptions that most western news outlets start with,..." CONTINUED
What Do Israelis Think About Americans? Start With Disdain.
EXCERPT " Though Israel is a famously fractious society, Israelis tend to agree on one thing: Their strongest supporters are an inherently dupable people.
“Most Israelis think Americans are pro-Israel and we can sell them anything, especially mud from the Dead Sea,” said David Lifshitz, the lead writer for the Israeli comedy show “Eretz Nehederet,” or “Wonderful Land.”
“Or — just regular mud with a ‘Dead Sea’ sticker on it.”
But it’s not just American tourists whom many Israelis see as guileless. American foreign policy is held up to similar scrutiny here, even as Israel receives billions of dollars in foreign aid from the United States each year.
The naivete Israelis perceive in Americans is not just something they believe only Israel’s adversaries exploit; Israelis believe they can do so, too — and do. In a secretly recorded video of a 2001 discussion with a group of terror victims in the Ofra settlement in the Israeli occupied West Bank, now-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu laid out this widely held perception.
“I know what America is,” Netanyahu,
told the settlers. “America is a thing that can be easily moved, moved in the right direction. CONTINUED
(3). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”
EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.
We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED
(4). Why researchers fear the Gaza death toll could reach 186,000
War doesn’t just kill people through direct violence. Malnutrition, healthcare shortages and unsanitary conditions inevitably follow
EXCERPT "If a permanent ceasefire were declared today, you might think the death toll would stop there. But warfare doesn’t just kill people through direct violence. In recent years, epidemiologists who study the spread of disease during armed conflict have begun to count what they call the indirect casualties of war. These deaths are caused by factors such as malnutrition, lack of medication, and unsanitary living conditions – the reverberations of warfare, which follow inevitably and predictably from it." CONTINUED
AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003
(6). "Top Pentagon adviser says ‘Israeli lobby’ funds officials who want war"
"Douglas Macgregor blamed pro-Israel policy for driving the United States into the Iraq conflict after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks,"
Douglas Macgregor blamed pro-Israel policy for driving the United States into the Iraq conflict after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks,
Douglas Macgregor, a top adviser to President Donald Trump’s new acting defense secretary, routinely blames “the Israeli lobby” and “neocons” for pushing the United States into wars.
CNN’s KFile
uncovered interviews in which Macgregor, a decorated combat veteran who appears frequently on Fox News and other conservative media, says “pro-Israel” donors and the pro-Israel lobby are behind efforts to drive the United States into war." CONTINUED