Media Suppression - RNC and carpet bombing Gaza

Israeli's control water and electricity availability, regulate medicine imports and medical equipment imports and deny travel in or out of Gaza by requiring special permission, mostly denied too.
Egypt has a common border with Gaza. Egypt is an Arab state. Egypt could provide those services or Gaza could use some of the money they use for tunnels and rockets to provide their own infrastructure. STFU. You haven't provided anything more than whining about what Gaza brought on themselves. Israel should close that border tighter than a drum. They owe Gaza nothing more than the whooping they are currently getting.
The Palestinians become stuck and crowded into Gaza, a once lovely cosmopolitan coastal region, where Jews, Arabs and Christians had lived together for centuries.
Until Palestinians and Hamas took control of Gaza nineteen years ago. Until 2005, Gaza had Israeli settlements that were self sustaining. Then Hamas came along. Run along you're uninformed--and NO, I am not the slightest bit concerned what happens to terrorists that murder, rape, torture and kidnap innocent civilians. You're barking up the wrong tree if you're looking for a sympathetic ear from me IDGAF, GFY.
Israeli's control water and electricity availability, regulate medicine imports and medical equipment imports and deny travel in or out of Gaza by requiring special permission, mostly denied too.
They have to control imports because Gaza was importing weapons for Hamas, supplies to build rockets, and concrete to help build tunnels. Most of those wanting to travel out of their country were terrorists trying to attack Israel. Why should they ever need to leave?
Because Egypt isn't the country that imposes all the restrictions on Gaza or enforces the wall security that surrounds Gaza.
Well, you are wrong! Egypt enforces the blockade also. They don't want Hamas in power any more than Israel does. How the fuck can you be so ignorant?

This is well documented but what does reality matter to a Zionist genocide denier.

Your moniker is clearly a joke, "Concerned"? well you're obviously not concerned about facts.
You are simply a Hamas sycophant. There is no genocide like Hamas wants against Israel.
Egypt has a long association with Gaza. During the Nakba hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were expelled from their homes and became refugees. These moved North, East and South. The refugees poured over the borders into Lebanon, Jordan and Syria but Egypt refused to accept any south moving refugees.

The Palestinians become stuck and crowded into Gaza, a once lovely cosmopolitan coastal region, where Jews, Arabs and Christians had lived together for centuries.

Israel thus turned Gaza into a huge refugee camp and that's what the "Gaza strip" is and has been since the fake state of "Israel" appeared on the map like the ugly cancer that it is. Gaza is an Israeli made huge refugee camp.

Many of the refugees in Gaza came from Arab villages near Gaza, that had been ethnically cleansed by the Israelis, do you know what those Arab villages became? They became Jew-only "settlements" the very same settlements that decades later Hamas attacked on October 7th 2023.

Try opening a book not written by a Zionist for once in your life.
My God, do you need a history lesson. Very little of your comments are true. It would take all day to show all of your lies. Why don't you just admit you are biased and don't care for facts. That way you can live with knowing everything you post is a lie.

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