Take a look at this picture and tell me what you see...

The problem they'll have if they try and steal another election is the tech industry is no long on team Harris. Musk holds much more power and influence than Lindell. Apparently Vance has high connections to tech industry elite. If people remember Jarred's connection to the tech industry played a big role in TRUMP's 2016 win.
"ballot harvesting" is how they will try to steal it aka ballot box stuffing.
Seems that your parents were good ole conservatives, raising up daughters who were told how to make it on their own. What happened? Why do you need some old Democrat to assist you in your life? Or make your life much harder as Joe Biden did with his reckless spending thus making high fuel and food prices? How about all those illegals being allowed to come in, thus making it harder to supply you with medical needs?
I, and my sister have never needed any government assistance, though I did collect unemployment benefits once in my life for a pretty short period, same with the hubby, once.... Wait, wait....we did use the GI Bill to get our first mortgage for the first home we bought together, but Matt earned that benefit.... And Matthew was permanently injured while serving, so we do get his smaller VA Disability check each month....but again, I don't feel like that is any kind of mooching, though some might call it so??

I have no issues with helping people who really need help. And as an Air Force brat, living in many foreign lands that dad was stationed at, I'm pretty comfortable around foreign people who don't speak our language and when I was a teen I lived in Miami, and New York City for parts of it too, which was similar to a foreign country, with people who only spoke their natural tongue and not English....I've always found foreigners interesting and wanted to learn more about their customs and especially their Foods!!! 😁.

I just never differentiated foreign language speaking people from English speaking people, they were all just people....even those I competed with for jobs, the foreign country where they were born, simply never mattered....it just wasn't even on the radar....maybe I was too young to understand, or because politics was completely off the radar my first 20 years of building my own career....I just saw all foreigners living here as Americans or future Americans.

Politics was NEVER EVER discussed in our family, I didn't even know my dad was a registered Democrat until adulthood, because as a Military man, he supported 100% every commander in chief he ever worked for, no matter the party.

Democrats may not all be conservatives as they once were in my dad's era,

But Republicans and recent MAGA republicans are the farthest thing from being conservative, NOW a days.... they try to talk a good talk, but do the exact opposite. They are no better than democrats, they spend spend spend like drunken sailors while giving tax cuts making deficits and the national debt larger....

They certainly have their share of people who are not more moral or upstanding than democrats, too.

And the hatred they promote day and night, for all things not Trump blessed, is simply too much for me to stomach.
When you are old... it is very hard to hand over the car keys, to someone who loves and cares about you.

My dad is now 92, and he has no plans on giving them up, without a major fight! It is going to be very painful for my sister and I, along with him, when that day comes to make that move.

Biden surely was not ready in his head, to rule himself out for being too old 3 or 4 years from now...but he also knows how badly he did at the debate and it was all over but the shouting for him.

His insistence of staying in the race in my opinion, was buying time for him and his campaign to figure out how he could resign and not leave democrats in chaos at the convention and divided, which would only be a loss for our democratic republic....and do nothing to help democrats win seats in November, or the presidency. The Biden team did some polling and put feelers out....and came to their own conclusion that Harris was the best shot with just 3 weeks before the convention.

Biden was definitely part of this decision by him, and the party....to pick Harris as his heir with no time left for a primary contest.

Yes, I'm certain it was also sad and hard to do for Biden, but he did the right thing, and he will go down in history for doing the right thing, (especially after his debate performance)

Biden's abdication had nothing to do with people who loved and cared about him. He was thrown under the bus because his DNC handlers knew that he'd never beat Trump. He never would have left on his own volition, and you can bet he was either threatened in some manner, or offered a deal he couldn't refuse.

We already saw the DNC do the same thing to Bernie Sanders back in 2020 when he acquiesced to Hillary Clinton. Sanders was lucky enough to earn a new mansion after dropping out, but Biden was lucky to get out alive.
Yes. We all know what you were told to believe. Notice the word alleging. It was a lawsuit against all rental property owners. Was nothing more than normal background, employment and credit checks.
Got anything else?
THEORETICALLY----background checks cannot be used to deny
rentals. ----THEORETICALLY-----but it is done all the time
Biden's abdication had nothing to do with people who loved and cared about him. He was thrown under the bus because his DNC handlers knew that he'd never beat Trump. He never would have left on his own volition, and you can bet he was either threatened in some manner, or offered a deal he couldn't refuse.

We already saw the DNC do the same thing to Bernie Sanders back in 2020 when he acquiesced to Hillary Clinton. Sanders was lucky enough to earn a new mansion after dropping out, but Biden was lucky to get out alive.
Think what you want....

And yes, of course the goal of Democrats is to prevent the crooked, unAmerican, disgraced and felonious Trump from sitting in the oval. That was Biden's goal too....

If Biden hadn't had this poor performance debate, he'd still be in the running.... But he did have a debacle of a debate performance that was surprising to many democrats, and likely even himself....the writing was on the wall, Biden's team saw it and knew it....before he timed his withdrawal from the race. He worked with all those DNC higher ups making visits with him that you thought were to force him to quit, but were really meetings to make the best move for the party under these circumstances, for when he would make his quit running announcement imo.
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