Take a look at this picture and tell me what you see...

It was that way till the well into the 1900s. The current primary system did not start till the 1950s.

And I would say that if you look at the quality of candidates before and after it came about, I would say it has not made things better.
Believe it or not, I can agree with you on that.

I think Jefferson was the first one where a party selected him....The oddly named Democratic-Republican Party.

It was that way till the well into the 1900s. The current primary system did not start till the 1950s.

And I would say that if you look at the quality of candidates before and after it came about, I would say it has not made things better.
Look at harpy, saying a democratic vote is unimportant.

Like 2020? Right?
Lets see, Donald Trump was nominated without having to promary. He didn't show up for debates and he was basicaly installed.

I know you're butthurt because Biden beat you guys again, but Democratic voters are supporting Harris and have no problem with the process. What you butthurt scrubs think doesn't matter.

Because the voters voted for BIDEN/HARRIS. Since she was on the ticket, she gets the votes. Too bad.

Sorry but you got it backwards.
The republican "bosses" did everything they could to prevent TRUMP from getting the nomination. The difference is republicans don't group people into victimhood groups so they don't hold as much control over the base.

People voted for Biden/Harris, NOT Harris and whoever.
If you think this embarrasses Democrats it doesn't. They blatantly set fire to democracy in full public view without batting an eyelash. I think we have underestimated how corrupt and evil the Dem party has become. With this useless gas bag seat warmer they must have a pretty solid plan to steal the election again.

The problem they'll have if they try and steal another election is the tech industry is no long on team Harris. Musk holds much more power and influence than Lindell. Apparently Vance has high connections to tech industry elite. If people remember Jarred's connection to the tech industry played a big role in TRUMP's 2016 win.
I see 14,465,519 American voters who were surreptitiously disenfranchised, and whose votes were fraudulently stolen.

And for those who were always saying they wanted to do away with the Electoral College, I see that Trump won the popular vote.


View attachment 984989
I see a popular vote (confusing to most people) - image below help? Think hard.

I see Biden won over 81% of Democratic primary voters vs Trump winning over 76% of Republican voters.

I see almost 20% of Republican voters thought Trump should take a hike and withdraw from politics all together.

pop vote usmb nuts.png
And you will take any unamerican means to do it, because you have lost your minds. We know, honey. You show us every day.
The democratic voters do not feel disenfranchised, or feel what happened was against the contest rules, because it wasn't.

Joe came to his senses, and as he did, sacrificed his own ambition, for the Nation after the interventionists pointing clearly to the lack of confidence after his debate, that he was on shaky ground on confidence of being able to last another 4 years, at his age with his own voters....

And of course, the Biden campaign's own internal polling after the poor showing debate, showed he had no chance of getting all democrats out to vote for him. But he also foresaw chaos at the convention could occur picking a new candidate to replace him....which would or could spit the party and democrats lose anyway, with or without him as a candidate....

When he resigned from running again, by choosing the vice president as his heir and making it very vocal...with just 3 weeks before the convention, Biden set democrats on the path they need in order to beat Donald Trump, or at least have a chance at it, with 1 candidate to support and not division, and all the money from the Biden / Harris campaign in her campaign kitty.

It is still a Hail Mary, no doubt....but it will energize the democratic voters to get out to vote for their other candidates running....their feelings of despair, would have kept them home, and not voting at all.... Which would be doubly worse for the nation without democrats in at least one part of Congress, holding a Democratic majority, to hold back Trump from all of his authoritarian wishes!
I asked why you left the other state, so you could come to Florida? Was it because you couldnt afford to live in the other state anymore?
Maine, where we live, is cheaper than Florida, where my parents and older sister lives. Our overhead in Maine is near nothing because we own this home, outright with no mortgage and own the cars too.

My reason to return to Florida, is because my elderly parents and older sister, need help....we are trying to figure out how to do that, with still keeping this cape cottage that we live in, in Maine, as a summer escape from the Florida sweltering heat....
The democratic voters do not feel disenfranchised, or feel what happened was against the contest rules, because it wasn't.

Joe came to his senses, and as he did, sacrificed his own ambition, for the Nation after the interventionists pointing clearly to the lack of confidence after his debate, that he was on shaky ground on confidence of being able to last another 4 years, at his age with his own voters....

And of course, the Biden campaign's own internal polling after the poor showing debate, showed he had no chance of getting all democrats out to vote for him. But he also foresaw chaos at the convention could occur picking a new candidate to replace him....which would or could spit the party and democrats lose anyway, with or without him as a candidate....

When he resigned from running again, by choosing the vice president as his heir and making it very vocal...with just 3 weeks before the convention, Biden set democrats on the path they need in order to beat Donald Trump, or at least have a chance at it, with 1 candidate to support and not division, and all the money from the Biden / Harris campaign in her campaign kitty.

It is still a Hail Mary, no doubt....but it will energize the democratic voters to get out to vote for their other candidates running....their feelings of despair, would have kept them home, and not voting at all.... Which would be doubly worse for the nation without democrats in at least one part of Congress, holding a Democratic majority, to hold back Trump from all of his authoritarian wishes!

Your not very good at reading people's faces, are you? Go back and watch the televised speech Joe Biden made when he announced that he's dropping out. Watch his eyes, hands, and body language. There's no way in hell that his dropping out was his own decision. Look at the hurt in his eyes. It was almost like he read that speech while someone offstage was pointing a gun to his head.

You can parrot the same MSNBC and The View's talking poinst that he dropped out to "protect democracy" and bring some "fresh new faces" into the election, but that's a blatant lie. And if there's one thing everybody knows, Joe Biden has never been a convincing liar.
The Democrats are now the party of the Backroom Elite Dealmakers.
Well then, once biden drops out, HOW would SweetSue92 suggest that the (D) nominate a Candidate?

This is the most unamerican crap I can imagine
Let's hear your solution, because there IS a solution, and you appear to know the solution, so again......Tell US all how the (D) should proceed to nominate a replacement candidate for biden?
Maine, where we live, is cheaper than Florida, where my parents and older sister lives. Our overhead in Maine is near nothing because we own this home, outright with no mortgage and own the cars too.

My reason to return to Florida, is because my elderly parents and older sister, need help....we are trying to figure out how to do that, with still keeping this cape cottage that we live in, in Maine, as a summer escape from the Florida sweltering heat....
Need help? How? Financially?
There's no way in hell that his dropping out was his own decision. Look at the hurt in his eyes.
YOU wanted biden gone.
You got your wish.
You kept telling us how 'unfit' biden was for office.

Why so butthurt now?
What process should the (D) have used in replacing biden?
What's your solution?
Your not very good at reading people's faces, are you? Go back and watch the televised speech Joe Biden made when he announced that he's dropping out. Watch his eyes, hands, and body language. There's no way in hell that his dropping out was his own decision. Look at the hurt in his eyes. It was almost like he read that speech while someone offstage was pointing a gun to his head.

You can parrot the same MSNBC and The View's talking poinst that he dropped out to "protect democracy" and bring some "fresh new faces" into the election, but that's a blatant lie. And if there's one thing everybody knows, Joe Biden has never been a convincing liar.
When you are old... it is very hard to hand over the car keys, to someone who loves and cares about you.

My dad is now 92, and he has no plans on giving them up, without a major fight! It is going to be very painful for my sister and I, along with him, when that day comes to make that move.

Biden surely was not ready in his head, to rule himself out for being too old 3 or 4 years from now...but he also knows how badly he did at the debate and it was all over but the shouting for him.

His insistence of staying in the race in my opinion, was buying time for him and his campaign to figure out how he could resign and not leave democrats in chaos at the convention and divided, which would only be a loss for our democratic republic....and do nothing to help democrats win seats in November, or the presidency. The Biden team did some polling and put feelers out....and came to their own conclusion that Harris was the best shot with just 3 weeks before the convention.

Biden was definitely part of this decision by him, and the party....to pick Harris as his heir with no time left for a primary contest.

Yes, I'm certain it was also sad and hard to do for Biden, but he did the right thing, and he will go down in history for doing the right thing, (especially after his debate performance)
Need help? How? Financially?
Not financially...my parents have been misers and penny pinchers their whole life to save for retirement...us girls had no easy road of them buying us our first cars, or paying for college in full....we had to work jobs to get those things with a little help from my parents....so now that they are old, they could live another 50 years and not run out money....we could use some help from them, not them needing help from us when it comes to money...

My older sister needs help taking care of them....she is going to be 70 in a couple of years and had a health care scare herself, and wants to travel and live life before she gets too old, but feels she can not leave town because something could happen to them while she is gone....my parents want nothing to do with any kind of caretaker, even temporary.... sigh....

Besides the fact that my parent's lives are running short, maybe another 5 to 10 years and I would like to spend more time with them, while freeing up my sister's caretaker obligations, to be able to live an active life and vacation with friends, at least for a few months of the year....this year, we are going down there for November through March.
Nope. The dem DEI voters are the racists.
The only reason leftardians believe Trump is a racist is you are told so. Zero evidence. Just kook feeeeelllzzzz.
In October 1973, the FBI Civil Rights Division filed a lawsuit against Trump Management Company, Donald Trump and his father Fred Trump, alleging that African-Americans and Puerto Ricans were systematically excluded from apartments.
Not financially...my parents have been misers and penny pinchers their whole life to save for retirement...us girls had no easy road of them buying us our first cars, or paying for college in full....we had to work jobs to get those things with a little help from my parents....so now that they are old, they could live another 50 years and not run out money....we could use some help from them, not them needing help from us when it comes to money...

My older sister needs help taking care of them....she is going to be 70 in a couple of years and had a health care scare herself, and wants to travel and live life before she gets too old, but feels she can not leave town because something could happen to them while she is gone....my parents want nothing to do with any kind of caretaker, even temporary.... sigh....

Besides the fact that my parent's lives are running short, maybe another 5 to 10 years and I would like to spend more time with them, while freeing up my sister's caretaker obligations, to be able to live an active life and vacation with friends, at least for a few months of the year....this year, we are going down there for November through March.
Seems that your parents were good ole conservatives, raising up daughters who were told how to make it on their own. What happened? Why do you need some old Democrat to assist you in your life? Or make your life much harder as Joe Biden did with his reckless spending thus making high fuel and food prices? How about all those illegals being allowed to come in, thus making it harder to supply you with medical needs?
In October 1973, the FBI Civil Rights Division filed a lawsuit against Trump Management Company, Donald Trump and his father Fred Trump, alleging that African-Americans and Puerto Ricans were systematically excluded from apartments.
Yes. We all know what you were told to believe. Notice the word alleging. It was a lawsuit against all rental property owners. Was nothing more than normal background, employment and credit checks.
Got anything else?

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