Zone1 So if I am a Christian, why am I calling people Moron and Neanderthal?

Dogma ~ the doctrine of belief in a religion or a political system. The literal meaning of dogma in ancient Greek was "something that seems true".
that is absoloutely NOT the meaning of Dogma.

Dogma essentially means UN-changing and un-changeable doctrine, objective truth.... "written in stone," if you prefer
Again, the rosary was what made me a Christian, what got to finally seeing things in a more Christian way. Anything that does that is NOT bad no matter what you say.
Non-Catholic Christians probably hold no belief in Marian apparitions. Most Catholics do. Mary is not doing this of her own volition but in obedience, as always, to God. What message has God asked her to give in these appearances? They all have this common theme:
  • Repentance
  • Penance
  • Pray the Rosary
Non-Catholic Christians probably hold no belief in Marian apparitions. Most Catholics do. Mary is not doing this of her own volition but in obedience, as always, to God. What message has God asked her to give in these appearances? They all have this common theme:
  • Repentance
  • Penance
  • Pray the Rosary
Catholics should all have a

Pray the Rosary bumper sticker
that is absoloutely NOT the meaning of Dogma.

Dogma essentially means UN-changing and un-changeable doctrine, objective truth.... "written in stone," if you prefer
The meaning of dogma:
noun: dogma; plural noun: dogmas
  1. a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.
    "the rejection of political dogma"
    article of faith
    credo set of beliefs
    code of belief, set of principles, doctrine

mid 16th century: via late Latin from Greek dogma ‘opinion’, from dokein ‘seem good, think.

We have splintered Christ's church into 45,000 different doctrines, each sure their opinion is right.
I'm not getting everything you wrote here. And no one on the forum has claimed to know God perfectly. I certainly don't understand how He seems to let certain people do evil and even seems to reward them (in this life). I mean, the immoral in Hollywood come to mind. They do every evil under thesun, yet they have everything anyone could want (that money can buy, that is)

But oh well. God is mystery
The only reason I listen to Satan is because he is more accessible than God.

Honestly, neither God nor Satan visits me.

God has never visited me.

I don't know what God looks like.

Satan has never visited me.

I don't know what Satan looks like.

Neither God nor Satan has ever visited me or any other person in this thread. The dishonesty really gets to me sometimes.

Maybe I'll just call the people on here who claim they know what God wants a Moron, Liar, and Neanderthal. I was just letting the OP know that it is ok to call people moron, or Neanderthal. It makes me violently angry when people tell me that God is leading this person or Satan is leading this person. It is as dumb as mint crackers. Nobody talks to God. Even if they do, then they should obey what God says instead of telling other people that they talked to God. Until God speaks to me, I will believe it is a completely disgusting filthy horrible and awful lie to pretend you know what God wants. I will treat you as such whether you are telling the truth or not.

the one I really despise is Satan, who whispers in everyone's ears and tells them to defy God and his Commandments. I actually feel sorry for those who listen to that pos.

This is pure stupid. Satan doesn't whisper in people's ear. Humans do what humans do. We are simultaneously living and dying at the same time. Some decisions we make will lead to death. Some decisions we make will lead to life. No person living or dead has ever made only decisions leading to life or they would live forever. On second thought, even people around them could make decisions leading to death that would affect that person. Humans are just bad sometimes. Humans are just good sometimes.

Relax with your silly mythologies to explain it. You can't explain it. We are just a bunch of silly-nilly's doing a bunch of stuff to grapple with survival and appeasing our foolish human emotions. If Satan was whispering in my ear, I would have eventually captured a picture of him by now and posted it all over the internet. This claim that you are making is so fucking dumb. Satan doesn't whisper in ears. That is stupid, very stupid, extremely fucking stupid. It is infuriating actually that another human over the age of 9 is stupid enough to believe something so immature and childish.
Actually not – it’s you being un-Christian given the fact there’s no such thing as ‘satan.’
I’m not very religious. But I recall that Jesus was tempted by Satan and then directed to get behind Him.

Sounds like it’s not unChristian whatsoever to believe in Satan.
I was feeling guilty about this yesterday, but then I realized that I am not really speaking, when I say such things, to the human person but to the Satan behind him/her.

Yep, it's a true story. It is the evil I hate, not the evil-doer, although I AM human and sometimes... sigh.. hard to separate those 2, to say the least.

Anyway, God showed me (long story how) some time ago that the one I really despise is Satan, who whispers in everyone's ears and tells them to defy God and his Commandments. I actually feel sorry for those who listen to that pos.

The Virgin Mary appeared to 3 peasant children in Portugal in 1917 and told them to pray the rosary and to offer up their sufferings for souls on their way to Hell.

That is what she wants from everyone. She just went through children because... for one, they are teachable.
I'm a Christian yet I call people Morons, Democrats, Idiots or whatever best describes who or what their particular disorder is. It's just being honest.
I trust Jesus more than Catholics. Find any scripture that has Mary whipping out her rosary...
You have no idea what is in someone's heart. Stop judging as though you are God Himself. It doesn't do your credibility any good, assuming you still have any
You have no idea what is in someone's heart. Stop judging as though you are God Himself. It doesn't do your credibility any good, assuming you still have any
I judge what comes out of a person's mouth by setting it side by side with scripture. You judge people. I don't. I quote scripture. I don't address a person's heart. That is between them and God. And I don't attack Catholics or non Catholics.
I have a problem with religious dogma. And as long as what you post is contrary to the Bible, I'll be quoting the scriptures that refutes it.
For instance, you placed your belief that the rapture isn't Biblical because the Bible says Christ comes twice and a rapture would make it three times. I quoted the verse that pointed out your error.
Then they who are alive, shall be caught up together into the clouds with them who remain, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we be ever with the Lord.
^^^^^He never touches this earth at the rapture. WE GO TO HIM in this event.
“Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed” (I Corinthians 15:51-52).
^ Rapture

His 2nd coming will be seen by all and the agenda is completely different than that of the rapture. In this event, HE COMES TO US. At the Mount of Olives, to be exact:
And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives,
Which faces Jerusalem on the east.
And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two,
From east to west,
Making a very large valley;
Half of the mountain shall move toward the north
And half of it toward the south

You based your belief on erroneous understanding. I clarified it...
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I’m not very religious. But I recall that Jesus was tempted by Satan and then directed to get behind Him.

Sounds like it’s not unChristian whatsoever to believe in Satan.
As another poster alluded to, sometimes we humans "feel closer to" Satan than Jesus. That is why Jesus instituted the Eucharist/Real Presence found in His Church... He knows humans better than anyone and knew that we would have many, many moments in which we do not feel close to Him, in which He doesn't even seem real... been there millions of times myself. That is why we all need the Real Presence He gives us.
I judge what comes out of a person's mouth by setting it side by side with scripture. You judge people. I don't. I quote scripture.
I read this far. I won't read further because you are, knowingly or o/wise, telling HUGE un-truths.

Then there's this..


I read this far. I won't read further because you are, knowingly or o/wise, telling HUGE un-truths.

Then there's this..


That's Jesus your trying to invalidate, not me. You give us your arrogant opinion and I counter with correcting scripture. No wonder you don't read it...

So, when will Christ set up His earthly kingdom in His one true church, the Catholic Church?
I’m not very religious. But I recall that Jesus was tempted by Satan and then directed to get behind Him.

Sounds like it’s not unChristian whatsoever to believe in Satan.
well, Jesus obviously did

He was tempted Himself (strangely) by that POS in Chief

He had to know /experience everything we poor, pathetic sinners knows/experiences...

which is one of the greatest things about Jesus, the fact that He knows first-hand what we humans have to deal with on our journey to Heaven.
So, when will Christ set up His earthly kingdom in His one true church, the Catholic Church?

well, since you ask a valid Q after insulting me, I will address this Q (not that you or others will listen, but God knows...)

Even Jesus did not know the EXACT time of when all things will be restored (the 2nd Coming..). The Father withheld that info from Him for reasons unknown to us
well, Jesus obviously did

He was tempted Himself (strangely) by that POS in Chief

He had to know /experience everything we poor, pathetic sinners knows/experiences...

which is one of the greatest things about Jesus, the fact that He knows first-hand what we humans have to deal with on our journey to Heaven.
I believe my post haf noted that for Jesus to be tempted by Satan, Satan had to exist.

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