Zone1 So if I am a Christian, why am I calling people Moron and Neanderthal?

It is said that the greatest deception Satan has ever pulled off is convincing people that he (it really) doesn't exist. :omg:
interesting. I call "him" - "it" also

He doesn't get to be called what humans are called. Humans have a chance to avoid Hell. He doesn't.
interesting. I call "him" - "it" also

He doesn't get to be called what humans are called. Humans have a chance to avoid Hell. He doesn't.
Angels have appeared as males, and Satan will appear as "the man of sin". However, in their spirit state they have no gender.
Angels have appeared as males, and Satan will appear as "the man of sin". However, in their spirit state they have no gender.
Well, I suppose I always "knew" that, but was not thinking about it when i started calling that vile thing "it"

"It" appears to be pure hatred, envy, I guess. Again, we have a chance to be saved, he doesn't
The Virgin Mary appeared to 3 peasant children in Portugal in 1917 and told them to pray the rosary and to offer up their sufferings for souls on their way to Hell
If she did, she gave them poor advice. A rosary is prayer beads attached to rote praying. Jesus described rote praying as something not to do:

Matt 6:7-9 "And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. Therefore do not be like them.

God wants to hear from your heart. He wants communication, not repetition.
If she did, she gave them poor advice. A rosary is prayer beads attached to rote praying. Jesus described rote praying as something not to do:

Matt 6:7-9 "And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. Therefore do not be like them.

God wants to hear from your heart. He wants communication, not repetition.
i trust Mary more than you
I trust Jesus more than Catholics. Find any scripture that has Mary whipping out her rosary...
If she did, she gave them poor advice. A rosary is prayer beads attached to rote praying. Jesus described rote praying as something not to do:
Poor understanding of prayer is not poor advice. Non-Catholic Christians hear "Pray the rosary" and are immediately determined to find reason to excuse themselves.

The rosary was never meant to be "rote praying". It was intended as a meditation on the life of Jesus. Saying, "I'll never pray the Rosary!" is basically exclaiming "I'll never meditate on the life of Jesus or his promises."

The rhythm of the Rosary serves as a focus which keeps one's mind from wandering. The history of the rosary dates back to a tradition of praying the 150 Psalms. There are 150 prayers in the Rosary.

No one has to pray the Rosary, but nor should be disrespectful of prayer they do not understand. In Jesus day, the heathen would, for hours at a time, shout "Artemis is Great!" building hysteria until they passed out from exhaustion. The rosary is nothing like that.
While I understand the reasoning behind it, it still fits the description of praying in rote. What I find problematic in your post is thinking that you have to pray the Rosary or you'll never meditate on the life of Jesus or His promises. Nothing could be farther from the truth. You can meditate on His life and promises all day long without reciting mechanical repetition.
It was never recommended by Jesus or His disciples. If it was important or necessary, they would have told us so.
But the thing that bothers me about the rosary is that it isn't at all about the Savior. It is to and about His mother.
Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen.

Hail who? Jesus gets an honorable mention. There is no mention of His promises, and while intercession in prayer is a good thing, why ask a human to pray for you, when you can go directly to God with your prayers, in Jesus' name?

In fact, if you want someone to intercede on your behalf:
Hebrews 7: 24 And because He is alive, He is able to intercede for us without end. He continues forever.

Romans 8: 34 Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised— who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.
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I was feeling guilty about this yesterday, but then I realized that I am not really speaking, when I say such things, to the human person but to the Satan behind him/her.
Or you could just admit what you did was wrong and move on, rather than rationalizing you weren't.
While I understand the reasoning behind it, it still fits the description of praying in rote.
The prayer is the meditation. That is what you can't seem to understand. The rosary--or rote if that is what you must call it--is to keep outside thoughts from intruding. No one is saying one cannot meditate on the life of Jesus without the rosary, it is saying that it can be of great assist, especially in certain circumstances--overwhelming grief for instance, or stress.

Sometimes I change it up. The Lord's Prayer for the ten beads, the Hail Mary on the five beads or the Glory be to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. However, I have found leaving the prayers as is, bring special and particular focus to the Lord's Prayer and the Glory Be.

why ask a human to pray for you, when you can go directly to God with your prayers, in Jesus' name?
Because we are the family of God. There is more to the Kingdom of God than self and God. "This is all about me" age needs to ripen into something greater.
No one is saying one cannot meditate on the life of Jesus without the rosary,
But, you did say that:
Saying, "I'll never pray the Rosary!" is basically exclaiming "I'll never meditate on the life of Jesus or his promises."
If you believe that quote ^, then the beads have done you a disservice by removing the actual opportunity to meditate on His word and replacing it with reciting someone else's words. I do understand, I just don't agree with the premise of mechanical recitation.
Same thing with the Lord's prayer. It is not an example of what to pray. It is an example of how to pray. It involves praise, repentance, intercession, and personal needs. It can be a lengthy conversation.
Having said that, being raised with Catholics, married to a Catholic, have in-laws who ran St. Mary's church for Father McGee, I am for anything that keeps one's mind on Jesus. I just have an issue with religious dogma.
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While I understand the reasoning behind it, it still fits the description of praying in rote. What I find problematic in your post is thinking that you have to pray the Rosary or you'll never meditate on the life of Jesus or His promises. Nothing could be farther from the truth. You can meditate on His life and promises all day long without reciting mechanical repetition.
It was never recommended by Jesus or His disciples. If it was important or necessary, they would have told us so.
But the thing that bothers me about the rosary is that it isn't at all about the Savior. It is to and about His mother.
Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen.

Hail who? Jesus gets an honorable mention. There is no mention of His promises, and while intercession in prayer is a good thing, why ask a human to pray for you, when you can go directly to God with your prayers, in Jesus' name?

In fact, if you want someone to intercede on your behalf:
Hebrews 7: 24 And because He is alive, He is able to intercede for us without end. He continues forever.

Romans 8: 34 Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised— who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.
You are not wrong
If you believe that quote ^, then the beads have done you a disservice by removing the actual opportunity to meditate on His word and replacing it with reciting someone else's words. I do understand, I just don't agree with the premise of mechanical recitation.
What I meant by that quote is that it is the same as SOMEONE (you, for example) saying that quote. I clearly believe in meditating on Jesus life and the effects it has had down through the ages. Are you telling me I shouldn't meditate on the Gospels? Are you telling me how I must (and must not) meditate on the Gospels?
I just have an issue with religious dogma.
The Rosary is not "religious dogma". However, we may agree that anyone who finds it a distraction shouldn't use it in prayer and find prayer-meditation-contemplation that works best in drawing one close to God. For me, that is contemplation (not the rosary), but I have also known many with great devotion to God who have been blessed by rosary meditations.

I believe it is wrong to sneer at the prayers of anyone. That's not to say we can't say, "In addition, have you ever tried....because that has brought blessings to me."
What I meant by that quote is that it is the same as SOMEONE (you, for example) saying that quote. I clearly believe in meditating on Jesus life and the effects it has had down through the ages. Are you telling me I shouldn't meditate on the Gospels? Are you telling me how I must (and must not) meditate on the Gospels?
You have meditation confused with repetition. And it is even used as an absolution of sin. Say 5 hail Marys...
Out of Jesus' mouth at the sermon on the mount, came, When ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking”
Vain ~ empty or useless.
It is a pagan practice, that takes the place of a sincere conversation. If you use it as a preamble to meditating on Jesus, then it may be counted as righteousness on your part, but it is no substitute for a heart to heart talk with our Father. Why not just talk to Him instead?
The Rosary is not "religious dogma". However, we may agree that anyone who finds it a distraction shouldn't use it in prayer and find prayer-meditation-contemplation that works best in drawing one close to God. For me, that is contemplation (not the rosary), but I have also known many with great devotion to God who have been blessed by rosary meditations.

I believe it is wrong to sneer at the prayers of anyone. That's not to say we can't say, "In addition, have you ever tried....because that has brought blessings to me."
Dogma ~ the doctrine of belief in a religion or a political system. The literal meaning of dogma in ancient Greek was "something that seems true".

The rosary is a belief held by one religion. It is Catholic doctrine not shared by other religions. I'm not sneering at it, and if it brings you closer to God, then I am all for you having faith in it, as a part of your devotion to God, just as I have faith in, "Hi Abba, it's me again, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for Jesus and for your mercy." My thank yous are repetitive. In fact I see me kneeling in front of Jesus for the first few thousand years of eternity just uttering Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you...

I mentioned Father McGee in this thread. We just got a text from my in-laws. Father McGee passed away this morning, at home in his beloved Ireland. He will be missed.
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