Zone1 Without Jesus, people are illogical and crazy (and immoral/unethical...)

Actually, ministers preach that kind of hell and damnation all the time. it's why the Holy Ghost is the key in knowing good from evil and the truth.
Right, there's no Hell

Jesus died to save us from climate change...
I was a mess when I was younger... long story why but my family is not exactly the Waltons!

There was favoritism by our parents and I could go on all day, but the thing is, we were not catechized, even though we went to Mass every Sunday.

That, I see in hindsight, was totally insufficient to produce healthy Christian children/adults.

So yeh, I've read plenty of posters here who were not raised in any Christian religion and frankly, they virtually all say wacky things.. I feel for them, so I pray for them, but the case I know best is my own.

I couldn't overcome a lot of my weaknesses and sins (inclination to sin) until I prayed the rosary. Then I slowly made my way back to the Church and voila... Today I am enthused about Jesus... not just giving him lip service like I was (sporadically) in the past.

Many of the moat illogical, crazy, immoral, and unethical people are Christians.
Many of the moat illogical, crazy, immoral, and unethical people are Christians.


Like St Max Kolbe?
(possible saint) Mother Teresa?
(possible saint) Padre Pio?
St Francis?
St Jude?
St Margaret of Hungary (was wealthy but gave much to the poor people of her day)

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