Zone1 My departure from Catholicism (very long OP)

And you would be wrong. I've never heard it brought up or discussed. Not once. In fact, I've never heard any Catholic say the universe and earth are 6,000 years old. Not one. So, feel free to knock yourself out to prove your theory.
I said nothing about the Catholics who still believe the earth is 6000 years old.
Georges Lemaître, (1894-1966), Belgian cosmologist, Catholic priest, and father of the Big Bang theory.
Science has practically abandoned the big bang theory. Didn't I talk to you about that as it refers to the multiverse theory?

Are you going to do a 180 on the big bang theory or will you postpone that for a while?
The Catholic Church has survived worse popes than Francis??????


I have done a cursory examination of the popes throughout history.

I say Francis is the absolute worst. The bad popes in history did bad things but never PREACHED that such bad acts were acceptable.

You will be assigned to the side that opposes Ding.
I said nothing about the Catholics who still believe the earth is 6000 years old.

Science has practically abandoned the big bang theory. Didn't I talk to you about that as it refers to the multiverse theory?

Are you going to do a 180 on the big bang theory or will you postpone that for a while?
Multiverse and big bang are compatible. Where have you been? We should just make a bull ring thread to keep it all in one place.

If you believe that evolution is such a dividing force in the Church - mind you with zero evidence presented in support - then it goes to reason that the age of the planet would divide the two. Because it certainly does with the other Christian sects who read the bible literally and treat it as a history and science textbook.
Multiverse and big bang are compatible. Where have you been? We should just make a bull ring thread to keep it all in one place.
No, they are not compatible.
If you believe that evolution is such a dividing force in the Church - mind you with zero evidence presented in support - then it goes to reason that the age of the planet would divide the two.
Not necessarily on the age of the planet. Superstitious religious beliefs aren't discarded all in one sitting. And of course tales such as Noah's ark are still reconciled by some to be literally true, even as evolution is accepted.
Because it certainly does with the other Christian sects who read the bible literally and treat it as a history and science textbook.
Most of the other sects are on the edge of batshit crazy! If I had to be a Christian I think I could make the Catholic religion semi-acceptable on their acceptance of evolution alone.

And fwiw, what's left of all the other nonsense tales when evolution has been accepted?

i think there's a good argument can be made for the Catholics already becoming atheists. If not then what do you believe that I can't accpet at least in part?

Do you realize that you're an atheist to easily the majority of the world's Christians? A backslider? You can take that as a compliment!

Even Noah's ark if you can accept that none of the species living on the earth today could have possibly been on that ark.
Accepting Darwinian evolution has inconvenient facts that we can't talk about with Catholics of your brand.
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I departed once from the Francis church

But then I realized it was a mistake. Francis doesn't define what the Catholic Church is. He is a big, fat nothing IMO. Yeh, I know I need to pray for him (more often) but he is not a pope. Popes do not say things that contradict Christ and His Church
The Catholic Church has survived worse popes than Francis??????


I have done a cursory examination of the popes throughout history.

I say Francis is the absolute worst. The bad popes in history did bad things but never PREACHED that such bad acts were acceptable.

Then I suspect you have very little appreciation of history.

There was Stephen VI, a guy who was so corrupt he dug up the body of one of his predecessors and put it on trial.


There was John XII, who was killed by a jealous husband.

Or Pius XII, who supported Hitler.

Francis just wants to make taking care of the poor more important than hating on gay people.
Then I suspect you have very little appreciation of history.

There was Stephen VI, a guy who was so corrupt he dug up the body of one of his predecessors and put it on trial.

View attachment 868600.

There was John XII, who was killed by a jealous husband.

Or Pius XII, who supported Hitler.

Francis just wants to make taking care of the poor more important than hating on gay people.
THAT is a damn LIE about Pius XII. Why do you believe liars? You need to find reliable resources

And since you are WRONG as hell about him, I don't believe the other things you say about other popes except that I did know about the pope being disinterred to stand trial.

In any case, I hope you stop spreading the LIE about Pius XII who opened up the Vatican and monasteries for the Jews
No, they are not compatible.

Not necessarily on the age of the planet. Superstitious religious beliefs aren't discarded all in one sitting. And of course tales such as Noah's ark are still reconciled by some to be literally true, even as evolution is accepted.

Most of the other sects are on the edge of batshit crazy! If I had to be a Christian I think I could make the Catholic religion semi-acceptable on their acceptance of evolution alone.

And fwiw, what's left of all the other nonsense tales when evolution has been accepted?

i think there's a good argument can be made for the Catholics already becoming atheists. If not then what do you believe that I can't accpet at least in part?

Do you realize that you're an atheist to easily the majority of the world's Christians? A backslider? You can take that as a compliment!

Even Noah's ark if you can accept that none of the species living on the earth today could have possibly been on that ark.
Accepting Darwinian evolution has inconvenient facts that we can't talk about with Catholics of your brand.
There's a lot to unpack here. How about I create several bull ring threads to keep them separate?
THAT is a damn LIE about Pius XII. Why do you believe liars? You need to find reliable resources

And since you are WRONG as hell about him, I don't believe the other things you say about other popes except that I did know about the pope being disinterred to stand trial.

In any case, I hope you stop spreading the LIE about Pius XII who opened up the Vatican and monasteries for the Jews

Okay, guy, I get it, I went to Catholic School for 12 years and they didn't tell you about the Cadaver Synod or how John XII was a womanizer who was killed by a jealous husband or of course, anything about Pius XII.

The reality is, Pius XII was "Hitler's Pope".

He was in the pocket of Mussolini and Hitler all the way up until when Rome was liberated.
Okay, guy, I get it, I went to Catholic School for 12 years and they didn't tell you about the Cadaver Synod or how John XII was a womanizer who was killed by a jealous husband or of course, anything about Pius XII.
Some Catholic school. We learned all of the above and more. Were you the one who went to a Catholic school and didn't even have Bibles in the classroom?
He was in the pocket of Mussolini and Hitler all the way up until when Rome was liberated.
Sort of like how you worship Obama's cock 24/7.
There's a lot to unpack here. How about I create several bull ring threads to keep them separate?
I really don't care for the idea of excluding others who may have something important to say about their own 'degree' of Christianness.

Let's place Christians on a scale of 1 to 100. Our one resident literal believer would be the only real '100' we've heard from. Where would you fit in? Somewhere around 75 maybe? You accept both evolution and creation at the same time?

Let's start by unpacking at least one true Christian belief and stop trying to make both evolution and creation work together.
Noah's ark might be a good one?

It may encourage other Christians to try to place themselves on my scale?
Sort of like how you worship Obama's cock 24/7.
Go back and check out some of my posts from 2011. I've been critical of Obama when he deserved it. (Like Libya and Afghanistan).

Some Catholic school. We learned all of the above and more. Were you the one who went to a Catholic school and didn't even have Bibles in the classroom?
Oh, they gave us a pocket New Testament. They really didn't want us seeing the OT. Then we might start asking questions about why God killed babies.
I really don't care for the idea of excluding others who may have something important to say about their own 'degree' of Christianness.

Let's place Christians on a scale of 1 to 100. Our one resident literal believer would be the only real '100' we've heard from. Where would you fit in? Somewhere around 75 maybe? You accept both evolution and creation at the same time?

Let's start by unpacking at least one true Christian belief and stop trying to make both evolution and creation work together.
Noah's ark might be a good one?

It may encourage other Christians to try to place themselves on my scale?
We need a dedicated space so that we can keep the record straight.
The reality is, Pius XII was "Hitler's Pope".

He was in the pocket of Mussolini and Hitler all the way up until when Rome was liberated.
damn lies, at least as far as Pius XII goes. I have read history books on him. But you just want to hate the Catholic Church and hate, for you, rules..
damn lies, at least as far as Pius XII goes. I have read history books on him. But you just want to hate the Catholic Church and hate, for you, rules..

As far as Pius goes, even the fact he stayed neutral is damning enough.

The Axis was the kind of unvarnished evil that the Church is supposedly against, and once the war was safely over, they were happy to denounce it.

Imagine if Pius had gotten on Vatican Radio and announced that the Axis was evil and all good Catholics in Germany and Italy should stop fighting for it. True, he'd have been immediately shot, but he'd go straight to heaven, right?

Not only that, but the Catholic Church also organized a lot of the "Rat-lines" that allowed Nazi War criminals like Eichman and Mengele to escape justice by hiding in Argentina.
As far as Pius goes, even the fact he stayed neutral is damning enough.

The Axis was the kind of unvarnished evil that the Church is supposedly against, and once the war was safely over, they were happy to denounce it.

Imagine if Pius had gotten on Vatican Radio and announced that the Axis was evil and all good Catholics in Germany and Italy should stop fighting for it. True, he'd have been immediately shot, but he'd go straight to heaven, right?

Not only that, but the Catholic Church also organized a lot of the "Rat-lines" that allowed Nazi War criminals like Eichman and Mengele to escape justice by hiding in Argentina.
Pius must have supported his country and Mussolini with a clear conscience that he was on his god's side.

Compare Mussolini to Trump and then try to reconcile how half of Americans or more have supported Trump.
As far as Pius goes, even the fact he stayed neutral is damning enough.

The Axis was the kind of unvarnished evil that the Church is supposedly against, and once the war was safely over, they were happy to denounce it.

Imagine if Pius had gotten on Vatican Radio and announced that the Axis was evil and all good Catholics in Germany and Italy should stop fighting for it. True, he'd have been immediately shot, but he'd go straight to heaven, right?

Not only that, but the Catholic Church also organized a lot of the "Rat-lines" that allowed Nazi War criminals like Eichman and Mengele to escape justice by hiding in Argentina.

To the reader, you can't take at face-value anything that Joe says as he is a compulsive liar just like his spiritual father, Satan, whom he faithfully serves.
To the reader, you can't take at face-value anything that Joe says as he is a compulsive liar just like his spiritual father, Satan, whom he faithfully serves.
Again, I can't take you seriously when you treat Satan like he's real.

PS Your image of Satan has more to do with Dante and Milton than the Bible.
You will be assigned to the side that opposes Ding.
I oppose or not according to the post

I go post by post and don't judge a person by a single post. If someone writes 20 posts that are garbage... time for Ignore
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