Zone1 people who claim homosexual acts are not abhorrent to God any longer (once Jesus came).. annoy me

What is even more funny is how so called Christians love to pick and choose which parts of the Bible they want to follow.
Christians are to judge ALL THINGS, rightly dividing the Word of Truth

The verse so often quoted by pervert lovers actually is translated CONDEMN NOT (as in don't condemn a person to HELL because God may not be finished with that person yet. Bot of course we are to JUDGE ALL THINGS through the Word of God
Haha... so I am a "pervert lover" now? Is that it.
I don't worry about other people as long as they don't affect me or mine.
As long as they are not a part of the child grooming and proselytize about their way of life - they don't bother me.
I don't worry about other people as long as they don't affect me or mine
Neither do I. Nice dodge though. I was addressing you using the Bible to justify what it clearly calls an abomination

I only make statements from the BIBLICAL perspective when others declare it right or wrong AND twist the scriptures to justify their reasoning as you have done.

Don't use the Bible to justify sin and I won't respond.

The Bible says we ARE to judge whether something is right or wrong.

And even you did, but you judged incorrectly.
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Neither do I.

I only make statements from the BIBLICAL perspective when others declare it right or wrong AND twist the scriptures to justify their reasoning as you have done.

Don't use the Bible to justify sin and I won't respond.

For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others--and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.'

Matthew 19:12

Jesus said that not everyone was born the same.
I found this sarcastic --LOL-- comment from Novus Ordo Watch, the only organization these days, it seems, that knows true Catholicism from false. My comments are in italics and brackets [ ]


Some people have a hard time understanding things like, “Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, because it is an abomination” (Lev 18:22), or “Do not err: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor liers with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor extortioners, shall possess the kingdom of God” (1 Cor 6:9-10). The Ten Commandments, of course, are commandments for a reason, otherwise God would have given us Ten Suggestions.

Further commentary on this abominable outrage seems unnecessary, but we offer some extremely important links below for further reading on this if you have not seen them yet (it will be good to keep a barf-bag handy). As for the layman currently playing “Catholic Archbishop of Madrid”, Carlos Osoro, he was first appointed “bishop” by “Saint” [Notice the quotation marks on that word] John Paul II in 1996, and was assigned to his current post by “Pope” Francis (see Catholic Hierarchy).

And Francis? Francis is set to meet publicly with a “married” LGBT activist in Paraguay in less than a month — and besides, he is quite busy with his all-important encyclical on the environment, to be released Thursday. Gotta save the trees, after all. Souls? Not so much… Remember, the Vatican II gospel is the gospel of man.

Yeh, we were supposed to be in the Era of the Cult of Man, as some have called the Vatican II "church." But apparently that did not work out too well so now we have to move right along to the Cult of the Environment, I guess.

What did Jesus say about homosexuality?
Kind of funny how those who claim to love God, could treat another human being worse than an animal just because of the color of their skin.
I don't know anyone who does that. Do you have someone else in mind?

And what could be worse than EATING an innocent being? You do that. I don't.
Neither do I. Nice dodge though. I was addressing you using the Bible to justify what it clearly calls an abomination

I only make statements from the BIBLICAL perspective when others declare it right or wrong AND twist the scriptures to justify their reasoning as you have done.

Don't use the Bible to justify sin and I won't respond.

The Bible says we ARE to judge whether something is right or wrong.

And even you did, but you judged incorrectly.

I didn't twist anything.
God is the judge, not us. Jesus himself broke bread with sinners and communed among them.
He didn't condemn them, chastise them etc.
I still wonder why so many loons hang out in the Religion forum. They have no interest in it except to NOT understand. But like I said in another thread, the demon possessed, the insane and the Atheists have always haunted this forum. I guess they know something is absent in their lives so the just haunt the place
I'm demon possessed and lunatic because I wear clothes made of mixed fibers, eat shellfish and plant mixed crops in my field?

I had not realized that.
You people really are insane. But it was prophesied God would turn you over to Muslim insanity once you abandoned Him
who prophesied that?

and it looks like it just about came true under the milk-toast Obummer

Then Trump came along and all but obliterated ISIS :)

sigh... I miss him

You'll find a lot of that here.
I noticed.

At times we are all like that, trusting in self more than trusting in God.. which is so easy to do bc we do not know a lot about God, despite reading Scripture, attending Church services and/or all the rest that Christians do. That's why we need Jesus.. He is accessible.. The Father.. different story sometimes, although Jesus did say "If you have seen Me you have seen the Father"
"them" ?

If you set the bar for hating God at not following all the laws in Leviticus, you should place yourself in that group as well, because quite surely you are breaking them.
maybe this makes sense to someone but I am not that someone
I'm demon possessed and lunatic because I wear clothes made of mixed fibers, eat shellfish and plant mixed crops in my field?

I had not realized that.
unbelievers are always focused on petty issues, I've noticed

as are liberals in general
I still wonder why so many loons hang out in the Religion forum. They have no interest in it except to NOT understand. But like I said in another thread, the demon possessed, the insane and the Atheists have always haunted this forum. I guess they know something is absent in their lives so the just haunt the place

good assessment. The other poster had it right also, so you 2 work well together :). The other poster said they hate God.

I wonder if they consciously hate Him? Or is it something they just feel in an unconscious way and it manifests in their daily behavior? Only God knows.. but it doesn't matter because the end result is that they objectively hate God and all His people. I once felt hatred toward God because He seemed to be allowing way too much evil in this situation I was in. But then I realized that He created me and He can do things with me I won't like.. kind of a long story.. so it isn't always a bed of thornless roses for anyone, Christian or not..

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