Fake Hate Crimes Database

The latest on Jussie Smollett is that his appeal was rejected. Anyone know if he is in a cell today?

Jussie Smolette was years ago. Again, less than 1 percent of hate crimes claims are hoaxes. No matter how many fakes you show, there will be 9-10 that are real.
Mr. Reilly is a professor of political science at Kentucky State University, and his interest in hate crimes dates to his graduate-school days, when he became aware of several widely reported incidents in the vicinity of his hometown that turned out to be fake. In 2012 a popular gay bar in suburban Chicago was destroyed by fire, and the owner cited homophobia as the reason. The same year, black students at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside reported death threats from hate groups and found a noose hanging from a dorm room door. Ultimately, the owner of the bar pleaded guilty to arson and insurance fraud. And a black student at the university fessed up to sending racist threats and planting a noose.
More incidents followed, and Mr. Reilly’s skepticism grew. “This phenomenon of fake hate crimes did not appear to be small-scale or regionally based,” he writes. A gay pastor in Texas accused a Whole Foods store of selling him a cake with a slur written in icing. The store produced video evidence that the pastor was lying. A white woman in Oregon disfigured her own face with acid and claimed a black man had attacked her. Later, she admitted fabricating the entire story. After signs that read “blacks only” and “whites only” were found at bathroom entrances on the University at Buffalo campus in upstate New York, a black graduate student confessed to posting them.
From the website:
"The purpose of this site is to compile a comprehensive database of the false reports of "hate crimes" committed (mostly) in the USA."


Here is one:

"A group of Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters were convicted on federal charges after attempting to frame the Proud Boys for a series of vandalism and arson attacks the far-left extremists carried out on Atlanta police vehicles and United States Postal Service property during the lead up to the 2020 presidential election." "Wade was sentenced to five years in federal prison for the string of attacks carried out at the time he was out on bond for the Wendy's arson and wearing an ankle monitor."


Same garbage is happening here in the Spokane/Coeur d'Alene area. Whole populations of N. ID are being accused of racist actions and the entire population is being accused of being racist white supremacist on accusations with no evidence. Welcome to Election Season 2024 and more democrat dirty tricks.
I skimmed the link but I was unable to see exactly how the website determines what is fake or real.

Like the church fire a few years ago that was blamed on Trump supporters but turned out to be a church member. Would that be fake? A crime did happen so it would be hard to claim it was a fake, but it also didn’t happen as first alleged.
From the website:
"The purpose of this site is to compile a comprehensive database of the false reports of "hate crimes" committed (mostly) in the USA."


Here is one:

"A group of Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters were convicted on federal charges after attempting to frame the Proud Boys for a series of vandalism and arson attacks the far-left extremists carried out on Atlanta police vehicles and United States Postal Service property during the lead up to the 2020 presidential election." "Wade was sentenced to five years in federal prison for the string of attacks carried out at the time he was out on bond for the Wendy's arson and wearing an ankle monitor."


Hate is a motive, not a physical crime.
A homosexual claims he was assaulted for being a homosexual, but then changed his story.

The man, whom authorities identified as Benson Carroll, a 38-year- old horse trainer, said he borrowed a friend's car to do errands. He said he was abducted at knifepoint at a grocery store by a man he had never met, taken to a trail along Coyote Creek near Highway 101 and Burnett Avenue, was bound, gagged and assaulted. He also said the suspect made derogatory remarks about his sexual orientation.

But after the story aired in the media, an anonymous source steered detectives to the alleged assailant. That man, a 26-year-old whom Hirokawa did not identify, told detectives that Carroll picked him up on Thursday night and took him to a motel in San Jose, where he and Carroll met a third man.

The three stayed there during the night and engaged in "consensual adult activities," Hirokawa said, declining to be more specific.

.....Detectives confronted Carroll with the new information yesterday, and he revised his original story, Hirokawa said.


An Alaska-based Muslim destroyed his own print shop, defacing the equipment with anti-Muslim graffiti

A Syrian-born businessman who got $15,000 in donations after his printing company was vandalized with the message "We hate Arabs" has been convicted of bank fraud.
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A GWU student journalist faked an anti-Semitic hate crime against herself

After evaluating evidence from a hidden camera positioned in response to the swastika postings in Mitchell Hall, University Police have linked the student who filed the complaints to several of the incidents.

Following a final interview with investigators today, the student admitted responsibility for those incidents.

Jewish student behind some dorm swastikas

A Jewish college student who reported swastikas on her dorm door drew some of them herself.

Sarah Marshak, a George Washington University freshman, was caught on tape by a hidden video camera in the sixth incident of swastika drawing on her dormitory door.


Another student was caught and charged Saturday with drawing swastikas and racial slurs in another dormitory. He has been barred from campus.

Americans are not stupid.

They wait for an impartial investigation before believing any accusation of a hate crime.

And some actual hate crimes are not prosecuted as hate crimes.

For example, that Caucasian actor who was just sucker punched by an African American thug.

Of course, New York City will not charge the thug with a hate crime.
There is no irony. I have evidence from 258 years of continung white racism and everything that goes with it.
Blacks disproportionately commit hate crimes according to FBI data.

Facts and Statistics

BTW, if you discount the unknown race and redo the math for just the known races, the percentage of hate crimes committed by blacks increases to 24%.

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