New Fox Poll Favorability Rating

Y'all lefties might have a chance after all if you can really kick out a sitting president that democrats voted to support and replace him on the ticket without a primary or a freaking convention. It's last weeks news anyway.
2020. They were complicit in the theft of the election.
Fake news simp. No election was stolen. Now you guys are going to have to recycle that same old whiny "stolen election" excuse after November (because you have nothing else) and you're going to look even more ridiculous than you did in 2020.
Y'all lefties might have a chance after all if you can really kick out a sitting president that democrats voted to support and replace him on the ticket without a primary or a freaking convention. It's last weeks news anyway.
Harris was on the ticket too. Nobody got replaced.
Biden passed the torch to his VP and endorsed her that's all.
Y'all lefties might have a chance after all if you can really kick out a sitting president that democrats voted to support and replace him on the ticket without a primary or a freaking convention. It's last weeks news anyway.

Political parties are at liberty to nominate candidates as they see fit, including changing who the nominee is.

President Biden withdrew from the race of his own accord for the good of the country.

You and others on the right are spreading such ridiculous lies because you’re upset that President Biden is no longer your opponent – now you’ve got a real race on your hands.
Fake news simp. No election was stolen. Now you guys are going to have to recycle that same old whiny "stolen election" excuse after November (because you have nothing else) and you're going to look even more ridiculous than you did in 2020.
The election was obviously stolen and the wall of lies crumbles more each day.

/—-/ Even Fox uses fake polls of 1,000 to generate headlines. I’m sure the parties internal polls are much different.
From the link:
“The Fox News Poll is conducted under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R). The battleground surveys were conducted July 22-24, 2024, among registered voters randomly selected from a statewide voter file in Michigan (1,012), Minnesota (1,071), Pennsylvania (1,034), and Wisconsin (1,046)”
My wife is predicting a Trump loss because Trump did learn anything from 2020.
The stupid fuck still throws insults instead of putting up solutions.
Women won't vote for an obnoxious bully.
Trump doesn’t really have solutions.

He does have insults, though.

In my opinion, the more Americans have to listen to him, the more they’re going to see how weird he’s gotten.
/—-/ Even Fox uses fake polls of 1,000 to generate headlines. I’m sure the parties internal polls are much different.
From the link:
“The Fox News Poll is conducted under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R). The battleground surveys were conducted July 22-24, 2024, among registered voters randomly selected from a statewide voter file in Michigan (1,012), Minnesota (1,071), Pennsylvania (1,034), and Wisconsin (1,046)”
It’s always a goddamn conspiracy.
How so? Give me some examples of how this imaginary "wall of lies" crumbles every day.
I am curious now.

Plenty of these links still work. There is more than enough evidence that was never investigated
Honeymoon phase.

California Kamala won't win one of those states except Minnesota.

And that Minnesota is even in play tells you all you need to know about 2024.
Remember when Trump said he was going to win Minnesota in 2020?

My wife is predicting a Trump loss because Trump did learn anything from 2020.
The stupid fuck still throws insults instead of putting up solutions.
Women won't vote for an obnoxious bully.

You spend a lot of time telling us what she wants you to say.
Tell her to join and speak for yourself.

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