Marriage rates are at an all-time low.

According to the Census Bureau, twice as many couples are living together now than they were 20 years ago. Both men and women -- but mostly men -- are putting off getting hitched until they feel they're economically stable.

Where Have All the Married People Gone?

I'm surprised right wingers haven't said the low marriage rate is the fault of the gays. Because gays can get married straight people don't want to.

A lot of it has to do with the way government schools do everything possible to destroy the values parents attempt to instill in their children. Premarital sex, homosexuality, so-called "tolerance," and all the other horseshit that the education establishment rams into our children.
Yep... that's it... it's that Edumacation stuff.... Who needs it?

Bleeeeeeech! more vomiting....great.
This oughtn't to surprise any of us.

Young people lacking confidence in their futures often put off marriage.
Well, there are different things that come into play.

1. Alot of Men don't deserve to get married with how their attitudes are.
2. It cost alot of $$$ and we are in a recession.
3. A woman can just dump her man and go with some guy who is rich, or who has a huge dick.
4. With modern relationship ethics, it's rare to find something that would work.

Would YOU want to marry a woman who would be likely to leave you for another man because he is better in a way and then get fucked in divorce court? I wouldn't.
Or would YOU want a man who would cheat on you and/or beat you and doesn't give the respect and loyalty you deserve? I wouldn't.

It's just easy to go get a fuck buddy, get off, and be happy for a few days.

Who says that there is no good news?
This oughtn't to surprise any of us.

Young people lacking confidence in their futures often put off marriage.

That makes sense, however, many of these single people are having children. It would be incredibly hypocritical and selfish to have babies they cannot afford when they are "Lacking confidence in their futures" .

My parents taught me that certain milestones in one's life must be completed in this order:
1. college
2. marriage
3. career
4. house
5. kids

I realize that's not possible for everyone to achieve; but it's not a bad guideline for many people to avoid poverty.

Every article we are asked to read at school on "poverty" "educational justice" and "white privilege", includes statistics on marriage. Yet no one shares that info with their students. Big secret, I guess. :cuckoo:
Well, we have had the net and the freedom it gives all ages to express themselves and their sexuality freely and for a large audience for a bit less than a generation. Going to be very interesting to see what effect that has on marriage, morality, and family. More than the '60s, I think.
Well, there are different things that come into play.

1. Alot of Men don't deserve to get married with how their attitudes are.2. It cost alot of $$$ and we are in a recession.
3. A woman can just dump her man and go with some guy who is rich, or who has a huge dick.
4. With modern relationship ethics, it's rare to find something that would work.

Would YOU want to marry a woman who would be likely to leave you for another man because he is better in a way and then get fucked in divorce court? I wouldn't.
Or would YOU want a man who would cheat on you and/or beat you and doesn't give the respect and loyalty you deserve? I wouldn't.

It's just easy to go get a fuck buddy, get off, and be happy for a few days.

I agree with everything you said except the first one, you think womens attitudes are better than mens and they deserve to be married, but men don't? I have spent alot of time with women in their 20's recently and I can tell you there is not much difference, and in fact their attitude is worse than men in some ways.

Perhaps, but I've only noticed men who behave badly.
Occasionally the few whores, but they end up isolated from everyone.

Trust me when I tell you, women do just as much dirt as men, they just don't get caught as often. Alot of women will have no problem having sex with another man, getting pregnant, and having you raise the baby unknowingly thinking it is yours. This happens alot.
This oughtn't to surprise any of us.

Young people lacking confidence in their futures often put off marriage.

Lacking confidence in their futures? alot of the young people putting off marriage and family are the ones with succesful careers who don't want to be tied down and want to enjoy things like traveling, going out etc, things you really can't do as often when you are married, especially with children. The people I see that have no direction and no confidence have no problem hatching out 3 or 4 kids without being able to provide for them.
The article does mention that educated people are postponing marriage - but most will marry eventually. The disturbing trend are those with little education foregoing marriage altogether. It's almost as if they are choosing to be poor. Sad really, but not that surprising.
The article does mention that educated people are postponing marriage - but most will marry eventually. The disturbing trend are those with little education foregoing marriage altogether. It's almost as if they are choosing to be poor. Sad really, but not that surprising.

If you are poor, there is more benefits to just shacking up than being married, plus alot of people just won't want to be tied down anymore.
I also do not believe married people have more money than singles, when I was married I was broke as fuck, when I got a divorce I always had money around.
I agree with everything you said except the first one, you think womens attitudes are better than mens and they deserve to be married, but men don't? I have spent alot of time with women in their 20's recently and I can tell you there is not much difference, and in fact their attitude is worse than men in some ways.

I've been observing human relations/sociology/psychology closely for all of my adult life (35 years), and I have seen a definite change in the dynamics of women's and men's attitudes toward marriage. My observation has been that today, as compared to 50 years ago, women are significantly more likely to either ditch their husbands to go "find themselves" (or in other words, go find another man), or not get married at all, than most men are.

Personally, if it weren't for what it's doing to children, I wouldn't care either way, but we are living in times of maximum self-obsession and disregard for much of anything besides temporary excitement and hedonism, and degradation of families and individuals alike is the natural end result. To me, it's pretty sad.

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