Bad judgment Joe!

Like the "Inflation Reduction Act" which was ditched for "Build Back Better Act" which was ditched for "Fuck Y'all, What Are You Going To Do About It Act"
Yea just like that Act, that's working.

As of July 11, 2024, the annual inflation rate in the US is 3%. This is down from 6.5% in 2022. Between May and June 2024, inflation also decreased by 0.1% on a monthly basis, the first decline since the pandemic.

Also Ron, Christie and Nikki said
"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."

And Bill Maher

The country’s current “inflationary spiral” can also be traced back to COVID-19, Maher said, describing the trillions of dollars the government issued throughout the pandemic. This, he noted, should not be pinned on President Joe Biden, but his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

“We’re going to bring back Trump?” he asked. “The guy who ignored COVID like it was the dinner check? Talk about not learning anything.”
He did a great job. Would have even solve the border problem but Trump shut it down. History will show Joe was great for the middle class. Not so much for your corporate masters.

Most of you know Joe's doing great on the economy so you pivot to social issues like gays, racism, abortion.

You lefties get more and more delusional by the hour.
Yea just like that Act, that's working.

As of July 11, 2024, the annual inflation rate in the US is 3%. This is down from 6.5% in 2022. Between May and June 2024, inflation also decreased by 0.1% on a monthly basis, the first decline since the pandemic.

Also Ron, Christie and Nikki said
"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."

And Bill Maher

The country’s current “inflationary spiral” can also be traced back to COVID-19, Maher said, describing the trillions of dollars the government issued throughout the pandemic. This, he noted, should not be pinned on President Joe Biden, but his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

“We’re going to bring back Trump?” he asked. “The guy who ignored COVID like it was the dinner check? Talk about not learning anything.”
Psst, there's a reason they ditched the "Inflation Reduction Act" bullshit.
Yea just like that Act, that's working.

As of July 11, 2024, the annual inflation rate in the US is 3%. This is down from 6.5% in 2022. Between May and June 2024, inflation also decreased by 0.1% on a monthly basis, the first decline since the pandemic.

Also Ron, Christie and Nikki said
"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."

And Bill Maher

The country’s current “inflationary spiral” can also be traced back to COVID-19, Maher said, describing the trillions of dollars the government issued throughout the pandemic. This, he noted, should not be pinned on President Joe Biden, but his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

“We’re going to bring back Trump?” he asked. “The guy who ignored COVID like it was the dinner check? Talk about not learning anything.”

Lol, you liberals get more and more delusional by the hour. Inflation has gone down from 2022 (Biden was POTUS) but it's still so much higher than when he took office. Biden has been an absolute disaster in all areas, especially the economy.
The worst moment for me is when Trump humiliated Tim Scott onstage at that rally, and Scott responded with "But I llllllove youuuuu".

Good gawd. That was just sad. Like something from the 1800's.

“I believe that I create a red wave where we win back the Senate, we expand our majority in the House, and you do that by having the kind of candidate who — the literal truth of my life — destroys the lies of the radical left and creates a red wave,”

So Scott thinks racism doesn't exist in America. Interesting.

A Black man from South Carolina, raised by a single mother in a low-income neighborhood, who went from “cotton to Congress” in a single generation, as he often riffed during his events.

“I have lived a similar experience to people who find themselves trapped in poverty, who are today growing up in single parent households, who are wondering whether the American dream can work for them,” Scott said.

The GOP are using him as a token. Has this guy ever worked for a living? Upon graduating from college, Scott worked as an insurance agent and financial adviser, a stepping stone toward starting his insurance agency, Tim Scott Allstate

He's an Allstate agent.


That's something I guess.
You lefties get more and more delusional by the hour.
Oh please. If Trump were president you'd be putting him on mount rushmore. Same for Obama after he got us out of the Bush Great Recession. Greatest recession since the Great Depression. And Trumps covid recession was worse.

Did people forget why we voted Trump out last time? He sucked.
They have to. They love their gubmit jobs, and they'll do anything to keep them.
They also don't want to hire private security to protect themselves from Trump's craven cult animals if they go off the reservation so to speak. Trump has done a fine job getting the word out if you cross me you may pay with your LIFE & your security.

There's the criminal Roy Cohn protege who will probably return to finish off this Country next year.
RUN JOE RUN!!! The Democrats annointed him in 2020 and now they get to reap what they sowed. Biden won the right to run and it is HIS CHOICE if he wants to continue. Fuck Obama, Hollywood and the Dem Donors.

Should Joe drop out of this election now, it would be an ADMISSION to the world that he CAN'T BEAT TRUMP, that he is such a loser and bad candidate that it isn't even close, not even a race, and that he DIDN'T beat him either four years ago - democrats cheated.

2020 was a fraud.
Yea just like that Act, that's working.

As of July 11, 2024, the annual inflation rate in the US is 3%. This is down from 6.5% in 2022. Between May and June 2024, inflation also decreased by 0.1% on a monthly basis, the first decline since the pandemic.

Also Ron, Christie and Nikki said
"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."

And Bill Maher

The country’s current “inflationary spiral” can also be traced back to COVID-19, Maher said, describing the trillions of dollars the government issued throughout the pandemic. This, he noted, should not be pinned on President Joe Biden, but his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

“We’re going to bring back Trump?” he asked. “The guy who ignored COVID like it was the dinner check? Talk about not learning anything.”

Lol, you liberals get more and more delusional by the hour. Inflation has gone down from 2022 (Biden was POTUS) but it's still so much higher than when he took office. Biden has been an absolute disaster in all areas, especially the economy.
Oh please. If Trump were president you'd be putting him on mount rushmore. Same for Obama after he got us out of the Bush Great Recession. Greatest recession since the Great Depression. And Trumps covid recession was worse.

Did people forget why we voted Trump out last time? He sucked.

Another hour, more delusional.
Should Joe drop out of this election now, it would be an ADMISSION to the world that he CAN'T BEAT TRUMP, that he is such a loser and bad candidate that it isn't even close, not even a race, and that he DIDN'T beat him either four years ago - democrats cheated.

2020 was a fraud.
Whatever Biden does has nothing to do with 2020 when Biden whipped Trump's ass real good. Biden beat Trump's ass so bad you Trump cult asslickers are still crying over it four years later.

Oh btw, cultist. You still can't prove your crying rant about 2020, but we know your delusions makes you feel better, so have fun with it, 2020 loser.
Whatever Biden does has nothing to do with 2020
Can't beat Trump now, didn't beat Trump then. Trump beat Hillary, then GAINED something like 10 million more votes! An incumbent usually DOESN't GAIN votes (Obumma didn't) much less do so then LOSE reelection. Never happens, never HAS happened. Historical FACT. Especially as republicans also did well in every other category.

when Biden whipped Trump's ass real good.
Trump got the most votes of any incumbent ever in history. If Biden wasn't such a chickenshit coward, he would stay in and show us his 81 million votes wasn't a fluke achieved via rigging.

Biden beat Trump's ass so bad you Trump cult asslickers are still crying over it four years later.
No, just still pointing out what the Left ADMITTED TO IN PRINT, that the 2020 election was rigged through a massive election fraud spending 400 million dollars and using the Chinese Flu virus as an excuse to rig election laws across the country to allow near unlimited, uncertified, unsupervised voting for Biden.

Not to mention a thousand other documentaries on how it was cheated. But prove all of this wrong: keep Joe in and beat him by 7 million votes again.
“I believe that I create a red wave where we win back the Senate, we expand our majority in the House, and you do that by having the kind of candidate who — the literal truth of my life — destroys the lies of the radical left and creates a red wave,”

So Scott thinks racism doesn't exist in America. Interesting.

A Black man from South Carolina, raised by a single mother in a low-income neighborhood, who went from “cotton to Congress” in a single generation, as he often riffed during his events.

“I have lived a similar experience to people who find themselves trapped in poverty, who are today growing up in single parent households, who are wondering whether the American dream can work for them,” Scott said.

The GOP are using him as a token. Has this guy ever worked for a living? Upon graduating from college, Scott worked as an insurance agent and financial adviser, a stepping stone toward starting his insurance agency, Tim Scott Allstate

He's an Allstate agent.

View attachment 980063
That's something I guess.
This nation will not last a lot longer the way it is if this keeps up. If it did though a couple of centuries from now, we will hear of the Token venom from the future Prog party. When you get done transforming it, we will be 2nd and 3rd world in competing and living. You can almost see there will be pockets of the rich with a dwindling middle class that services them and keep some simple comforts for the mass majority of semi-impoverished peasants. Progs and some Republicans are exporting our wealth while importing many more immigrants than we can handle.
Like the "Inflation Reduction Act" which was ditched for "Build Back Better Act" which was ditched for "Fuck Y'all, What Are You Going To Do About It Act"
Yep. I was in the mix of Obama servings. Basically 1 percentage get the money for decades, as the build shit for our govt., and only the best for gvt. employees. Its a rip, not proud to say I benefitted. Proud my labor, which the display rubbed lesbians, dicks, the worthless and woke the wrong way. Lots of govt. Serve to do stupid cuz change is good speak. course they fuk that up too, at 100x the cost so many instances. They have no use for quick and effective.
He did a great job. Would have even solve the border problem but Trump shut it down. History will show Joe was great for the middle class. Not so much for your corporate masters.

Most of you know Joe's doing great on the economy so you pivot to social issues like gays, racism, abortion.

If Inflation *Joes economy is so great why isn’t he holding weekly press conferences touting it? Why isn’t it a focal point for the Whitehouse and the MSM ?
Because Americans feel the pain everyday.
“I believe that I create a red wave where we win back the Senate, we expand our majority in the House, and you do that by having the kind of candidate who — the literal truth of my life — destroys the lies of the radical left and creates a red wave,”

So Scott thinks racism doesn't exist in America. Interesting.

A Black man from South Carolina, raised by a single mother in a low-income neighborhood, who went from “cotton to Congress” in a single generation, as he often riffed during his events.

“I have lived a similar experience to people who find themselves trapped in poverty, who are today growing up in single parent households, who are wondering whether the American dream can work for them,” Scott said.

The GOP are using him as a token. Has this guy ever worked for a living? Upon graduating from college, Scott worked as an insurance agent and financial adviser, a stepping stone toward starting his insurance agency, Tim Scott Allstate

He's an Allstate agent.

View attachment 980063
That's something I guess.


Tim Scott=Uncle Tom
Joe Bidens ego has the Democratic party drifting into the abyss. His botched speeches, bumbling debate performance, and pig-headed determination to run for a 2nd term will bring Bidens Presidency and quite possibly his party's grip on power to an end for at least the next 2 years.

Biden could have announced his decision to be a 1 term President last year, given younger Democrats a chance to raise cash, mount a campaign, and give his party some much needed energy. Political leanings aside, it looks like we're headed for another Trump presidency.

Bad judgement Joe!
Ego and hubris
Whatever Biden does has nothing to do with 2020 when Biden whipped Trump's ass real good. Biden beat Trump's ass so bad you Trump cult asslickers are still crying over it four years later.

Oh btw, cultist. You still can't prove your crying rant about 2020, but we know your delusions makes you feel better, so have fun with it, 2020 loser.
Yes! Because Rich Old White Racial Jungle You Ain’t Black *Joe got More black votes than the first black president in history!
It’s true. It reallly really is!

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