The West will have to make peace with Russia

Useful idiots like you need to learn very simple facts about the Ukrainian conflict:

If Russia wanted peace, then all it had to do was not invade.

If Russia wants peace, then all it has to do is take its soldiers home.

So you and I weren't even speaking, nor did I even address you, but you still chose to start off your conversation with me by hurling insults my way and calling me names for absolutely no reason?

And did you read the threads title or the op? This conversation isn't about if Russia wants peace or not, it's about how the west should have peace with Russia. And that's what my response was in regards to, it was about America's lack of peace talks with Russia. Which was all true. That is the simple fact.

No wonder your post count vs reaction score is what it is.
So you and I weren't even speaking, nor did I even address you, but you still chose to start off your conversation with me by hurling insults my way and calling me names for absolutely no reason?

And did you read the threads title or the op? This conversation isn't about if Russia wants peace or not, it's about how the west should have peace with Russia. This conversation isn't about if Russia wants peace or not, it's about how the west should have peace with Russia. And that's what my response was in regards to, it was about America's lack of peace talks with Russia. Which was all true. That is the simple fact.

Yep, just further proof you are fucking clueless.

The West is not at war with Russia. The war is between Russia and Ukraine WHO'S SOVERNTY AND SECURITY WAS ASSURED BY THE WEST when they gave up their Nuclear weapons.

Any "talks" or "agreements" with Russia are not worth the paper they are written on without third party security guarantees (NATO membership). Without it Russia will simply use the process to build up all the resources and millitary it needs to take whatever is left of Ukraine when the moment is right.
Yep, just further proof you are fucking clueless.

The West is not at war with Russia. The war is between Russia and Ukraine WHO'S SOVERNTY AND SECURITY WAS ASSURED BY THE WEST when they gave up their Nuclear weapons.

Any "talks" or "agreements" with Russia are not worth the paper they are written on without third party security guarantees (NATO membership). Without it Russia will simply use the process to build up all the resources and millitary it needs to take whatever is left of Ukraine when the moment is right.

Still calling names huh?

And again, that's not the point of this thread.

I hope God helps you find whatever it is youre missing in your life that makes you so angry and unhappy.

On the ignore list you go. Goodbye
Still calling names huh?

And again, that's not the point of this thread.

I hope God helps you find whatever it is youre missing in your life that makes you so angry and unhappy.

On the ignore list you go. Goodbye

I'm just calling a spade...a spade. :itsok:

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