Should the west go to war with Russia?

The conflict in Ukraine is an anachronism – the days of major powers going to war with guns and bombs have long passed.

Today wars are fought on keyboards with oil supplies and food resources, with disinformation, propaganda, and lies.
Dammit..stop making me agree with makes me feel all weird inside..

Thumbs up again 😏
They have a certain amount of control over China. For example they told China they'd go to war, China said they didn't like it, and yet supported Russia. Then China said they'd make a peace deal and Russia told them to fuck off.

Russia is causing problems for China's Belt and Road Initiative. And Because of their joint anti-American stance, China is going along with things it doesn't like.
Going along with, and being controlled by are two completely different things. Geopolitics makes strange, often fleeting bedfellows.
Going along with, and being controlled by are two completely different things. Geopolitics makes strange, often fleeting bedfellows.

Yes they do. And control is like "I can do this, and I know they'll have to follow me". It's not total control, but it's control none the less.
It kinda is, if the OP asks if we should go to war…but we’re basically already there..

The OP, me, asked if the US should go to war, making it clear that this would be a proper war, not a Cold War, not a proxy war.
The OP, me, asked if the US should go to war, making it clear that this would be a proper war, not a Cold War, not a proxy war.

Obviously no, we shouldn’t go to a hot war with Russia, but we don’t need to if we can use Ukraine to fight for us.
Obviously no, we shouldn’t go to a hot war with Russia, but we don’t need to if we can use Ukraine to fight for us.

Then what happens when the Ukraine collapses? It's got 1/4 the number of people as Russia. In a war of attrition, it's going to lose, unless people from other countries start going to get themselves killed while fighting for the Ukraine
Then what happens when the Ukraine collapses? It's got 1/4 the number of people as Russia. In a war of attrition, it's going to lose, unless people from other countries start going to get themselves killed while fighting for the Ukraine
No idea then, but I’m not sure anyone wants to get into a direct shooting war with Russia.
No idea then, but I’m not sure anyone wants to get into a direct shooting war with Russia.

No, I doubt anyone does.

But does anyone want the consequence of not going to war now?

Imagine what would have happened had France and the UK dealt with Hitler when he annexed Austria, or the Sudetenland.
The methods are very much the same, first with Russian moving west, living, blending, influencing with presence, propaganda, covert action, intimidation to create a chaotic environment ripe for military takeover.
I missed that ? Not reported anywhere that I can see .

But if you are talking about economic and financial methods of expanding influence , let me introduce you to China and your own America,.

The problem America has is that it does the job so poorly ,as evidenced by Niger as we talk .

Seems it is America that finds it so difficult to cope with reality .
Perhaps a touch of the new Mutant virus ---- Downthepanitis .
For those who think we are not involved.

Launch the bombers and missiles. Destroy every bridge, dam, and tunnel in Russia.

Such a childish Dr Strangelove impersonation .

Even worse, every simulation reports north America being totally destroyed including the Cheyenne Mountain Complex with only around 60% of Russia ruined .

Just hoping that they forget about Merry England, though Dear Uncle P does tend to deliver on long term grudges --- look at what's left of America even now .
Your boys should not have raped Russia in the nineties .
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Such a childish Dr Strangelove impersonation .

Even worse, every simulation reports north America being totally destroyed including the Cheyenne Mountain Complex with only around 60% of Russia ruined .

Just hoping that they forget about Merry England, though Dear Uncle P does tend to deliver on long term grudges --- look at what's left of America even now .
Your boys should not have raped Russia in the nineties .

Rape Russia? We poured billions into Russia trying to drag them into the modern era.

As usual, you whip out tons of propaganda. America would be destroyed. Britain and France wiped out as an afterthought. The might of Russia would eliminate America within moments and suffer only minor damage.

Mentioning Doctor Strangelove, I’m surprised you didn’t quote General Buck Turgison. I’m not saying we won’t get our hair mussed to describe how well Russia would come out of it.

It is funny. You always try and scare us, and when it doesn’t work, you move to another thread and try again.
The US is decades behind Russian preparedness in an otherwise mutually disastrous scenario .

And in the event of Armageddon I feel sure Russia would immediately eliminate any UK and French response assets and China , N Korea and Iran would deal with remaining US stragglers .

The computers are unable to find any possible US "winning" outcome
Russia would not “win” a full scale nuclear exchange. No one would.

There are more than enough US nuclear submarines hiding in the oceans to guarantee that even if Russia pulled off some surprise attack, they would also be nuked just as bad

That’s why they call it mutually assured destruction

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