Trump thinks he could end the war in the Ukraine... why he's wrong

How many wars did he end?
Afghanistan. Your Coke sniffing pedophile blamed Afghanistan on Trump.
.Biden was the one who ended the war and you guys hated him for it.

He had the guts to do what your blob couldn't do.
If Biden ended the war then why in the fuck did he blame the withdrawal on Trump?
Was it because Biden did things that everyone said was totally fucked up and ruined the withdrawal?

Yes he did.
Afghanistan. Your Coke sniffing pedophile blamed Afghanistan on Trump.

If Biden ended the war then why in the fuck did he blame the withdrawal on Trump?
Was it because Biden did things that everyone said was totally fucked up and ruined the withdrawal?

Yes he did.
Trump had four years to get us out of Afghanistan shit brains. Were there still Americans there when the blob oozed back to Florida or not?
Jeez Mike, Before the election, when he said he had not ties to Russia, he was working with the Russians to try to build Trump Moscow, and the penthouse for Putey was in the mix. He has stated while in office how much he admired Putin. When the Russians invaded, he initially approve and said he couldn't blame Putin. It is unlikely he is friends with Zelensky, as that was the country he was trying to extort, on military assistance with the bastard Russians at the door and already having moved in and annexed the Crimea peninsula. Not trump hate, just the facts of history.
Obammy had specially crafted Putin kneepads did you forget that?
Poopeypants spent millions buying oil from Putin to help him start the war against the Ukraine.
But Trump bad....
Trump doesn't understand that the point of this war is to kill as many White people as possible. Neither Putin nor Zelenskyy want an end to it. Both were members of the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders Initiative. When Schwab says kill Whitey they don't ask questions.
Where does all that Trump hate come from? Was it that devastating that he defeated your Hillary?

1 Million dead from Covid.
14% unemployment (Some 30 million jobs lost.)
Riots in the streets.

We all told you he was a mutt, but you slept with him anyway.
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Afghanistan. Your Coke sniffing pedophile blamed Afghanistan on Trump.
Trump signed the Doha Accords that turned the country over to the Taliban.

If Biden ended the war then why in the fuck did he blame the withdrawal on Trump?
Was it because Biden did things that everyone said was totally fucked up and ruined the withdrawal?
Trump was the one who turned the country over the Taliban at Doha.
Not sure who "Everyone" was, exactly. Everyone knew when we pulled out, the Taliban would take over after the warlords we stopped paying switched sides again.
Here's the problem.

Any deal that doesn't involve a return to the 2014 borders would be unacceptable to Ukraine. Any deal that does will be unacceptable to Russia.

This is why this war will drag on for years, until both sides get exhausted, and Russia is going to get exhausted before Ukraine will.
Trump doesn't understand that the point of this war is to kill as many White people as possible. Neither Putin nor Zelenskyy want an end to it. Both were members of the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders Initiative. When Schwab says kill Whitey they don't ask questions.
Where’d this guy come from? Did Stormfront crash?
Trump has already said he would cut them off; the GOP wants to cut them off. I suppose surrendering part of another country is low hanging fruit that would, in fact, end the war.

What a shame BlackRock won't get to buy any of Eastern Ukraine now!
Talking would be better than sending fucking cluster bombs to ukraine, to kill a bunch of innocent women and children.
Ill tell you that much.
Trump would ‘end the war’ by surrendering Ukraine – and democracy – to Putin.
Trump would never have allowed this to start in the first place Mrs Jones. And by shutting down the enormous money laundering operation for the Dimbulb party, war over.
What democracy, the Ukraine? The place is run like 1930s Chicago.
You aren't very bright are you?

"His asserted that it would boil down to his established relationships with Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin."

"He said he would tell Mr Zelensky: “No more, you gotta make a deal,” and Mr Putin: “If you don’t make a deal, we’re gonna give them a lot. We’re gonna give more than they ever got.”"

Firstly, he doesn't understand Putin. Putin's not going to give up the war because the US might give more weapons to the Ukraine.

Secondly his "established relationship" with Putin, come in, Xi wanted the war to end, and went to Putin and Putin told him, in no uncertain terms, to fuck off. Why would Putin listen to the US, which Putin hates, when he won't listen to biggest buddy Xi?

He is not wrong.

He could end it in a day. Withdrawal all US support and tell NATO if they support the Ukraine the US will leave NATO.

Boom, the war is over and Putin has what he wanted.

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