trump advisers draw up plan to pressure Ukraine to end the war, if he is re-elected

I already told you. Stopping losing more territories and people.

Peace in our time..

After Russias invasions of Crimea and Donbas bore no consequences what should stop Russia from further expansion in Ukraine and Baltic States ?

How about Ukraine gets NATO membership in exchange for surrendering territory?
Putin needs to understand what negotiation means

When his invasion of Ukraine failed to dislodge the Ukraine Government, he lost the ability to demand terms of peace.

He needs to offer something in order to receive peace

What is Russia offering Ukraine in return?
I think that Russia is offering that the Ukraine become a neutral state.

But the clock is ticking and Russia has likely discovered the more effective way to fight America by proxy, that can be said to be within the agreed upon terms.

It turns out that we don't have to worry about nuclear war for a while yet. Maybe indefinitely?
Peace in our time..

After Russias invasions of Crimea and Donbas bore no consequences what should stop Russia from further expansion in Ukraine and Baltic States ?

How about Ukraine gets NATO membership in exchange for surrendering territory?
1. An international agreement, including China, India, Brazil and other states of so called Global South. Putin should make obligations to his 'allies' too. ( For how long should I repeat that?).

2. The Baltic states are NATO members. That is a security guarantee by itself, no?

3. I fully support a Ukraine membership in exchange on territories. But I understand that this won't happen.
Peace in our time..

After Russias invasions of Crimea and Donbas bore no consequences what should stop Russia from further expansion in Ukraine and Baltic States ?
You can't claim that Russia is a small country gas station and claim that could go to war against the US and Nato and win the war.
How about Ukraine gets NATO membership in exchange for surrendering territory?
It can't during an active war and if you don't know why then ask me.

When the war ends, the Ukraine may be able to join Nato, but that depends on how it's ended?

Instead of talking about the power of the US and Russia, the war has become all about each others' proxies and their ability to fight for their sponsors.
The trump plan sounds a lot like Poootin's latest ploy for a cease fire....hhhmmmmm....maybe Vlad helped with Donald's plan?
Wow jimboliar, I think you follow Putin even more closely than you do Trump. So you have autographed centerfolds of Putin also???
The US has something Russia doesn’t
An economy that can sustain an occupation for decades and an ability to replenish its military.
That 'might' be true but you're missing a lot of the stepping stones. First, that which you credit America with having could be the opposite. So far Russia has mobilized greater numbers and replenished faster than ever seen demonstrated in a war.

But let's go back to the stepping stones.

Russia has turned a different page in the war and is arming it's proxies with Russian and Chinese weapons that are being claimed to be unstoppable. (through Iran)

And so the next step could be that America and the Zionist regime might have to wipe Iran off the map?

The plan has the strong smell of Putin's hand on it. So, trump seems intent on rewarding his pal, Vlad, for invading a neighboring country? Great, the US, which prides itself on not rewarding authoritarians would give Putin thousands of square miles of Ukrainian territory if Donald is re-elected. I am sure Vlad is giddy over the possibility trump will return to office.
They can just use the word "surrender". They're not really fooling anyone.
But Chamberlain was never so blatant in his efforts to aid the enemy as trump is. trump does not even try to hide his contempt for the US, as he panders to Poootin's plans.
Great campaigning again jimboliar! This is the kookiest one yet, more Trump points coming!
trump has plans to return the US to total dependence on fossil fuel. That will help Poootin and his thugs by enhancing the price of crude oil worldwide.
Actually, as I stated before, Biden is the one who helped Russia by buying their oil and funding his war against the Ukraine.
Is your brain disconnected somewhere jimboliar??
If Americans are going to hang their hats on the talking point of Russia intending to conquer all of Europe, then you're going to have start assuming that Russia could ever be powerful enough to do it?
(also depending on Trump throwing America's hat in)

No they're not.

The suggestion would need to be made that includes all the countries that ally with Russia?

That's a different proposition, but still quite unlikely on account of it going nuclear first.
Don't care. Your argument is more trench war and slow Russian advance.
Russia intends to change the venue and start using their proxies to kill the enemy. That was the meaning of the visit to Cuba and Putin's visit to N.K.

fwiw, the cluster munitions strike on the Crimea beach is said to be accidental. The one ATACM getting through is said to be a partial hit sending it off its intended course.

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