Seems awful cold for the "hottest" year on record

The glacial cycle began 3 million years ago and it is a function of the planet's landmass configuration which resulted in thermally isolated polar regions which lowered the temperature threshold for extensive continental glaciation.
The landmass configuration is not oscillating in a manner that would produce the roughly 30 glacial-interglacial cycles.
Salinity is a function of temperature because ice melt is a function of temperature.
Left that part out.
I have explained the cause of glacial cycles in great detail. You aren't interested in the truth.
I am VERY interested in the truth, but the problem is you don't have a shred of it. You have NOT explained the cause of global cycles in ANY amount of detail. Your posts on this topic are filled with handwaving and "then it happens".
The landmass configuration is not oscillating in a manner that would produce the roughly 30 glacial-interglacial cycles.

Left that part out.

I am VERY interested in the truth, but the problem is you don't have a shred of it. You have NOT explained the cause of global cycles in ANY amount of detail. Your posts on this topic are filled with handwaving and "then it happens".
You must be the only person on the planet who believes that thermal isolation of the polar regions and heat circulation don't matter.

You butt fuck truth.
You must be the only person on the planet who believes that thermal isolation of the polar regions and heat circulation don't matter.

You butt fuck truth.
What I do NOT believe is that either process is responsible in any way for the warming of the last 150 years.
What I do NOT believe is that either process is responsible in any way for the warming of the last 150 years.
Then you are a fool. The geologic record is littered with warming and cooling trends not caused by CO2.
So you can't assume all warming is from an incremental 120 ppm which is literally what they assume in their models.
It is not an unfounded assumption. It is an extremely well supported and extremely widely accepted theory; one which mainstream science now treats as an irrefutable fact.
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Another Great prediction by the Low IQ MAGA Conspiracist denies here,
This OP from 2010 and WetWall.
Skookerasbil's 2013-2022 "Skeptics are winning" an all time Yearly disaster and participated in with Backyard or regional weather by all the deniers, including the FRAUD SunsetMommy nd his Failed 200 graphs.



So you can't assume all warming is from an incremental 120 ppm which is literally what they assume in their models.
It is comments like this that demonstrate to everyone here that you lack some really fundamental skills in analysis. I hope you're familiar with Mamooth's analogy. If what has happened in the past is all that can happen in the present or in the future, then the fact that forest fires took place before humans existed means humans do not cause forest fires. Surely you see the blatant flaw in that reasoning, yet that is PRECISELY what you are trying to push here.
It is not an unfounded assumption. It is an extremely well supported and extremely widely accepted theory; one which mainstream science now treats as an irrefutable fact.
The geologic record says otherwise.
It is comments like this that demonstrate to everyone here that you lack some really fundamental skills in analysis. I hope you're familiar with Mamooth's analogy. If what has happened in the past is all that can happen in the present or in the future, then the fact that forest fires took place before humans existed means humans do not cause forest fires. Surely you see the blatant flaw in that reasoning, yet that is PRECISELY what you are trying to push here.
Take a look at the oxygen isotope curve and then tell me my analysis of a cooling planet is unfounded. Because from where I sit it's unfounded to say an incremental 120 PARTS PER MILLION OF A RELATIVELY WEAK GHG will reverse a 50 million year trend of a cooling planet.
The oxygen isotope curve is already in the public domain. What more do you need?
Haha, tell everyone you have no idea how publishing science works without just saying it.

You take data and analyze it and draw conclusions, using arguments.

You don't say, "the data is out there already, hee haw, just look at it right!"


Then you publish your article, for peer review and scrutiny.

Why won't you?
You must be the only person on the planet who believes that thermal isolation of the polar regions and heat circulation don't matter.

You butt fuck truth.

Step outside.
Take a look at the oxygen isotope curve and then tell me my analysis of a cooling planet is unfounded. Because from where I sit it's unfounded to say an incremental 120 PARTS PER MILLION OF A RELATIVELY WEAK GHG will reverse a 50 million year trend of a cooling planet.

You one dead ass stupid boi.
Haha, tell everyone you have no idea how publishing science works without just saying it.

You take data and analyze it and draw conclusions, using arguments.

You don't say, "the data is out there already, hee haw, just look at it right!"


Then you publish your article, for peer review and scrutiny.

Why won't you?
Have you ever been published? I have.

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