Why is trump hiding the medical reports?

A graze that required no stiches. A small wound like that would have stopped bleeding long before now, otherwise, they would have gone back and placed stitches. So, you agree that big bandage he is still wearing is just a prop to garner sympathy from his cult.
You obviously have never had an ear injury. You are full of excrement, Dr. Bulldyke.
The attempt to assassinate trump was a horrendous event, and we certainly deserve to know what mistakes were made that allowed it to happen. However, there are other aspects of the event that are obviously known but are not being released to the public. How bad was the injury to his ear? How many stitches did it take to close the wound? A high-powered rifle would have easily taken the ear off. Is that big bandage just a prop for sympathy? Is it bad enough to require plastic surgery, or is it just a scratch and will heal without more extreme medical attention? We have a right to know the answers to these questions. Why is trump hiding that information? It's been reported that his injury wasn't from a bullet after all. Some are saying a shard of flying glass from the teleprompter nicked his ear. That certainly looks like a reasonable assumption, especially since he is hiding the answers to all the other questions.

Why do you need a medical report? Just google pictures of his right side and zoom in on his ear.
Why do you need a medical report? Just google pictures of his right side and zoom in on his ear.

don't say it was from a bullet if it wasn't. donny uses a teleprompter even though he makes fun of biden for using one.
Why do YOU need to know any of that? Cuz the injury is helpful for Trump? Thats not a good reason....

...but i will still tell you. It was a graze that required no stiches. It isnt a secret, youre just uninformed. :dunno:
Still wearing that large unneeded bandage is a stunt to garner sympathy. Typical scam behavior for trump.
roevember? Have another drink. You're big on memes, not much of a typist though.


do try to keep up.

Trump doctor says president dictated letter praising his own 'astonishingly excellent' health during 2016 campaign​

‘Mr Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency,’ letter says​

Clark Mindock
New York
Wednesday 02 May 2018 16:49 BST
Trump dictated the letter praising his own 'astonishing health', doctor says
STFU you clown. You're nothing but another Dem angry that YOUR assassin FAILED. Enjoy the Trump win.

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