Why is trump hiding the medical reports?

Trump has given no official info about his medical care for days since an assassination attempt

Updated 1:08 PM EDT, July 18, 2024
MILWAUKEE (AP) — Four days after a gunman’s attempt to assassinate former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally, the public is still in the dark over the extent of his injuries, what treatment the Republican presidential nominee received in the hospital, and whether there may be any long-term effects on his health.
Trump’s campaign has refused to discuss his condition, release a medical report or records, or make the doctors who treated him available,
leaving information to dribble out from Trump, his friends and family.
The first word on Trump’s condition came about half an hour after shots rang out and Trump dropped to the ground after reaching for his ear and then pumped his fist defiantly to the crowd with blood streaming down his face. The campaign issued a statement saying he was “fine” and “being checked out at a local medical facility.”
“More details will follow,” his spokesperson said.
It wasn’t until 8:42 p.m., however, that Trump told the public he had been struck by a bullet as opposed to shrapnel or debris.
Trump has given no official info about his medical care for days since an assassination attempt

prove it was an actual bullet, donny.
Your patsy murderer killed the wrong target. Like the imposter in the WH, you hired the wrong incompetent POS.
impotent response. he lost his private citizen status the day he announced his candidacy AND presumed nomination AND the circumstances surrounding his misfortune. it's not a case of teeny weeny peeny syndrome or from cheeto hemorrhoids.
Maybe if you were as concerned about knowing why a mental health professional was visiting the White House as you were with trump’s wound from a ActBlue donor’s failed assassination attempt, then maybe your party wouldn’t be begging for xiden to get out and your party not in chaos
by sheer luck.

it didn't stop biden, it is the responsible thing to do to wait until the covid cooties doesn't transmit.

doy. & van jones said donny was now presidential after his 1st SOTU address.

lol.... ya.... & how did that work out? never mind, i already know how you'll answer.

Where's the balsamic vinaigrette that I ordered with the word salad?

impotent response. he lost his private citizen status the day he announced his candidacy AND presumed nomination AND the circumstances surrounding his misfortune. it's not a case of teeny weeny peeny syndrome or from cheeto hemorrhoids.

Trump is great at demanding information from others
Obama’s Birth Certificate and school records
Biden’s mental exam

But try to get something out of Trump?

No tax returns, no school records, no divorce records, no records of his wound
by sheer luck.

it didn't stop biden, it is the responsible thing to do to wait until the covid cooties don't transmit.

doy. & van jones said donny was now presidential after his 1st SOTU address.

lol.... ya.... & how did that work out? never mind, i already know how you'll answer.
No doubt trump was very lucky he was assassinated

Xiden wasn’t wearing a mask.

Worked out well, a record number of Americans were better off then they are today
Exactly what do those talking about Trumps ear and the bandage think they will learn if the records are made public? Do you think it will lead to a second shooter on a grassy knoll or caused Biden like cognitive decline? Do you think it will somehow distract from Biden’s problems?
by sheer luck.

it didn't stop biden, it is the responsible thing to do to wait until the covid cooties don't transmit.

doy. & van jones said donny was now presidential after his 1st SOTU address.

lol.... ya.... & how did that work out? never mind, i already know how you'll answer.
Hidin' with Biden eh? 2020 tactics ain't going to work this time, missy. See ya Nov. 6
STFU and get me a sammich.


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