Why is trump hiding the medical reports?

The attempt to assassinate trump was a horrendous event, and we certainly deserve to know what mistakes were made that allowed it to happen. However, there are other aspects of the event that are obviously known but are not being released to the public. How bad was the injury to his ear? How many stitches did it take to close the wound? A high-powered rifle would have easily taken the ear off. Is that big bandage just a prop for sympathy? Is it bad enough to require plastic surgery, or is it just a scratch and will heal without more extreme medical attention? We have a right to know the answers to these questions. Why is trump hiding that information? It's been reported that his injury wasn't from a bullet after all. Some are saying a shard of flying glass from the teleprompter nicked his ear. That certainly looks like a reasonable assumption, especially since he is hiding the answers to all the other questions.

Who's asking?

If it's just you, you smear of a turd on a dead dog, you don't have the gravitas for it.

Too bad, so sad.
So how much of that ear was shot off, or was it just a scratch? Medical report would tell.
Why does it matter? Someone tried to kill him and you make out that the voters are the victims. I worry more about Biden’s cognitive issues than an ear.
One wonders at the obsession that drives one to insist on viewing photos and medical descriptions of the injury.

What is Trump hiding?

Just release…….Former President Trump received 10 stitches to seal his wound

Why hide that?
Probably because it only took two stitches to close the wound
What is Trump hiding?

Just release…….Former President Trump received 10 stitches to seal his wound

Why hide that?
Probably because it only took two stitches to close the wound

i wanna see for a fact that he was grazed by an actual bullet, or it was a shard from his shattered teleprompter.
The attempt to assassinate trump was a horrendous event, and we certainly deserve to know what mistakes were made that allowed it to happen. However, there are other aspects of the event that are obviously known but are not being released to the public. How bad was the injury to his ear? How many stitches did it take to close the wound? A high-powered rifle would have easily taken the ear off. Is that big bandage just a prop for sympathy? Is it bad enough to require plastic surgery, or is it just a scratch and will heal without more extreme medical attention? We have a right to know the answers to these questions. Why is trump hiding that information? It's been reported that his injury wasn't from a bullet after all. Some are saying a shard of flying glass from the teleprompter nicked his ear. That certainly looks like a reasonable assumption, especially since he is hiding the answers to all the other questions.
Didn’t the White House say medical reports were a national security issue any therefore couldn’t be released?
You can get them as soon as you produce your medical records. You know what HIPAA is?

impotent response. he lost his private citizen status the day he announced his candidacy AND presumed nomination AND the circumstances surrounding his misfortune. it's not a case of teeny weeny peeny syndrome or from cheeto hemorrhoids.
impotent response. he lost his private citizen status the day he announced his candidacy AND presumed nomination AND the circumstances surrounding his misfortune. it's not a case of teeny weeny peeny syndrome or from cheeto hemorrhoids.
Uninformed or lying as usual. He is not an employee of the federal gov't. He is a private citizen. Because you run for office does not mean you give up your rights, moron. Fact of the matter is, even federal gov't employees have HIPAA rights. Once again you are talking out of your ample ass.

Trump has given no official info about his medical care for days since an assassination attempt

Updated 1:08 PM EDT, July 18, 2024
MILWAUKEE (AP) — Four days after a gunman’s attempt to assassinate former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally, the public is still in the dark over the extent of his injuries, what treatment the Republican presidential nominee received in the hospital, and whether there may be any long-term effects on his health.
Trump’s campaign has refused to discuss his condition, release a medical report or records, or make the doctors who treated him available,
leaving information to dribble out from Trump, his friends and family.
The first word on Trump’s condition came about half an hour after shots rang out and Trump dropped to the ground after reaching for his ear and then pumped his fist defiantly to the crowd with blood streaming down his face. The campaign issued a statement saying he was “fine” and “being checked out at a local medical facility.”
“More details will follow,” his spokesperson said.
It wasn’t until 8:42 p.m., however, that Trump told the public he had been struck by a bullet as opposed to shrapnel or debris.
Trump has given no official info about his medical care for days since an assassination attempt

prove it was an actual bullet, donny.
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Uninformed or lying as usual. He is not an employee of the federal gov't. He is a private citizen. Because you run for office does not mean you give up your rights, moron. Fact of the matter is, even federal gov't employees have HIPAA rights. Once again you are talking out of your ample ass.


Enemy democrats are certainly twisting over the assassination attempt. They are furious that it wasn't successful. Aww

Then to follow that up with Biden's Disintegration as he slipped into the alzheimers combative phase. We really can't expect better of them at this point.
“A bullet couldn’t stop trump,

by sheer luck.

but a virus just stopped biden” Van Jones

it didn't stop biden, it is the responsible thing to do to wait until the covid cooties don't transmit.

doy. & van jones said donny was now presidential after his 1st SOTU address.

lol.... ya.... & how did that work out? never mind, i already know how you'll answer.

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