Why is trump hiding the medical reports?

How comfortable would you be if I shot a portion of your ear off? You know, a sort of William Tell moment. Would you call it a boo boo?
Call it what ever you want, the fact is that you turned Trump into an American warrior. And you know it. That's why you are begging Biden to shut up and go away.

Actually, I want him to yell more. The more he yells, the more lies comes out of his mouth along with some really unbelievable nonsense. Now if the Dems would just present someone like

1. Jamie Raskin, from the House of Representatives. He would make mince meat out of tRump.

2. Taylor Swift. She's just getting wound up. And the MAGAt leaders have already threatened to halve her attendance before she spoke out. But she won't have the experience in government. Business, yes.

3. AOC. Just not this time around. Maybe in 2028 will she have the background to handle the Presidency. But, damn, she could handle tRump.

4. Eric Swalwell, from the House of Representatives. He has the experience with Government. He's well seasoned and experienced. Like Raskin, he is on record making fools out of MAGAt Congresspeople.
No injury is required for an attempt. A large bandage for a scratch is a stunt.

I wonder. Did the shooter get lucky (yes he did) He should have been intercepted long before coming with less than 200 yards of tRump. I think the fix might have been in but where he was intercepted was well beyond the MAGAt's plans. The only one not in on it was the shooter who paid the price.
Actually, I want him to yell more. The more he yells, the more lies comes out of his mouth along with some really unbelievable nonsense. Now if the Dems would just present someone like

1. Jamie Raskin, from the House of Representatives. He would make mince meat out of tRump.

2. Taylor Swift. She's just getting wound up. And the MAGAt leaders have already threatened to halve her attendance before she spoke out. But she won't have the experience in government. Business, yes.

3. AOC. Just not this time around. Maybe in 2028 will she have the background to handle the Presidency. But, damn, she could handle tRump.

4. Eric Swalwell, from the House of Representatives. He has the experience with Government. He's well seasoned and experienced. Like Raskin, he is on record making fools out of MAGAt Congresspeople.
Well, if Taylor Swift wants Trump to bow out, then Trump has no choice, since Taylor speaks for all of us...:rofl:

The only thing AOC can handle is a gin and tonic...
Actually, I want him to yell more. The more he yells, the more lies comes out of his mouth along with some really unbelievable nonsense. Now if the Dems would just present someone like

1. Jamie Raskin, from the House of Representatives. He would make mince meat out of tRump.

2. Taylor Swift. She's just getting wound up. And the MAGAt leaders have already threatened to halve her attendance before she spoke out. But she won't have the experience in government. Business, yes.

3. AOC. Just not this time around. Maybe in 2028 will she have the background to handle the Presidency. But, damn, she could handle tRump.

4. Eric Swalwell, from the House of Representatives. He has the experience with Government. He's well seasoned and experienced. Like Raskin, he is on record making fools out of MAGAt Congresspeople.
Boy, you guys are in deeper shit than I thought.
Jamie Raskin
Piglosi flunkey
Taylor Swift.
NFL Prostitute
Commie moron
Eric Swalwell
Commie spy--Fang Fang
Pelosi: 'No concerns' over Eric Swalwell-Christine Fang relationship

LOL, Try again.
I wonder. Did the shooter get lucky (yes he did) He should have been intercepted long before coming with less than 200 yards of tRump. I think the fix might have been in but where he was intercepted was well beyond the MAGAt's plans. The only one not in on it was the shooter who paid the price.
Had nothing to do with MAGA together, it was Biden's SS failure, moron.
The attempt to assassinate trump was a horrendous event, and we certainly deserve to know what mistakes were made that allowed it to happen. However, there are other aspects of the event that are obviously known but are not being released to the public. How bad was the injury to his ear? How many stitches did it take to close the wound? A high-powered rifle would have easily taken the ear off. Is that big bandage just a prop for sympathy? Is it bad enough to require plastic surgery, or is it just a scratch and will heal without more extreme medical attention? We have a right to know the answers to these questions. Why is trump hiding that information? It's been reported that his injury wasn't from a bullet after all. Some are saying a shard of flying glass from the teleprompter nicked his ear. That certainly looks like a reasonable assumption, especially since he is hiding the answers to all the other questions.
We already know how bad it is. It was a graze that required no stiches. What else do you need to know? :dunno:
The attempt to assassinate trump was a horrendous event, and we certainly deserve to know what mistakes were made that allowed it to happen. However, there are other aspects of the event that are obviously known but are not being released to the public. How bad was the injury to his ear? How many stitches did it take to close the wound? A high-powered rifle would have easily taken the ear off. Is that big bandage just a prop for sympathy? Is it bad enough to require plastic surgery, or is it just a scratch and will heal without more extreme medical attention? We have a right to know the answers to these questions. Why is trump hiding that information? It's been reported that his injury wasn't from a bullet after all. Some are saying a shard of flying glass from the teleprompter nicked his ear. That certainly looks like a reasonable assumption, especially since he is hiding the answers to all the other questions.
Why do YOU need to know any of that? Cuz the injury is helpful for Trump? Thats not a good reason....

...but i will still tell you. It was a graze that required no stiches. It isnt a secret, youre just uninformed. :dunno:
Actually, I want him to yell more. The more he yells, the more lies comes out of his mouth along with some really unbelievable nonsense. Now if the Dems would just present someone like

1. Jamie Raskin, from the House of Representatives. He would make mince meat out of tRump.

2. Taylor Swift. She's just getting wound up. And the MAGAt leaders have already threatened to halve her attendance before she spoke out. But she won't have the experience in government. Business, yes.

3. AOC. Just not this time around. Maybe in 2028 will she have the background to handle the Presidency. But, damn, she could handle tRump.

4. Eric Swalwell, from the House of Representatives. He has the experience with Government. He's well seasoned and experienced. Like Raskin, he is on record making fools out of MAGAt Congresspeople.
Perfect representatives for a banana republic.
How comfortable would you be if I shot a portion of your ear off? You know, a sort of William Tell moment. Would you call it a boo boo?
Call it what ever you want, the fact is that you turned Trump into an American warrior. And you know it. That's why you are begging Biden to shut up and go away.
2 million yes yes and yes. Had it happened to Biden, their questions would be far changed.

He does not need to campaign. He's got it already. I would think just as well of him if he spent the rest of the time between now and his second inauguration in a place where the murdering left can't get their hands on him.

He needs to keep campaigning because the democrats only hope is to steal it again.

We have to bury them under legit ballots. So many that they can't create enough.

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