Why is trump hiding the medical reports?

Some seem to believe he was not taken to the assigned medical facility but was treated on the plane. Couldn't have been much of an injury if that was the case.
There is video of him arriving at the local ER, you dolt. You can even see the same Melissa McCarthy Secret Service agent there:

None of that is important. The left has been planting the assassination seed for a while now, and are upset it didn't work out for them.
They turned Trump into a hero! TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP

Hate to break it to you but it wasn't the left. It's the ultra right wingers being stirred up into a frenzy. The damn just broke.
There is video of him arriving at the local ER, you dolt. You can even see the same Melissa McCarthy Secret Service agent there:

So why were those records hidden. The videos linked were of his personal doctor who treated him on the plane.
There is video of him arriving at the local ER, you dolt. You can even see the same Melissa McCarthy Secret Service agent there:

One huge problem. Not once was tRump visible. And if you believe that we are going to take you MAGAts words on anything, you really do need to check into a special hospital on the 7th floor.
I think they are allergic to them.

FSTV-Fox-News-Magnet (1).jpg
I feel like there is nothing new about MAGA cult members making wild absurd claims.
Like Biden is incompetent and is in end stage dementia? Like the DNC has falsely stated that he has covid and is hiding him in his basement so that he can't make a bigger fool of himself than he already has? Like that? You are a FOOL CULT member. LMAO. I can't wait for Nov. 6. I will laugh at your tears.
The attempt to assassinate trump was a horrendous event, and we certainly deserve to know what mistakes were made that allowed it to happen. However, there are other aspects of the event that are obviously known but are not being released to the public. How bad was the injury to his ear? How many stitches did it take to close the wound? A high-powered rifle would have easily taken the ear off. Is that big bandage just a prop for sympathy? Is it bad enough to require plastic surgery, or is it just a scratch and will heal without more extreme medical attention? We have a right to know the answers to these questions. Why is trump hiding that information? It's been reported that his injury wasn't from a bullet after all. Some are saying a shard of flying glass from the teleprompter nicked his ear. That certainly looks like a reasonable assumption, especially since he is hiding the answers to all the other questions.

did you see the cult members at the RNC wearing sympathy bandages on their ears. I spit my drink out laughing when I saw that

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