Why is trump hiding the medical reports?

Maybe if you were as concerned about knowing why a mental health professional was visiting the White House



you were with trump’s wound from a ActBlue donor’s failed assassination attempt,

the act blue donor who was a registered (R), & neighbors report that he had trump signs in his yard.

then maybe your party wouldn’t be begging for xiden to get out and your party not in chaos

whether biden stays in or he leaves will not change their vote in the end. that is a fact.
Exactly what do those talking about Trumps ear and the bandage think they will learn if the records are made public? Do you think it will lead to a second shooter on a grassy knoll or caused Biden like cognitive decline? Do you think it will somehow distract from Biden’s problems?

I have never seen anyone so sensitive about stitches
Most will proudly proclaim……I got 20 stitches

Trump doesn’t want us to know it was just a scratch
I don’t want to see a statement I want the records, isn’t that what you all are asking from trump?

they are his records & medical info is in there. what donny needs to do is release the medical REPORT about his injury. THAT is all.

for now. but he never released a f'n thing when he was prez either.
We already know how bad it is. It was a graze that required no stiches. What else do you need to know? :dunno:
A graze that required no stiches. A small wound like that would have stopped bleeding long before now, otherwise, they would have gone back and placed stitches. So, you agree that big bandage he is still wearing is just a prop to garner sympathy from his cult.
I have never seen anyone so sensitive about stitches
Most will proudly proclaim……I got 20 stitches

Trump doesn’t want us to know it was just a scratch
Yes it was graze from a rifle round that came very close to being a kill shot. Personally I’m more concerned about the epic security failure that allowed the shooter to get as close as he did and get off eight shoots before being taken out than I am about Trumps ear and the bandage size. But hey we all have different priorities about what is and isn’t important.

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