Let's talk about the oft repeated phrase "a threat to democracy" we believe trump presents.

Biden’s delegates can’t switch their vote unless Biden decides to leave the race. I’m one of those people that think he should.

Calling it disenfranchisement is silly.
They constantly search for ways, speciously, to equate what trump and Repubs have done, and are doing, with Dems. It's why they bloviate, ridiculously, about Biden persecuting trump. It's why they bloviate, ridiculously, about Hillary using Russian propaganda. Now they bloviate, ridiculously, about disenfranchisement of primary voters. It's pathetic.
I'm not sure the best way to describe the reaction to illegally trying to nullify the votes of millions of people is hurt feelings.

What do you call it when the DNC does it because you all have figured you're not going to win now?
Ok, you have nothing further to contribute and no matter how much logic or reason I use nor how many facts I put in front of you, you are going to stubbornly defend the indefensible. You are done, dismissed.
There’s no logic or reason here. You just deny facts that you don’t want to believe.
What do you call it when the DNC does it because you all have figured you're not going to win now?
Here's what you keep getting wrong. It's Biden's decision to make, not the DNC's. But I get what you folks are trying to do. You're transparently trying to equate trump's attempt to steal the election with the possibility of Biden deciding to drop out. It isn't working.
Why do you think it’s a new concept?

I have no requirement to address a point I never made. I have said multiple times that the court had an ability to rectify a wrong (the idea that anyone should be above our laws) but failed to do so.
I have no requirement to address a point I never made. I have said multiple times that the court had an ability to rectify a wrong (the idea that anyone should be above our laws) but failed to do so.
How could the court undo sovereign immunity?
The president is the executive branch, so how does it not apply to him when he’s acting in his duties??
The prez is a member of the executive branch, not the government itself. Next time you should do some research before you post something so as not to humiliate yourself with a display of ignorance. Then again, you'd have to stop posting altogether to achieve that.
How could the court undo sovereign immunity?

Simply rule no one is above the law. More specifically not specifically rule the president can ignore our laws as long as he considers it "official business".
The prez is a member of the executive branch, not the government itself. Next time you should do some research before you post something so as not to humiliate yourself with a display of ignorance. Then again, you'd have to stop posting altogether to achieve that.
Maybe read the constitution you dumb fuck

The power of rhe executive vest in A President

He is the executive
Simply rule no one is above the law. More specifically not specifically rule the president can ignore our laws as long as he considers it "official business".
What the fuck?

Yes the president can ignore the law, yes the govt can ignore the law when they are acting in their official business

This isn’t a new idea

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