Outrage in Wisconsin as trump allows a "darkie" to say a sikh prayer on stage

Think of it this way..... There is no working class unless there is an employer class. Trump is good for American employers and by extension good for the working class. There's no way the left can embrace both positions.... Unlimited illegal immigration versus benevolence to the working class, because the immigration is destroying working class opportunity. If done correctly and by the book, immigration could be a great boon to the working-class but that wouldn't satisfy the thirst for headcount and votes that the left is displaying.

Trump's position on immigration is far more intelligent. He wants to let in the skilled and the knowledgeable. This type of immigration actually creates value added positions in the economy.


Labor precedes or predicates the private employer/exploiter class. Human labor produces everything, and it's the foundation of all modes of production, including capitalism, so you don't know what you're saying. Without wages there's no paying consumer and hence no profits or capitalists. The working class comprises 94% of the population, and could easily, if it wasn't brainwashed and ignorant like you, make its government employ it, making all employment a function of the state. The working class could also create a private sector where only worker-owned, democratically-run cooperatives employ workers.
Workers should build their own countries. The more homogeneous a nation is ethnically and culturally, the more secure and prosperous it becomes. Melting pots don't make it, they fall apart in chaos, exactly what is happening now here in America and Europe.

Jews in general, hold whites/WASPS/Europeans, in extreme contempt:

And Jews in the Western world, control everything. EVERYTHING. Trump is a lapdog of the Jews. The only reason I'm voting for him next November, is because I believe he's less likely to start WW3 than Biden or Harris. But both the Republicans and Dems are under Jewish ZIonist control. We are under a ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government, focused on MIGA - Making Israel Great Again.










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If you want to actually address what I said, that would be great.
/---/ I addressed it when I said to seal the border and fine the employers, but you didn't like those ideas.
Now, answer my question: Why are there no good paying jobs in the socialist hell hole nanny states?

Are they trying to lose ?

A woman who is literally a terrorist is allowed to promote satanism a few yards away from Gods chosen one.

Trump probably doesnt know what a sikh is but there should be someone there who could tell him. Most of his followers dont know either but they look like pakis to me and that is good enough.

They have upset that spiritual giant Nick Fuentes. He is the future of maga. Where will it end. ?
Nothing but GASLIGHT THEATRE and PROJECTION from the demented LEFT.
it's an islamo nazi technique-----where racial and/or religious
dissension does not exist----THEY CREATE IT
The ZioNazis are much worse. Jews control everything and they hate the goyim (non-Jews), because their rabbis and most importantly their actions, tell us that. You've been contaminated by your xenophobic, Jewish supremacist religion and culture, which leads Jews to have goals, and adopt agendas that undermine the lives of the "goyim", all of humanity. Your religion and culture, and your mindset are anti-human.

I wish the Jews would find a homeland, where they can all live. Kick them out of here and send them over there, but the problem is that "over there" is already inhabited by millions of non-Jews. Maybe Antarctica is the only place left, but the penguins and the seals would form a resistance.
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The ZioNazis are much worse. Jews control everything and they hate the goyim (non-Jews), because their rabbis and most importantly their actions, tell us that. You've been contaminated by your xenophobic, Jewish supremacist religion and culture, which leads Jews to have goals, and adopt agendas that undermine the lives of the "goyim", all of humanity. Your religion and culture, and your mindset are anti-human.

I wish the Jews would find a homeland, where they can all live. Kick them out of here and send them over there, but the problem is that "over there" is already inhabited by millions of non-Jews. Maybe Antarctica is the only place left, but the penguins, along with the seals, would form a resistance.
You fascinate me. I grew up in a town populated by people like you. Interestingly you seem to imagine that you understand just
what the "jewish education" is. Do you know what the word
'goyim' means? Jesus knew----he even used it
Labor precedes or predicates the private employer/exploiter class. Human labor produces everything, and it's the foundation of all modes of production, including capitalism, so you don't know what you're saying. Without wages there's no paying consumer and hence no profits or capitalists. The working class comprises 94% of the population, and could easily, if it wasn't brainwashed and ignorant like you, make its government employ it, making all employment a function of the state. The working class could also create a private sector where only worker-owned, democratically-run cooperatives employ workers.
Workers should build their own countries. The more homogeneous a nation is ethnically and culturally, the more secure and prosperous it becomes. Melting pots don't make it, they fall apart in chaos, exactly what is happening now here in America and Europe.

Jews in general, hold whites/WASPS/Europeans, in extreme contempt:

And Jews in the Western world, control everything. EVERYTHING. Trump is a lapdog of the Jews. The only reason I'm voting for him next November, is because I believe he's less likely to start WW3 than Biden or Harris. But both the Republicans and Dems are under Jewish ZIonist control. We are under a ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government, focused on MIGA - Making Israel Great Again.

Phew....what a load.

The disparity that you decry is the unavoidable entropy of the system such as we have it. The idea of universal egalitarianism is not workable from a human standpoint frankly. It works for insect hives....nuff said.

There has never been a successful egalatarian society for the simple reason that the component that it would be built on, equal-ness, is not a naturally occurring phenomenon. You don't see it anywhere in the natural world. Would it be ideal?
Sure. Is it attainable? Never....
Not as long as we are humanity.
/---/ I addressed it when I said to seal the border and fine the employers, but you didn't like those ideas.

I said NO ONE is going to do that.

I'm not a fan of ideas that aren't going to happen.

Neither party will do anything about the employers.

With that being the case anything else is just blowing smoke.

Now, answer my question: Why are there no good paying jobs in the socialist hell hole nanny states?

For one reason, we undermine many of the countries.

the word Goy---means NATION----the word Goyim is plural and
means NATIONS----in some contexts it means gentiles, ie---"other
nations" I don't know---but I assume you to be christian. What do christians "scholars" teach about people who do not "believe in" Jesus? You have stated that "rabbis teach...." What?
You fascinate me. I grew up in a town populated by people like you. Interestingly you seem to imagine that you understand just
what the "jewish education" is. Do you know what the word
'goyim' means? Jesus knew----he even used it
Try your little "hasbara" game on someone else, I know how the word goyim is used among the Jews, because in my youth, as a teen I worked for and with Jews, as a shabbos goy, as an employee, and I know that grammatically that word means "nation" or "nations", but culturally, that word is often used as a pejorative. Similar to Shishka. It has a negative connotation.

Your own rabbis, the TeNaK, Talmud, and Kabbalah literature, all agree with me, not you.

Are they trying to lose ?

A woman who is literally a terrorist is allowed to promote satanism a few yards away from Gods chosen one.

Trump probably doesnt know what a sikh is but there should be someone there who could tell him. Most of his followers dont know either but they look like pakis to me and that is good enough.

They have upset that spiritual giant Nick Fuentes. He is the future of maga. Where will it end. ?
Hardly a "barrage: and hardly "hate"... merely religious sensitivity amongst a handful of practitioners of do-it-yourself Christianity...

The Guardian is only a notch or two above America's own National Enquirer at its zenith as a supermarket tabloid...

Coming from the same country that once expelled the Jews and shoved religious dogma down its subjects' throats...
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Try your little "hasbara" game on someone else, I know how the word goyim is used among the Jews, because in my youth, as a teen I worked for and with Jews, as a shabbos goy, as an employee, and I know that grammatically that word means "nation" or "nations", but culturally, that word is often used as a pejorative. Similar to Shishka. It has a negative connotation.

Your own rabbis, the TeNaK, Talmud, and Kabbalah literature, all agree with me, not you.
what does the "TeNaK" "Talmud" and "Kabbalah" say about
"GOYIM"? What do christian scholars say about people who do
not accept the idea that Jesus is "DIVINE" ? Is the word "jew" ever used as a pejorative amongst christians?
Phew....what a load.

The disparity that you decry is the unavoidable entropy of the system such as we have it. The idea of universal egalitarianism is not workable from a human standpoint frankly. It works for insect hives....nuff said.

There has never been a successful egalatarian society for the simple reason that the component that it would be built on, equal-ness, is not a naturally occurring phenomenon. You don't see it anywhere in the natural world. Would it be ideal?
Sure. Is it attainable? Never....
Not as long as we are humanity.
Phew....what a load.

The disparity that you decry is the unavoidable entropy of the system such as we have it. The idea of universal egalitarianism is not workable from a human standpoint frankly. It works for insect hives....nuff said.
I'm not an egalitarian, and what you're saying about entropy and "the system" is silly. Capitalism, while it is able to exist, should be under the control of the state and should always serve the good of the nation, not a few capitalists. The working class should be protected and taken good care of because it's they who do the work. You're all for dictatorship provided the capitalists are the ones doing all of the dictating, serving their own vested interests at everyone else's expense.

There has never been a successful egalitarian society for the simple reason that the component that it would be built on, equal-ness, is not a naturally occurring phenomenon.

I don't believe in "equalness", but I do believe in everyone being equal before the law, and in the natural phenomenon of human beings earning their place through service to their community (nation). Everyone should have a right to the basics of life to avoid all of the social ills that come with extreme poverty, but as far as social status and merit, that is earned through hard work and service to the nation and community.

You don't see it anywhere in the natural world. Would it be ideal?
Sure. Is it attainable? Never....Not as long as we are humanity.

Only savages base their behavior on the "natural world" or wildlife. Are you wildlife? Humans naturally have the propensity to cooperate with one another and establish social, tribal structures, where plenty of solidarity, and empathy are expressed.



Nothing but GASLIGHT THEATRE and PROJECTION from the demented LEFT.
What does that actually mean ? The thread is about a sikh woman reading a sikh prayer and then getting blasted by the republican herd.. There was no need for that in any rational society. Only in racist scum circles..

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