The Algebra of Wealth

I know. I know it's social issues not economics. And I think Americans are going to be PISSED they voted for Trump if Trump wins. This woman at work 3 weeks ago almost bit my head off when I expressed support for Biden. Then she came in pissed about Project 2025. Her daughter is against book bannings like in Florida. Then one day after Trump got shot she came in sort of suggesting she supports him again. So the false flag worked. I asked her what about Project 2025. It sounds like she's willing to take it.

So, if Trump wins, I can't wait till he and the corrupt Supreme Court and Republicans in the Senate and House push Project 2025 on us. Mike Johnson will certainly go along. JD Vance for sure. Ted Cruz, Ron D, Nikki, all Not Sees of the first order.

I am going to be on board if Trump wins. I'm going to be so anti Mexican and Muslim. Cuts to social security? It only makes sense.

If Biden wins, Biden doesn't actually win. If they even attempted to trim S.S. the backlash would be far more severe than what they did with abortion.
You want me to condemn the role that "shareholder value" has done to harm this country?

I'm on board. It's why we no longer have stable employment.

Let me give you a great example of how Republicans have fucked us over the last 40 or so years. Just a small example. They made cuts to all sorts of social programs. We're broke they say. Then they give tax cuts to corporations and rich people. They say "that's their money". Okay fine. But that's going to push tax burden more on to us. But anyways, that's not the point I'm going to make. So they make cuts to things that benefit young people and pass tax cuts that help boomers. Because all the politicians are boomers. They say we can't have it as good as them. OK FINE. They say we will probably have to cut ss 20% in 10 years to save the program.

OK FINE! So then why did they recently give a cost of living raise to seniors? Knowing the program is going broke and cuts are coming? Why not start with not giving cost of living increases? If you get $2000 today, in 20 years you're going to get 2000 a month. That's fucking IT! Inflation? Consider that before you retire.
If Biden wins, Biden doesn't actually win. If they even attempted to trim S.S. the backlash would be far more severe than what they did with abortion.

If Trump wins after what they did with abortion, that will tell them there will be very little backlash. We will bend over and take it

Don't forget it will happen during a major recession. What did the Greeks do when they were forced to accept austerity cuts? They protested after a while then eventually dealt with it.
Let me give you a great example of how Republicans have fucked us over the last 40 or so years. Just a small example. They made cuts to all sorts of social programs. We're broke they say. Then they give tax cuts to corporations and rich people. They say "that's their money". Okay fine. But that's going to push tax burden more on to us. But anyways, that's not the point I'm going to make. So they make cuts to things that benefit young people and pass tax cuts that help boomers. Because all the politicians are boomers. They say we can't have it as good as them. OK FINE. They say we will probably have to cut ss 20% in 10 years to save the program.

BOTH parties are slaves to corporations. Obama extended the Bush tax cuts. Biden promised to tax the wealthy but did nothing.

Yes, the Democrats say the words but they do nothing to actually carry them out.

OK FINE! So then why did they recently give a cost of living raise to seniors? Knowing the program is going broke and cuts are coming? Why not start with not giving cost of living increases? If you get $2000 today, in 20 years you're going to get 2000 a month. That's fucking IT! Inflation? Consider that before you retire.

I'm already retired.
If Trump wins after what they did with abortion, that will tell them there will be very little backlash. We will bend over and take it

Don't forget it will happen during a major recession. What did the Greeks do when they were forced to accept austerity cuts? They protested after a while then eventually dealt with it.

You can still get an abortion, bitch. Just go to a state that still loves killing babies.
If Trump wins after what they did with abortion, that will tell them there will be very little backlash. We will bend over and take it

Don't forget it will happen during a major recession. What did the Greeks do when they were forced to accept austerity cuts? They protested after a while then eventually dealt with it.

Yes cuts would hurt BUT they do need to be made but it's highly unlikely to happen just like it didn't happen in the first Trump term.
If Biden wins, Biden doesn't actually win. If they even attempted to trim S.S. the backlash would be far more severe than what they did with abortion.
There is actually little political benefit to changing Social Security. Just let it be and it will implode on its own inside a decade and that blame will land squarely on the left.
There is actually little political benefit to changing Social Security. Just let it be and it will implode on its own inside a decade and that blame will land squarely on the left.

Only if you are in the Righty Cult. The Lefty Cult will blame it on the right.

And both will be correct.
We'll see. I think that those who would save it will wait far too long to do so as they labor under the concept that it is unchangeable and untouchable.

S.S. only collapses when the entire mess collapses. Now that will happen.
BOTH parties are slaves to corporations. Obama extended the Bush tax cuts. Biden promised to tax the wealthy but did nothing.

Yes, the Democrats say the words but they do nothing to actually carry them out.

I'm already retired.

First off, I love corporations too. Capitalism is the best ISM if it's properly regulated. Our founders warned us about extreme wealth accumilating in a few hands. So rich, "I don't need your money" gets elected then he totally ripped off the US taxpayer the entire time he was POS, I mean POTUS.

So stop with the both parties bullshit. One party is clearly more pro labor than the other. Remember, in the 2000's the GOP told us instead of paying us more, how about some cheap shit from China?

Which kind of reminds me of what they're saying now. They're not saying they're going to put more money in workers pockets. They're saying Democrats caused inflation. Which everyone knows is a lie. At least me, Bill Maher, Chris Christie, Ron DeSantos and Nikki before they kissed the ring.
First off, I love corporations too. Capitalism is the best ISM if it's properly regulated. Our founders warned us about extreme wealth accumilating in a few hands. So rich, "I don't need your money" gets elected then he totally ripped off the US taxpayer the entire time he was POS, I mean POTUS.

So stop with the both parties bullshit. One party is clearly more pro labor than the other. Remember, in the 2000's the GOP told us instead of paying us more, how about some cheap shit from China?

Happened under both parties. You can try and believe it didn't but it did.

Which kind of reminds me of what they're saying now. They're not saying they're going to put more money in workers pockets. They're saying Democrats caused inflation. Which everyone knows is a lie. At least me, Bill Maher, Chris Christie, Ron DeSantos and Nikki before they kissed the ring.

Both parties caused the inflation.
I've long argued that all income should all be taxed the same but it doesn't take algebra to understand that the longer you live to accrue things you have more of it (in general).

Income is taxed the same (same Tax code is applied to all). But if you are wise and you use those Post-Tax dollars to gain wealth.......unrealized wealth is hard to tax and frankly un-contstituional most likely.//
Capital gains are profits from the sale of a capital asset, such as shares of stock, a business, a parcel of land, or a work of art. Capital gains are generally included in taxable income, but in most cases, are taxed at a lower rate.

Happened under both parties. You can try and believe it didn't but it did.

Both parties caused the inflation.
Yes it happened under both parties. But it happened starting in 1978. Corporations like GE broke the social contract with workers and profits skyrocketed. Perhaps you should have been more pro union.

In this time, union membership went from 35% of our workforce to 5%. Which party helped brake unions?

Yes Clinton signed NAFTA but Reagan/Bush 1 invented NAFTA. NAFTA was a done deal. And to be honest? I'm not an isolationist. I'm a globalist. It's a global economy now. Too late to go back BUT, some industries should be done here at home. We all agree.

It was Reagan who first signaled to companies that they'd turn a blind eye to illegals. Illegal EMPLOYERS steal billions from blue collar workers but they never talk about what's drawing these people here.

Yes, Biden had no problem giving out stimulus to get us through the pandemic. But don't forget, 2/3 of the pandemic money happened on Trump's watch. So Republicans arm chair QB inflation on Biden but forget Trump did the same things. Oh sure they objected. The tea baggers. But enough of them signed on.

Back to NAFTA. Clinton put worker and environmental protections in before he signed. Clearly Bush removed those regulations in the 2000's. Sent 1 million of our best paying jobs overseas. The Great Recession, GM going bankrupt, reniging on penions, those blue collar workers would never find jobs like that. No wonder so many white are dying of economic despair.

But they should take a look at how well union workers are doing. They got raises And they got Biden's support.

I hope Trump wins. Everything the left tries to do will be deemed unconstitutional by a Trump appointed judge. You "both sides" people deserve what's coming. Not Sees.
Yes it happened under both parties. But it happened starting in 1978. Corporations like GE broke the social contract with workers and profits skyrocketed. Perhaps you should have been more pro union.

I have no idea why one responds in this way. I have nothing against unions. (In general I guess I need to note).

In this time, union membership went from 35% of our workforce to 5%. Which party helped brake unions?

Yes Clinton signed NAFTA but Reagan/Bush 1 invented NAFTA. NAFTA was a done deal. And to be honest? I'm not an isolationist. I'm a globalist. It's a global economy now. Too late to go back BUT, some industries should be done here at home. We all agree.

It was Reagan who first signaled to companies that they'd turn a blind eye to illegals. Illegal EMPLOYERS steal billions from blue collar workers but they never talk about what's drawing these people here.

Yes, Biden had no problem giving out stimulus to get us through the pandemic. But don't forget, 2/3 of the pandemic money happened on Trump's watch. So Republicans arm chair QB inflation on Biden but forget Trump did the same things. Oh sure they objected. The tea baggers. But enough of them signed on.

Back to NAFTA. Clinton put worker and environmental protections in before he signed. Clearly Bush removed those regulations in the 2000's. Sent 1 million of our best paying jobs overseas. The Great Recession, GM going bankrupt, reniging on penions, those blue collar workers would never find jobs like that. No wonder so many white are dying of economic despair.

But they should take a look at how well union workers are doing. They got raises And they got Biden's support.

I hope Trump wins. Everything the left tries to do will be deemed unconstitutional by a Trump appointed judge. You "both sides" people deserve what's coming. Not Sees.

I'm not defending Reagan or Trump.
Income is taxed the same (same Tax code is applied to all). But if you are wise and you use those Post-Tax dollars to gain wealth.......unrealized wealth is hard to tax and frankly un-contstituional most likely.//
I'm so grateful my condo was paid off at age 47. So many people, if they are lucky enough to have a mortgage, have 30 year mortgages that they took out when they were 30.
I have no idea why one responds in this way. I have nothing against unions. (In general I guess I need to note).

I'm not defending Reagan or Trump.
I forgot to add that during the Bush years, in 1999 the government raided something like 400 companies we knew hired illegals. In 2002 I think Bush raided 4. He completely told illegal employers don't worry about the laws. Hire them. Save money. Fuck the middle class. If it saves business owners money great. These are just jobs Americans won't do.

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • In this powerful new collection of oil paintings and stories, President George W. Bush spotlights the inspiring journeys of America’s immigrants and the contributions they make to the life and prosperity of our nation.

And for the record, I agree with him. We need them. But we need them to be legal. So they are paying into social security. And not bringing wages down. If we need them fine. But they need to be legal aliens.

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