As a traditional Democrat I liked a number of Harris’s points during the debate ….BUT

In many cases today, yes. And you also have the feminization of Democrat males. They had a trans man at a White House event with Joe Biden present, where the trans person flashed their breasts. Now that’s something that would’ve never occurred during the days of John Kennedy.

That said There was a troubling result from the debate. As a Trump supporter I say this. Poly market allows people to bet on the election and there’s hundreds of millions of dollars bet on the presidential election. Before the debate Trump was about a 54% favorite to win the election. Right now, Trump is sitting at 49%. So unless some left-wing whales put a bunch of money on Harris That’s a problem.

Either a bunch of small bets or a few whale bets were put on Harris post debate.^

Also the DJT stock plummeted after debate. That is a sign I believe that a lot of Fellow Trump folks were not happy with the debate.

Good news is that there are still time for Trump to recover.
Trump will win 312 to 226. A fake debate will not change those results.
In many cases today, yes. And you also have the feminization of Democrat males. They had a trans man at a White House event with Joe Biden present, where the trans person flashed their breasts. Now that’s something that would’ve never occurred during the days of John Kennedy.

That said There was a troubling result from the debate. As a Trump supporter I say this. Poly market allows people to bet on the election and there’s hundreds of millions of dollars bet on the presidential election. Before the debate Trump was about a 54% favorite to win the election. Right now, Trump is sitting at 49%. So unless some left-wing whales put a bunch of money on Harris That’s a problem.

Either a bunch of small bets or a few whale bets were put on Harris post debate.^

Also the DJT stock plummeted after debate. That is a sign I believe that a lot of Fellow Trump folks were not happy with the debate.

Good news is that there are still time for Trump to recover.
I love when stock plummets, I buy more.
Harris talked about some kind of a $50,000 startup loan or similar for a small business. And a $25,000 government assistance for a new homeowner. Now we’ve had 1st time homeowner assistance in the USA for a long time. And with the astronomical price of homes today and the average 25-year-old making half today what they did 40 years ago…. something has to give. Harris stressed the need for affordable healthcare. People might say that a lot of this stuff sounds like we would have to print up more money or “wealth redistribution”. Well how about this …..instead of giving hundreds of billions of dollars to foreign countries like Israel or Ukraine…put that money into the American economy…. No more taxpayer dollars going into Israel. What you can do is allow private individual citizens to support Israel or Ukraine and I’m sure they could raise a lot of money. But point is I liked Some of what Harris said in the debate.


Harris is woke, she is pro
Blm, she is very far left on abortion, she got crushed in the 2020 Democrat primaries… It’s really a shame. In addition there is a noticeable culture of feminization/beta male in the Democratic Party. How can anyone want to be a part of that? Prime example “Tampon Tim” guy puts tampons in boys bathrooms, also democrat controlled cities where you have parades with naked men urinating on each other in front of kids. If the Democrats can reverse their radical left-wing trends, they could crush the elections for the foreseeable future.

Todays democrat party the party of John F. Kennedy or even Bill Clinton for that matter. Maybe they will reverse course and get back to what previously won them the support of traditional Americans black-and-white
Don’t fret. She doesn’t mean anything she says.
I love when stock plummets, I buy more.
Good idea ..I bought the dip on aug 5. As for the DJT stock… well I believe that if that stock is to go up Trump has to win in Nov.

That being said, I hope we avoid a bad year in 2025. We’ve had two positive S&P 500 years in a row. History shows us that eventually there’s going to be a rough year for the S&P 500. The only question is when will it be?

During Bill Clinton’s time in office there was only one year where the sp 500 was down. He was not a woke president, he provided over a solid economy. It was much easier to buy a home and get into the middle class in the 90s.
Trump supporters crave violence and chaos. This is well known.
And it is Progs who do it. Like many people though they keep their distance and let the psychotic and/or Antifa and/or BLM and other organizations do it. Then they talk with machismo like they put their lives on the line. And of course, many of the Prog organizations have not done that also. They put other people's lives on the line, endless stealing with a lot of property destruction to go with it. Me, I am still waiting for Deplorables to do the same. And as of now I am like near most of the Progs. Let others do it and then decide to join in because there is power in numbers. I do not know if I will act machismo for it has not happened yet. when that kid Rittenhouse showed up with the rifle in that Prog riot, hundreds and hundreds of them ran away in fright. There was one that ran over when he was on the ground and kicked the weapon away. Understand? Violence one way make men seem like giants. And every attack from Prog brownshirts even abortion protesters that we saw is one way. Two-way violence is so different. Two way is reality.
And it is Progs who do it. Like many people though they keep their distance and let the psychotic and/or Antifa and/or BLM and other organizations do it. Then they talk with machismo like they put their lives on the line. And of course, many of the Prog organizations have not done that also. They put other people's lives on the line, endless stealing with a lot of property destruction to go with it. Me, I am still waiting for Deplorables to do the same. And as of now I am like near most of the Progs. Let others do it and then decide to join in because there is power in numbers. I do not know if I will act machismo for it has not happened yet. when that kid Rittenhouse showed up with the rifle in that Prog riot, hundreds and hundreds of them ran away in fright. There was one that ran over when he was on the ground and kicked the weapon away. Understand? Violence one way make men seem like giants. And every attack from Prog brownshirts even abortion protesters that we saw is one way. Two-way violence is so different. Two way is reality.

I win.
As I expected, Trump won the debate because he happened to be appealing to a lower level of intelligence in the country.
Totally disgusting compared to the much higher level of discourse by Kamala.

America deserved him and hopefully he'll find enough sense to end the war against Russia in time.

Or before government interferes?
Harris talked about some kind of a $50,000 startup loan or similar for a small business. And a $25,000 government assistance for a new homeowner. Now we’ve had 1st time homeowner assistance in the USA for a long time. And with the astronomical price of homes today and the average 25-year-old making half today what they did 40 years ago…. something has to give. Harris stressed the need for affordable healthcare. People might say that a lot of this stuff sounds like we would have to print up more money or “wealth redistribution”. Well how about this …..instead of giving hundreds of billions of dollars to foreign countries like Israel or Ukraine…put that money into the American economy…. No more taxpayer dollars going into Israel. What you can do is allow private individual citizens to support Israel or Ukraine and I’m sure they could raise a lot of money. But point is I liked Some of what Harris said in the debate.


Harris is woke, she is pro
Blm, she is very far left on abortion, she got crushed in the 2020 Democrat primaries… It’s really a shame. In addition there is a noticeable culture of feminization/beta male in the Democratic Party. How can anyone want to be a part of that? Prime example “Tampon Tim” guy puts tampons in boys bathrooms, also democrat controlled cities where you have parades with naked men urinating on each other in front of kids. If the Democrats can reverse their radical left-wing trends, they could crush the elections for the foreseeable future.

Todays democrat party the party of John F. Kennedy or even Bill Clinton for that matter. Maybe they will reverse course and get back to what previously won them the support of traditional Americans black-and-white

The problem with her home loan or government assistance ideas is this. Instead of worrying about the economy or having a plan to fix it she wants to just toss out more money. Federal tax payer money paid by people who own a business or a home they got on their own and pay for on their own.

The administration, the same one she was vice president of for 4 years, has been the same administration that's answer for everything is "throw money at it".

This is also a brand new tactic, one that stinks purely of being said just to win some votes from people who want free stuff and in the end will abuse the system. There is no guarantee she will even follow through.

I'm all for helping people buy a new house their first time or open their first business. But unless the economy is solid, and the majority of Americans are average, normal, decent, hardworking people then it won't work as it should and we have neither of those right now.

The last democrat I trusted and believed in was Tulsi gabbard, but the party ran her out. All the remaining ones are liars, crooks and thieves the likes of which I'd never seen in political power before, that includes kamala.
Harris talked about some kind of a $50,000 startup loan or similar for a small business. And a $25,000 government assistance for a new homeowner. Now we’ve had 1st time homeowner assistance in the USA for a long time. And with the astronomical price of homes today and the average 25-year-old making half today what they did 40 years ago…. something has to give. Harris stressed the need for affordable healthcare. People might say that a lot of this stuff sounds like we would have to print up more money or “wealth redistribution”. Well how about this …..instead of giving hundreds of billions of dollars to foreign countries like Israel or Ukraine…put that money into the American economy…. No more taxpayer dollars going into Israel. What you can do is allow private individual citizens to support Israel or Ukraine and I’m sure they could raise a lot of money. But point is I liked Some of what Harris said in the debate.


Harris is woke, she is pro
Blm, she is very far left on abortion, she got crushed in the 2020 Democrat primaries… It’s really a shame. In addition there is a noticeable culture of feminization/beta male in the Democratic Party. How can anyone want to be a part of that? Prime example “Tampon Tim” guy puts tampons in boys bathrooms, also democrat controlled cities where you have parades with naked men urinating on each other in front of kids. If the Democrats can reverse their radical left-wing trends, they could crush the elections for the foreseeable future.

Todays democrat party the party of John F. Kennedy or even Bill Clinton for that matter. Maybe they will reverse course and get back to what previously won them the support of traditional Americans black-and-white

The feminized males are the beta males in the GOP that shriek in fear thinking a gay person in the country means they will turn gay. It’s a large group of insecure, small pee pee dudes that dont know how to be a man other than by pretending. There are no men in the GOP.

Abortion is a personal matter. Have a baby or dont. Not anyone’s business but the woman’s. Get your grimy hands off her body.

Isolationism is silly. We are safe because we make sure our international interests remain in our favor. I agree we have been in too many wars since 1980 though. But that doesn’t mean isolation is the answer. How about we just dont invade countries on bogus charges?

HOWEVER… maybe you are onto something. Instead of the small amount we send foreign countries we focus on the cash we give to corporations and cut that back? It dwarfs foreign aid.
The problem with her home loan or government assistance ideas is this. Instead of worrying about the economy or having a plan to fix it she wants to just toss out more money. Federal tax payer money paid by people who own a business or a home they got on their own and pay for on their own.

The administration, the same one she was vice president of for 4 years, has been the same administration that's answer for everything is "throw money at it".

This is also a brand new tactic, one that stinks purely of being said just to win some votes from people who want free stuff and in the end will abuse the system. There is no guarantee she will even follow through.

I'm all for helping people buy a new house their first time or open their first business. But unless the economy is solid, and the majority of Americans are average, normal, decent, hardworking people then it won't work as it should and we have neither of those right now.

The last democrat I trusted and believed in was Tulsi gabbard, but the party ran her out. All the remaining ones are liars, crooks and thieves the likes of which I'd never seen in political power before, that includes kamala.
Gabbard is a lefty and a pothead. If she truly opposed what the democrat party is, she would have left before she even joined.

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