Biden to Import Venezuelan Oil to Meet US Demand – President Trump’s Energy Independence Policies Will Continue to be Ignored

What part of "Biden sold high and then bought low" are you not getting?

It's already been replaced, at a low cost. Biden made many billions for the USA doing that.
Biden didn’t buy shit dumb ass. Trump bought it and Biden gave it away you dip shit. You’re a fucking dumb ass
Biden didn’t buy shit dumb ass. Trump bought it and Biden gave it away you dip shit. You’re a fucking dumb ass
You're drifting further and further away from reality.

Are you perhaps experiencing the same sort of dementia that's affecting your DearLeader? Are Trump cultists smacking themselves with blunt objects so they can be more like Trump?

Oh, this.

The 3.3 million barrels are being purchased for an average price of $79.38, well below the average of about $95 per barrel that SPR crude was sold for in 2022, securing a good deal for taxpayers. To date, DOE has purchased a total of 35.6 million barrels of oil for the SPR for an average price of $77.18

Look, I understand that you only know what your cult tells you, but given how often it's happened, you should understand you cult just makes crazy stuff up.

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