To Everybody Calling Trump Mean

Obnoxious, cross, whatever words you want to use. Some of you are Republicans too. Let me just ask you guys a question. How would you feel if somebody tried to throw you in prison out of nowhere, kept claiming that you said things that you didn't, and tried to murder you?

Most likely you wouldn't want to send them flowers as you would be pretty ticked off. So I do believe that Trump has every reason in the world to be mister nasty.

Trump is a moronic whiny little bitch. “Mean” doesn’t cut it because it implies he actually angers. He’s just too pathetic for that.
If he actually has. It's easy when you fraud people out of their money. The penalties for fraud , if caught , and if prosecuted ( even less likely ). Then the fines are usually less than the profit made from the crime and no one seems to go to prison
Practically never.anyway.

Sounds correct , but how do we know that for sure , he lies about Everything .

Trump's first 4 bankruptcies totalled $1.8 billion in losses to the banks that financed his projects. That's in addition to other investor and subtrade claims.

According to the New York Times which got access to his tax returns for those years. Trump's losses in the 1990's, which Fred covered before his Alzheimers got so bad.

After American banks cut him off, and Trump started dealing with Deutches Banke, Trump started selling real estate to Russians. With Trump - everything leads back to Russia.

Obnoxious, cross, whatever words you want to use. Some of you are Republicans too. Let me just ask you guys a question. How would you feel if somebody tried to throw you in prison out of nowhere, kept claiming that you said things that you didn't, and tried to murder you?

Most likely you wouldn't want to send them flowers as you would be pretty ticked off. So I do believe that Trump has every reason in the world to be mister nasty.

Given that NONE of that happened to Trump, I don't see your point.

Donald Trump has been a lifelong criminal and con artist. Trump wasn't arrested "out of nowhere". And he did all of the things he's accused of plus a whole bunch more.
Trump's first 4 bankruptcies totalled $1.8 billion in losses to the banks that financed his projects. That's in addition to other investor and subtrade claims.

According to the New York Times which got access to his tax returns for those years. Trump's losses in the 1990's, which Fred covered before his Alzheimers got so bad.

After American banks cut him off, and Trump started dealing with Deutches Banke, Trump started selling real estate to Russians. With Trump - everything leads back to Russia.

Trump may be a clod but he's a devious one. Don't trust anything about him.
Godwin no longer applies since Trump and the Republicans started using Hitler’s authoritarian playbook to take over the country. As a student of World War II, the similarities are frightening.
If you're a student of the Big One, you should know Goebbels got many of his ideas for propaganda from an American. They were so good, the democratic party now uses the same propaganda tactics..............and you don't even realize it.
If you're a student of the Big One, you should know Goebbels got many of his ideas for propaganda from an American. They were so good, the democratic party now uses the same propaganda tactics..............and you don't even realize it.

Goebbels sent staff to the US to study Jim Crow on how to handle minorities and strip them of power and rights. Imagine. The USA and it’s post Civil War structures designed to keep Black people down, we’re models for Hitler’s Germany.

Hilter was a huge fan of Henry Ford, who was rabidly anti-Semitic. Hilter had a LOT of American followers and fans, including Lindbergh and other prominent Americans.

All of the ugly shit Republicans are now rolling around in, they revelled in before WWII including a massive NAZI Rally at Madison Square Garden.
Goebbels sent staff to the US to study Jim Crow on how to handle minorities and strip them of power and rights.
So you have no clue.....noted.

All of the ugly shit Republicans are now rolling around in, they revelled in before WWII including a massive NAZI Rally at Madison Square Garden.
How about the 1924 democratic national convention, often referred to as the Klanbake.

Then a march in 1925.

So you have no clue.....noted.

How about the 1924 democratic national convention, often referred to as the Klanbake.

Then a march in 1925.

Fast forward to Charlottesville a few years ago. Those were all republicans supporting trump.
Fact checked by whom?
All you have to do is say into your phone , " Did trump offer Nancy Pelosi the use of the National Guard and it's fact- checked for you by several reliable sources unless you are one of the weirdos who believes in fake news. Then you're just beyond help.
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