Las Vegas, 4 blacks get plea deal after beating to death a white boy.

What do you think would happen if four white guys beat to death a black guy? Plea deals? National sympathy? …I’m thinking rioting and looting. Including the murder of innocent people both black and white. That’s the legacy of the BLM riots.

There is no greater societal privilege than having a rationalized right to end someone else’s life.

“LAS VEGAS (AP) — Four Las Vegas teenagers accused in the fatal beating of their high school classmate have agreed to plead guilty to voluntary manslaughter in a deal that will keep them from being tried as adults, lawyers said Thursday.”

The teens originally were charged in January as adults with second-degree murder and conspiracy in the November death of 17-year-old Jonathan Lewis Jr. Cellphone video of the fatal beating was shared across social media.

The teens originally were charged in January as adults with second-degree murder and conspiracy in the November death of 17-year-old Jonathan Lewis Jr. Cellphone video of the fatal beating was shared across social media.”

They aren't exactly clean cut, are they? This is just the beginning.
Because then they’d have to admit that there is far more white on white crime than any other crime in the USA.

They have consistently covered up the fact that rural areas now have more crime than cities because of the opioid crisis.

They refuse to admit that, when poor white people have no jobs, no chance of retraining, and no opportunities, they turn to drugs and crime, too.

White kids sometimes turn to drugs and bad behavior even when they are from affluent families. It cuts across class, ethnicity, religion, parenting etc.
What do you think would happen if four white guys beat to death a black guy? Plea deals? National sympathy? …I’m thinking rioting and looting. Including the murder of innocent people both black and white. That’s the legacy of the BLM riots.

There is no greater societal privilege than having a rationalized right to end someone else’s life.

“LAS VEGAS (AP) — Four Las Vegas teenagers accused in the fatal beating of their high school classmate have agreed to plead guilty to voluntary manslaughter in a deal that will keep them from being tried as adults, lawyers said Thursday.”

The teens originally were charged in January as adults with second-degree murder and conspiracy in the November death of 17-year-old Jonathan Lewis Jr. Cellphone video of the fatal beating was shared across social media.

The teens originally were charged in January as adults with second-degree murder and conspiracy in the November death of 17-year-old Jonathan Lewis Jr. Cellphone video of the fatal beating was shared across social media.”

If four white guys beat a black kid to death, they wouldn’t even face charges. They would claim self-defense, and be home and dry before supper.

They would claim that the black kid was threatening them with a weapon and right wing media would photoshop pictures of him to make him look like a gang banger and a dangerous thug.

The four boys would be hailed as heroes for having defended themselves so bravely and ridding the world of yet another menace to society.

See Amad Arbery and Trayvon Martin.
If four white guys beat a black kid to death, they wouldn’t even face charges. They would claim self-defense, and be home and dry before supper.

They would claim that the black kid was threatening them with a weapon and right wing media would photoshop pictures of him to make him look like a gang banger and a dangerous thug.

The four boys would be hailed as heroes for having defended themselves so bravely and ridding the world of yet another menace to society.

See Amad Arbery and Trayvon Martin.
First media pic of Trayvon:

Trayvon at the time he attacked Zimmerman:
Probably because it is relatively such a minor issue compared to the abject violence of blacks in America. I mean 3 or 4% of the population (young superbadbruthas) committing half the murders in America is something you hate to talk about.
Let's keep it real, your redneck racist doesn't give a damn about black folks committing violence against another black person. Why would I talk about it with a racist like you, the majority of crimes against someone white is committed by someone white, why do you talk about that with other whites?

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