
You want to have a rational discussion about the meaning of "ultrasemitism" when Zionists feel entitled to accuse people of antisemitism on the tiniest of pretexts?

Sorry, but when the Jewish nationalists and male rape advocates and genocide apologists cavalierly throw "antisemite" around with impunity then they can expect the same treatment.
You hate Jews, don'tcha? Why? :dunno:
You hate Jews, don'tcha? Why? :dunno:
I have huge admiration for many Jews:

I'm propose use of the term "ultrasemitism" to denote the unjustified abuse of falsely labelling a non-Jewish person of being an antisemite.

Jews who are ultrasemitic must be called out, exposed for everyone to see the levels to which they are willing to stop in order to discredit critics of Jewish state nationalism as it operates in Israel.

There's been lots of ultrasemitic posting in this form and I'd venture to wager these far outnumber the number of genuinely antisemitic posts of which I've seen no examples frankly.
Thanks for your post. So little left for us to laugh at these days.
What if the state of Israel was or became a racist endeavor? how could I draw attention to that without embracing antisemitism?
yuou say things like what has been said when the government enacts racist policies: that they are racist policies. You do see how this is different from saying that teh state is a racist endeavor, I hope.
What if the state of Israel enacted policies that had once operated under the Nazis, if one witnessed that was happening, then why shy away from comparing it to the Nazis?
If the Nazis drank milk and Israelis drank milk, would you then see it as reasonable to compare Israelis with Nazis? There are very specific things that Nazis did which made them distinct. If you want to compare to Nazis, it should be something that is unique and requires comparing to Nazis because there is no other thing to compare to. I have yet to see that. I see people using the general comparison in order to invoke the Holocaust when they could be invoking all sorts of other scenarios but are trying to make a particular point by using Nazis.
Zionists compare Hamas to the Nazis all the time
we did? All the time? I had no idea. I do know that I have pointed out the collaboration and alliance between Arabs and Nazis, and I have pointed out how Arbas have chosen to use Nazi terms and symbols to advance their agenda.
The Zionist can use any language and metaphors they want
says who?
I do not submit to your rules that allow you to compare anyone you like with the Nazis but restricts to whom I can make the same kind of comparison.
My rules say nothing of the sort. So, again, if you insist in misrepresenting, you won't be able to hold a fruitful conversation.
Your entire privileged perception and sense of entitlement is what characterizes ultrasemitism and it has to stop.
you are imputing things and then judging based on what you project. Why?
That's like cows for Burger King.
they are actually Jews (a relatively small number) who want the secular state to be immediately replaced with a theocratic one so that they can enslave the Arabs. Of course, those who endorse them generally don't know the the NK's actual position on things...
yuou say things like what has been said when the government enacts racist policies: that they are racist policies. You do see how this is different from saying that teh state is a racist endeavor, I hope.
What if the state was or became a racist endeavor? You can keep evading the obvious point here if you want, it doesn't bother me, I expect you to actually.
If the Nazis drank milk and Israelis drank milk, would you then see it as reasonable to compare Israelis with Nazis? There are very specific things that Nazis did which made them distinct. If you want to compare to Nazis, it should be something that is unique and requires comparing to Nazis because there is no other thing to compare to. I have yet to see that. I see people using the general comparison in order to invoke the Holocaust when they could be invoking all sorts of other scenarios but are trying to make a particular point by using Nazis.

we did? All the time? I had no idea. I do know that I have pointed out the collaboration and alliance between Arabs and Nazis, and I have pointed out how Arbas have chosen to use Nazi terms and symbols to advance their agenda.

says who?

My rules say nothing of the sort. So, again, if you insist in misrepresenting, you won't be able to hold a fruitful conversation.

you are imputing things and then judging based on what you project. Why?
Why should I give you the right to compare anything you want with the Nazis while you refuse to give me that same right?

No Sir, this will not do, I do not submit to tyranny no matter how much of this you apply top it:

What if the state was or became a racist endeavor? You can keep evading the obvious point here if you want, it doesn't bother me, I expect you to actually.
Ah, but it isn't, so calling it that is currently in error. If the world changes, the world changes, but labeling it now as such when that is inaccurate is the problem.
Why should I give you the right to compare anything you want with the Nazis while you refuse to give me that same right?
Where did I claim that right? More of a strawman from you to object to.
Ah, but it isn't, so calling it that is currently in error. If the world changes, the world changes, but labeling it now as such when that is inaccurate is the problem.
Very well, let me ask then what if the state became a racist endeavor? How could one state that without being labelled antisemitic?
Where did I claim that right? More of a strawman from you to object to.
I never said you claimed anything, read the question again:

Why should I give you (Zionists) the right to compare anything you want with the Nazis while you refuse to give me (anti-Zionists) that same right?

Zionists compare Hamas to the Nazis every day, the comparison is routinely used by the Knesset, the military, Zionist lobbyists and so on.

Is that equitable? you seek to deny me that right yet say nothing of Zionists comparing Hamas to Nazis, why the inequity?

Of course inequity is the bedrock of militant Zionism, it is the founding principle of all racial supremacist endeavors.
What if the state was or became a racist endeavor? You can keep evading the obvious point here if you want, it doesn't bother me, I expect you to actually.

Why should I give you the right to compare anything you want with the Nazis while you refuse to give me that same right?

No Sir, this will not do, I do not submit to tyranny no matter how much of this you apply top it:

View attachment 1005782
Well, comparing Palestinians to Nazis is actually quite very appropriate because they've liked the Nazis since the Hitler
days, and most of them read and have a copy of Mein Kampf. They also use Nazi symbols often.

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Well, comparing Palestinians to Nazis is actually quite very appropriate because they've liked the Nazis since the Hitler
days, and most of them read and have a copy of Mein Kampf.
The Arabs sided with the Nazis because they had a common enemy the British, the British had betrayed the Arabs during WW1 too. If you want me to tell you all about it start a thread and I'll be happy to.
The Arabs sided with the Nazis because they had a common enemy the British, the British had betrayed the Arabs during WW1 too. If you want me to tell you all about it start a thread and I'll be happy to.
I really don't "do" these type of threads. I do like a hot pastrami on rye with mustard, though.
Very well, let me ask then what if the state became a racist endeavor? How could one state that without being labelled antisemitic?
If, in the future, the underlying, foundational idea of Israel changed? That's not how foundational theories work. What if 2+2=5 tomorrow?
I never said you claimed anything, read the question again:

Why should I give you (Zionists) the right to compare anything you want with the Nazis while you refuse to give me (anti-Zionists) that same right?
So you said "you" but didn't mean me? Oh, you meant "you" as in "Zionists" and even though I'm a Zionist, you don't mean me. Got it.
Zionists compare Hamas to the Nazis every day,
We do? I haven't. Neither has any Zionist I know, and I know many.
the comparison is routinely used by the Knesset, the military, Zionist lobbyists and so on.
If you insist so, it must be.
Is that equitable? you seek to deny me that right yet say nothing of Zionists comparing Hamas to Nazis, why the inequity?
I don't comment on what I haven't seen. You insist that I do things every day and I have never seen any of those things. But I guess you know me and my community better than I do.
Of course inequity is the bedrock of militant Zionism, it is the founding principle of all racial supremacist endeavors.
You really like strawmen.
Well, comparing Palestinians to Nazis is actually quite very appropriate because they've liked the Nazis since the Hitler
days, and most of them read and have a copy of Mein Kampf. They also use Nazi symbols often.

Posters like Sherlock Holmes, who several posts back advocated for a Third Reich treatment of the entirety of Israel, is the very PROOF of why Jews need Israel to survive. Should antisemites as virrulent as he, who suggests another Final Solution, become more powerful and allow antisemitism to skyrocket even more than it has, then Jews worldwide have a safe harbor. This is what is meant by Jews right to self-determination.
Which ironically gave birth to the state of Israel.
If Israel had existed at the time of the Holocaust, Hitler would not have achieved 2/3rds of his goal of wiping out all of European Jewry.

Many are not aware that Hitler wiped out such a large percentage of the world’s Jews (about half) that we are JUST NOW back at pre-WWII levels. It took three generations to recover.

And now we have antisemites like Sherlock advocating for the Third Reich treatment again - and then he claims he hasn’t said anything antisemitic.
In my personal opinion, there should never be any comparison between current events/peoples and the Holocaust/Nazis. Any such comparison will be inherently inaccurate. Any such comparison, by its nature, trivializes the Holocaust.
If, in the future, the underlying, foundational idea of Israel changed? That's not how foundational theories work. What if 2+2=5 tomorrow?

I asked you:

"Very well, let me ask then what if the state became a racist endeavor? How could one state that without being labelled antisemitic?"

and that's the "answer" I get?

Your answer is that it is impossible for Israel to ever be a racist endeavor, this is the end of our conversation in this thread, you epitomize the perverted reasoning of the ultrasemite, you are a perfect example of why we need such a term when dealing with the militant Zionists.

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