To Everybody Calling Trump Mean

Trump is garbage. His supporters act like garbage.

Although you’ve done it for so long, I don’t think you’re acting any more.
Awww. You delicate rosebud. Mean tweets or a stern word are devastating to you, right?
By having 5,000 National Guard troops when your side has no weapons? Does that sound like a "plan" that makes any sense at all?
Sorry I can't explain everything to you. You're intent on denying it anyway Having more people involved with weapons compounds the potential for things to get out of hand. BUT as I've already said trump never made that offer. If he did and Nancy took the bait things would have gotten a lot worse. The Proud Boys would no doubt have gotten their weapons to the scene quickly. And warfare would have erupted in the streets. Guess trump screwed up on that one too.
Sorry I can't explain everything to you. You're intent on denying it anyway Having more people involved with weapons compounds the potential for things to get out of hand. BUT as I've already said trump never made that offer. If he did and Nancy took the bait things would have gotten a lot worse. The Proud Boys would no doubt have gotten their weapons to the scene quickly. And warfare would have erupted in the streets. Guess trump screwed up on that one too.
How pray tell would having 5,000 National Guard troops at the Capital have made things worse?
Why didn't the Proud Boys bring their weapons to the protest? Because it wasn't supposed to be a riot...just a protest!
How pray tell would having 5,000 National Guard troops at the Capital have made things worse?
Why didn't the Proud Boys bring their weapons to the protest? Because it wasn't supposed to be a riot...just a protest!
You are some kind of moron. More people with guns = more potential for violence AND if the National Guard showed up in those numbers the Proud Boys would have gotten their guns . No more stupid questions .
This is a LIE

no wonder no one wants to read dim posts. No wonder people are saying Here, Kitty, kitty

No, he’s absolutely correct. Everything Trump touches dies.

No one in world history has had seven multi million dollar bankruptcies. No one in the history of the world has lost billions of dollars the way Donald Trump has.

Trump has been a goldplated failure all of his adult life, but he’s covered it up with lies and blusters and great PR, not to mention the wealth he inherited from his father.
No, he’s absolutely correct. Everything Trump touches dies.

No one in world history has had seven multi million dollar bankruptcies. No one in the history of the world has lost billions of dollars the way Donald Trump has.

Trump has been a goldplated failure all of his adult life, but he’s covered it up with lies and blusters and great PR, not to mention the wealth he inherited from his father.
It's pretty amazing that he could lose that much and earn a whole lot more than he lost.
How pray tell would having 5,000 National Guard troops at the Capital have made things worse?
Why didn't the Proud Boys bring their weapons to the protest? Because it wasn't supposed to be a riot...just a protest!

They didn’t bring their weapons because it was illegal to take weapons into Washington.

However, cadres of militias were waiting just outside the city limits with caches of weapons. Once they had secured the Capitol and prevented the counting of the ballots, these weapons were to be delivered to the insurrectionists inside.

People were charged with weapons violations. There is a record of this Enrique Terrio wasn’t at the Capitol because he was caught up in the net that took out the weapons.

Godwin's. Automatic fail.

Godwin no longer applies since Trump and the Republicans started using Hitler’s authoritarian playbook to take over the country. As a student of World War II, the similarities are frightening.

Starting with “the press is the enemy of the people”. Trump is now looking at destroying faith in your elections and in your legal system.

And you’re lapping up all of his lies and bullshit with a fork and spoon.
It's pretty amazing that he could lose that much and earn a whole lot more than he lost.

Stole. He stole that much money. Of course, he had help from the Russians, who are buying. His properties are inflated prices while laundering their ill-gotten gains, but none of trumps money has come to him legally.

And he’s never been worth much more than $300 million which is what he inherited from his father. Everything else has been squandered on lavish living and bad investments.
Godwin no longer applies since Trump and the Republicans started using Hitler’s authoritarian playbook to take over the country. As a student of World War II, the similarities are frightening.

Starting with “the press is the enemy of the people”. Trump is now looking at destroying faith in your elections and in your legal system.

And you’re lapping up all of his lies and bullshit with a fork and spoon.
Doubling down on Godwin's. Kind of sad.
Stole. He stole that much money. Of course, he had help from the Russians, who are buying. His properties are inflated prices while laundering their ill-gotten gains, but none of trumps money has come to him legally.

And he’s never been worth much more than $300 million which is what he inherited from his father. Everything else has been squandered on lavish living and bad investments.
Cool story, bro. Needs more dragons to be believable.

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