Las Vegas, 4 blacks get plea deal after beating to death a white boy.

Because it is black-on-white crime. Back in 2022, when that scumbag Peyton Gendron gunned down 10 blacks at the Tops on Jefferson Buffalo, the media was absolutely falling over themselves and Joe Bidumb and Headboard Harris were front and center. Now, I brought up this scenario: What if it were reversed and some hoodrat shot up a Tops or Wegmans in a suburb like Amherst, Cheektowaga, Lancaster, West Seneca, etc., you think there would be media coverage like there was? No. Because it doesn't fit the Left's narrative.
Of course there would not be the types of coverage… in fact I can’t think of a single case of four random whites beating to death a black in the past few years …. The media in the USA has lost just about all credibility with their hypocritical coverage of the BLM riots compared to January 6 for example.

I shopped at that Tops market, where the neo-Nazi who was by the way, influenced by Ukraine. He literally had a Ukrainian insignia on his backpack. Of the Azov battalion. Obviously I’m not saying all Ukrainians are Nazis, but this is yet another point where the evil hypocritical left simply doesn’t care about the fact that there are openly Nazis in the Ukrainian army, and that guy Peyton was influenced in part according to his own writings by the Nazi azov battalion.

The radical far left will troll and laugh at these things. Showing that they are utterly brain dead …or otoh I believe they’re so evil that they are knowingly trolling when we have these types of tragedies. It’s due to Trump arrangement syndrome. They hate white people so much because of their views on Trump that they are trolling in threads like this. It is a level of evil that is really astonishing.
And being a racist, what would you be saying if it FOUR WHITE GUYS to killed a Black Teen?
I haven’t heard of anything like that happening in the past 10 years. Have you ?? if you have provide a link show and I will be the first to criticize it.

Once again, IM2 is lying about crime stats in the thread. He is a deranged lunatic. Blacks as a percentage of their population kill more blacks compared to whites who kill whites.

There’s problems with both young white and young blacks today that did not exist 75 years ago. The differences is that radicals like Im2 doesn’t recognize it. He doesn’t care about it or he’s just an evil anti-white racist. prob the latter as Im2 said that Africans treated slaves better than Europeans treated slaves.

As always, it is worth noting that a number of posters here have suggested IM2 is a gay white guy in his 70s posing as a black man.
I haven’t heard of anything like that happening in the past 10 years. Have you ?? if you have provide a link show and I will be the first to criticize it.

Once again, IM2 is lying about crime stats in the thread. He is a deranged lunatic. Blacks as a percentage of their population kill more blacks compared to whites who kill whites.

There’s problems with both young white and young blacks today that did not exist 75 years ago. The differences is that radicals like Im2 doesn’t recognize it. He doesn’t care about it or he’s just an evil anti-white racist. prob the latter as Im2 said that Africans treated slaves better than Europeans treated slaves.

As always, it is worth noting that a number of posters here have suggested IM2 is a gay white guy in his 70s posing as a black man.
75yrs ago white men and boys could lynch, beat and murder black men and boys without ever having to worry about being brought to the Bar of Justice.
75yrs ago white men and boys could lynch, beat and murder black men and boys without ever having to worry about being brought to the Bar of Justice.
Now black people can loot convince stores without having to worry about being brought to the Bar of Justice.

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