Peter Doocy Calls Out Kamala for Her Fake Accent

Her accent is real. She went to Howard U and is black enough to qualify for the club of African American. Her assimilated dialect is mostly real as well, too, her having spent so much time around white people. I worked in the ‘hood long enough to catch myself sometimes speaking black, the result of environment.
The greater concern is why should blacks insist on speaking with a southern dialect regardless of the regions where they live. A reflection of hypocritical self-segregation.
This is what the Trump cult losers have been reduced to, shrieking about accents and ear buds, solely because they've been told to piss themselves over such nonsense.

Rest assured, the public notices how pathetic and desperate the Trump cultists are. How could anyone not notice?

Her fakery is repulsive on a fundamental level. It repulses EVERYONE. Democrats in 2020. Her staff. Everyone.

What's really both sad and shameful is: here is a woman near 60 yrs old who should be well past the age of caring what anyone thinks of her--who should be free to be her authentic self. And she doesn't even know who that is.
Her fakery is repulsive on a fundamental level. It repulses EVERYONE. Democrats in 2020. Her staff. Everyone.

What's really both sad and shameful is: here is a woman near 60 yrs old who should be well past the age of caring what anyone thinks of her--who should be free to be her authentic self. And she doesn't even know who that is.
God what's messed up in her brain?? She's got some kind of mental illness. Oh where are we, I need to know what accent to fake. :cuckoo: And can you imagine what people around the world think about the USA when they see pathetic shit like this? Dems are an embarrassment.
The American people want a president with integrity who doesn't lie about everything.
Harris lies hourly... are you kidding?... she runs up the steps of her plane pretending to be on the phone so the reporters can't ask her questions and you find that honorable???

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