How MAGA Is Already Justifying The Use Of Military Force At Home If Trump Wins

In truth, if the cops did what Trump wanted, it would have been a lot worse...

There was guardrails (relatively) that day... There won't be the next time...

Trump Admin will be about breaking the law willy nilly and Trump pardoning officers involved... So fo Lafayette, Trump could have a 1000 or so Trump loyalists (might be police or militia mix), they come in battons, tear gas, plastic bullets.... No need for warning, warnings will allow them to prepare... Any resistance, will justify snipers..

The RW media will proclaim the protesters as agitators against America (i.e. Putin says the same in Russia) and all actions were totally justified (bad stuff won't be shown) and Trump used restraint considering these people want to destroy Trump.

Since Project 2025 has kicked in, Federal TV licences will have a tight lease on all media that is critical of Trump. It is perceived a lie or false than that could be enough to strip your licence (even if true).
I'm sure you recall as I do trump's demand that police "dominate the streets" in response to protests. What happened in Lafayette Sq. is what that looks like.
Remember the peaceful protests in Lafayette Sq. broken up by police who used tear gas and flash bang devices in 2020?

DOJ reaches settlement in 2020 cases involving Lafayette Square protesters​

The Justice Department has reached a settlement in four cases stemming from law enforcement's response to racial justice demonstrations in Lafayette Square in Washington, D.C., just days after the murder of George Floyd.

As part of the settlement, U.S. Park Police agreed to revise its policies governing demonstrations and special events.

The new policy, released Wednesday, requires officers, except personnel in plainclothes, to be "clearly identifiable" as Park Police personnel, with fully visible badges and nameplates on outerwear, tactical gear and helmets. The policy also lays out new guidelines about the use of nonlethal force, such as prioritizing de-escalation tactics and seeking senior approval before deploying defense equipment.

The settlement follows a report last year by the Interior Department’s inspector general, Mark Greenblatt, who conducted the review after a largely peaceful demonstration in Lafayette Square turned violent after police moved in.

trump's plans include the use of federal troops to stop non-violent protests against him. Cuz as we know dissent is not tolerated in trumpworld. It's crushed.

I think you overstate things. As long as the left are not fire bombing buildings, you’ll be ok

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