Vance does it again

You claim I’m parroting propagandists but you are sunk so deep into orange victimology I do not think you realize what you are parroting.

If the establishment and mass media didn't think it was a big deal when they did it to Sandmann, and threw out the case then?

. . . then clearly the establishment is just playing politics with this now.

It has nothing to do with Trump, other than the establishment believes he is a threat to the warfare/welfare system.

I'm not the one that has double standards.

Just because you didn't agree with what they did to Sandmann, does not mean you aren't excusing the mass media's behavior NOW, after I point out the clear hypocrisy.

You just don't care. Anything to get orange man bad, right? "Ends justify the means," and all that nonsense?

First Amendment be damned.

Sorry, I respectfully disagree. Trump and his VP can go to hell for all I care. The only thing that matters are the people's civil rights and civil liberties, and as there is no lawsuit on this stoopid controversy, no one's rights are being violated. That you WANT to violate and destroy the Constitution just to get orange man bad?

meh, whatever. I'm more concerned with the rights of Americans, not the behavior of certain individuals. I'm fully aware of what I am defending, THE FIRST AMENDMENT!



The OP hates America, Americans, and their bill of rights. This isn't up for debate.

He continually calls America and Americans, "the colonists."

Like this piece of shit isn't aware of history.


I continually find this rhetoric hateful and disrespectful.

We now have this rule;
"USMB is not a "hate" site and we will not condone such behavior. We do not allow posts that include racial slurs, pejoratives, or religiously bigoted statements.
Such offenses will receive a first time warning and a second offense will result in an extended, if not permanent, ban."

I find whenever these commonwealth subversives use the tern, "colonists," on a message board devoted to Americans, who discuss their freedom and liberty, it is disrespectful of every American who fought and died for the principles in the Constitution.

It seems? It seems, you don't really give a damn about the Constitution anymore. If this type of shit bothers you so much, I have a suggestion. . . MOVE TO CANADA!

He might as well just call every American on this forum the "N" word. I AM SICK OF IT! If we are now going to have hate-speech codes, he should not be allowed to use such hateful and disrespectful language!

IMO? This asshole needs a warning and a banning for every time he uses the pejorative; "colonists."

Which is many many times, like all the crown subversives on here that hate Americans.

I know what this thread is about. . . YOU apparently haven't the first clue.
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If the establishment and mass media didn't think it was a big deal when they did it to Sandmann, and threw out the case then?

. . . then clearly the establishment is just playing politics with this now.

It has nothing to do with Trump, other than the establishment believes he is a threat to the warfare/welfare system.

I'm not the one that has double standards.

Just because you didn't agree with what they did to Sandmann, does not mean you aren't excusing the mass media's behavior NOW, after I point out the clear hypocrisy.

You just don't care. Anything to get orange man bad, right? End justify the means and all that nonsense?

First Amendment be damned.

Sorry, I respectfully disagree,. Trump and his VP can go to hell for all I care. The only thing that matters are the people's civil rights and civil liberties, and as there is no lawsuit on this stoopid controversy, no one's are being violated. That you WANT to violate and destroy the Constitution just to get orange man bad?

meh, whatever. I'm more concerned with the rights of Americans, not the behavior of certain individuals. I'm fully aware of what I am defending, THE FIRST AMENDMENT!


View attachment 1005544

The OP hates America, Americans, and their bill of rights. This isn't up for debate.

He continually calls America and Americans, "the colonists."

Like this piece of shit isn't aware of history.

View attachment 1005545

I continually find this rhetoric hateful and disrespectful.

We now have this rule;
"USMB is not a "hate" site and we will not condone such behavior. We do not allow posts that include racial slurs, pejoratives, or religiously bigoted statements.
Such offenses will receive a first time warning and a second offense will result in an extended, if not permanent, ban."

I find whenever these commonwealth subversives use the tern, "colonists," on a message board devoted to Americans, who discuse their freedom and liberty, it is disrespectful of ever American who fought and died for the principles in the Constitution.

He might as well just call every American on this forum the "N" word. I AM SICK OF IT, and if we are now going to have hate-speech codes, he should not be allowed to do it!

IMO? This asshole needs a warning and a banning for every time he uses the pejorative; "colonists."

Which is many many times, like all the crown subversives on here that hate Americans.

I know what this thread is about. . . YOU apparently haven't the first clue.
I’m addressing one point only, I don’t much care what the “establishment” or “mass media” are doing regarding this footage. It is irrelevant.

What is relevant is this.

You don’t think it is ethically wrong to use a video clip of someone not involved in politics, caught in an embarrassing moment when she was a kid as part of a national campaign add. You got a zillion excuses justifying it (a justification that seems to only apply when it is the rightwing).

I disagree. It isn’t illegal, true. But that doesn’t make it right and justifying it rather than saying yes, it was a bad idea, just makes it look worse.

With Sandmann, I made my arguments on that long ago and they are consistent with ones I’m making here so you don’t need to make up crap just to justify your position.
You don’t think it is ethically wrong to use a video clip of someone not involved in politics,
This is false, we even agreed on this point earlier. What is ethical, and what is legal, are not the same.

My point has remained the same, the establishment propganda, is just as unethical as Vance, so I don't see why I should care?


If you need to construct straw men? We are done.
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You implied by yoar own OP, you don't bleev this sort of shit should be allowed. In fact, you compared it to sexual predation of the young.

If anyone should be ashamed? It is you. You don't belong here, go away.

You are a disingenuous hack. I have told you multiple times, STOP READING and POSTING from the Guardian. They are just a mouthpiece of the oppressors.

A mouthpiece of the oppressors!!!! Did you just out yourself as a Chinese troll??????

You're a fine one to be telling others what to believe Mr MagaTwat.
This is false, we even agreed on this point earlier. What is ethical, and what is legal, are not the same.

My point has remained the same, the establishment propganda, is just as unethical as Vance, so I don't see why I should care?

If you need to construct straw men? We are done.
So just because you feel one group is unethical you have no issue with the other being unethical even to the point of defending them, which actually takes further than simply accepting it. Is that correct?
This is false, we even agreed on this point earlier. What is ethical, and what is legal, are not the same.

My point has remained the same, the establishment propganda, is just as unethical as Vance, so I don't see why I should care?

If you need to construct straw men? We are done.

Somebody has to start somewhere cleaning up the cesspool. Saying one side is as bad as the is both false, and a cheap excuse for you to do nothing.

Trump and Vance seem to get their jollies humiliating young women. But Vance's refusal to aplogize for shaming this girl, speaks to an utter lack of character in the man.

He's not going to apoligize for making a joke. No empathy, no manners, no morals.
So just because you feel one group is unethical you have no issue with the other being unethical even to the point of defending them, which actually takes further than simply accepting it. Is that correct?
I'm only defending the right to free speech. If what they did to Sandmann is allowed, if what they did to Rittenhouse is allowed? If all that B.S. MSM garbage is O.K. to do to one side? Meh. You can interpret what I write however you like. Frankly, I think you a smart enough to know the truth.

You just have double standards.

I have told you over and over again, I can't take this, "controversy," seriously AT ALL, because I know the establishment does not bleev its own narrative. It's all bullshit, and IMO? I think you smart enough to know that by now.

They don't give a rats ass about this women, only about finding a new attack vector for their enemies.

I have so proven, and to this, you implicitly agree when you stated you did not approve of what they did Sandman.

Sorry if you are confused.
Somebody has to start somewhere cleaning up the cesspool.

No, they DON'T!

The First Amendment is America's, and it is NOT a cesspool.

If you don't like it? You are welcome to shut the fuck up now.

He's not going to apoligize for making a joke.

Yup, we all knew it was a joke, unlike what the establishment media does to their side.

When the establishment media cleans up its act? Meh, then I would care.
No, they DON'T!

The First Amendment is America's, and it is NOT a cesspool.

If you don't like it? You are welcome to shut the fuck up now.

Yup, we all knew it was a joke, unlike what the establishment media does to their side.

When the establishment media cleans up its act? Meh, then I would care.

Hiding behind the First Amendment is loathsome at best, and trying to claim some high moral priniciple here just makes you look worse than Vance. No wonder you're voting for these scum. You have no human decency whatsoever.

Society exists because of the social compact, which requires us to treat others with dignity and respect, or we will lose civilization. American right wingers are now violating the social compact, and your society is breaking down as a result.

The commandment to "Treat others as you would like to be treated" isn't just a platitude, it is a requirement of a civil society.

I can only presume that you want to be shamed, humiliated and insulted, judging by your treatment of this girl.
I'm only defending the right to free speech. If what they did to Sandmann is allowed, if what they did to Rittenhouse is allowed? If all that B.S. MSM garbage is O.K. to do to one side? Meh. You can interpret what I write however you like. Frankly, I think you a smart enough to know the truth.
So do you think what was done to Sandmann is a legitimate free speech?

Rittenhouse is different, he became a public figure and then capitalized on it. He is fair game. Completely different then Sandmann and this girl.

You just have double standards.
Nope, my standard in this is very consistent.

I have told you over and over again, I can't take this, "controversy," seriously AT ALL, because I know the establishment does not bleev its own narrative. It's all bullshit, and IMO? I think you smart enough to know that by now.
Why do you let “the establishment” define what is right or wrong?

They don't give a rats ass about this women, only about finding a new attack vector for their enemies.
Why does it matter what they care about?

I have so proven, and to this, you implicitly agree when you stated you did not approve of what they did Sandman.

I am not sure what you have proven. I think what they did to Sandmann AND this girl are wrong. But you don’t.

Sorry if you are confused.
So do you think what was done to Sandmann is a legitimate free speech?

It matters little what I think or feel, only what the facts are.

I think what they did to Sandmann AND this girl are wrong. But you don’t.

It doesn't matter what I think. I don't know why you believe it matters what you do? :dunno:

I have told you over and over again, I don't take any propaganda or information seriously, if it is flawed, inconsistent or illogical.

I see the hypocrisy. . . I know you do too. Why would you take any of this at face value? Got to be you hate Trump and Vance.

I don't get angry for clowns doing what clowns do. . . it isn't really their circus, they aren't the one that started it.

Why does it matter what they care about?
If you know what motivates the folks running things? You become immune to their nasty little tricks.

I think what they did to Sandmann AND this girl are wrong. But you don’t.
I think this;

I would take this seriously, if it hadn't been for the fact that the establishment has been bullying Trump and all his followers since 2015.


Is a pretty clear indication that I don't approve of any of it.
Again, sorry if you are confused.
I'm only defending the right to free speech. If what they did to Sandmann is allowed, if what they did to Rittenhouse is allowed? If all that B.S. MSM garbage is O.K. to do to one side? Meh. You can interpret what I write however you like. Frankly, I think you a smart enough to know the truth.

You just have double standards.

I have told you over and over again, I can't take this, "controversy," seriously AT ALL, because I know the establishment does not bleev its own narrative. It's all bullshit, and IMO? I think you smart enough to know that by now.

They don't give a rats ass about this women, only about finding a new attack vector for their enemies.

I have so proven, and to this, you implicitly agree when you stated you did not approve of what they did Sandman.

Sorry if you are confused.

I don't approve of what Sandmann's Family did to the boy. They used him politically, and treated him like a pawn in order for his radical right wing parents to attack the media. The family should have never put those kids through those court cases.

The original story would have blown over within 24 hours, had right wing activists not gotten involved. Lin Woods was Sandmann's lawyer. They saw a chance to really nail the MSM at a time when right wing media was being shredded for and this was a "gotcha" moment for them.

Woods was one of the right's main attack dogs. He retired rather than be disbarred for his part in Trump's phony lawsuits attempt to overturn the election.

The parents are the ones who made a big deal about this and dragged it on for years using their children as political tools. When the first case was dismissed, outright, they came it another way, and back to court they went. His father saw $$$$ and was like a terrier with rat. He would not let it go.

When Sandmann was interviewed on 60 Minutes, at the end of the interview, he said he wished he'd never done it. He wished he'd just walked away. Poor kid.
It matters little what I think or feel, only what the facts are.

It doesn't matter what I think. I don't know why you believe it matters what you do? :dunno:

I have told you over and over again, I don't take any propaganda or information seriously, if it is flawed, inconsistent or illogical.

I see the hypocrisy. . . I know you do too. Why would you take any of this at face value? Got to be you hate Trump and Vance.

I don't get angry for clowns doing what clowns do. . . it isn't really their circus, they aren't the one that started it.

If you know what motivates the folks running things? You become immune to their nasty little tricks.

You talk about these children as if no harm is being done to them by the adults who should know better. And that such harms are an abstract to you.

You know their tricks and you won't be manipulatied. No empathy, no morals,, and no manners. And the victims don't exist.
You talk about these children as if no harm is being done to them by the adults who should know better. And that such harms are an abstract to you.

You know their tricks and you won't be manipulatied. No empathy, no morals,, and no manners. And the victims don't exist.
MAGA Misogyny.
Those sad souls simply cannot help themselves.
Making fun of women, deriding them, ridiculing and demeaning them is what MAGA is.


Women aren't going to vote for Trump/Vance anyway.

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