Illegal Alien, Deported 16 Times, Gets One Year in Prison for Killing 64-Year-Old Colorado Man

Sounds a bit extreme, but I am sure she has her reason. Have you two, actually had personal problems with illegals, such as attack, robbery or drunken automobile accidents, or is it just the political climate?
Her Blazer was hit by a vanload of them a few years ago. No license, stolen plates, no insurance...and SHE had to translate for the cop, because they claimed to not speak English. That, and the usual petty crime, drugs, rapes, etc.

Note: she is an immigrant.
Using what to confirm???

Please continue
I am thinking, imputing the SSN should be able to give an immediate warning, of mismatch between the one applying and the real owner of the SSN, but like I said, I have never had to deal with it, even way back when I was in a hiring position. I do not know the answer, and will be the first to admit it, but feel employers only care about getting workers, not necessarily questioning where they come from or how they are here.
I am thinking, imputing the SSN should be able to give an immediate warning, of mismatch between the one applying and the real owner of the SSN, but like I said, I have never had to deal with it, even way back when I was in a hiring position. I do not know the answer, and will be the first to admit it, but feel employers only care about getting workers, not necessarily questioning where they come from or how they are here.
They use E Verify now. But E Verify doesnt catch stolen id and SSN. It will catch the made up Fake ones.

Now if you catch them once we can go to FASCIAL RECOGNITION so new names would be caught.

Hell we could do that at the border. But GOVERNMENT DOESNT WANT TO STOP IT.
I'd like to know what else the guy is guilty of to get deported all those times. For all we know the person who was killed may not be his only victim.

God bless you and the victim's family always!!!

They use E Verify now. But E Verify doesnt catch stolen id and SSN. It will catch the made up Fake ones.

Now if you catch them once we can go to FASCIAL RECOGNITION so new names would be caught.

Hell we could do that at the border. But GOVERNMENT DOESNT WANT TO STOP IT.
Interesting. You mean, illegals or even legal immigrants that are identified while they are here and kicked out for whatever reason, can probably expect to make it through a standard official border crossing, back into the country without being identified at the border? I always figure, the stories of people being kicked out, but came back, were coming back across the desert or swimming the river.

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