Vance does it again

It isn’t about controlling the thoughts and ideas of others. Where did you derive that from?

You talked about the Cardinal Virtues. What Vance chose to do certainly seems to fly in the face of those. Why defend it? Yes. He can do. No. It is not illegal. So defending his use of it and supporting his defense of that use while saying people shouldn’t be criticizing it.

Are you defending because he is a rightist and the left is criticizing it? Unlike Sandmann? Two very similar things from an ethical perspective but you don’t seem to treat them that way.

How is condemning it censorship? How is calling Vance to task for it “censorship”? It isn’t. It is the same free speech that you are willing to support when Vance does it.

Where is the censorship? Did the government order it taken down or blocked? Or are we not allowed to condemn it?

That doesn’t change that it was badly done. Hell, you sure seem to have a double standard when it comes to teens…it isn’t ok to do it to Sandmann but it’s ok to do it to this “dumb” woman. Sandmann was 16, she was 17. Not much of a difference.
Sandmann was a 16 year old being harassed by a liberal crazy. He thought if he smiled the act would be non threatening and defuse a volatile situation. He didn't get up in front of television cameras voluntarily or in a belief his career would be advanced. He didn't agree to be "interviewed". He was victimized from the very beginning.

Once that girl agreed to appear in front of cameras she opened herself up to every kind of criticism the world can hold. And it was only her inability to verbally express herself. Some are mercilessly criticized for everything from their hair, to the color of their toenails. Look at what the democrats did to Monica Lewinsky. You want criticism, they made her name into a VERB and still do to this very day, decades after she became "the news".
    • Vance in an interview:
      "John, I’m not going to apologize for posting a joke,"
    • OTH? It was a joke
When caught in a dumbass statement the jackasses reliably fall back into their hidey-hole of 'Just jokin.'

Adults…behaving this way…with hurtful Jr high style “jokes” at other people’s expense.
Well said. Better than me.


I don't give a shit what Europe does, they are a backwards dystopian nightmare.
Your meddling here, is not needed or wanted.

When MAGA's are beat back on their misogyny defect.....they retreat to their xenophobia. Or so it seems.


Vance makes an apt comparison, and the establishment has made up "controversy," and it is being used as a very, VERY week tactic to attack him, rather than focus on the issues.
.........That clip was fair use"
That clip was of a 17 year old high-school girl .... 17 years ago. She had a dream....but her inexperience before a mic and on a big stage betrayed her. That happens.....not infrequently for 17 year olds.

17 years later some jackass running for a public office felt it was right, proper, and useful to him to re-embarrass that female in order to help him advance a partisan polemic. Bullying, disrespect, clueless, and was and is all of that. Shame on Vance and the jackass that provided that clip and encouraged him to abuse it. But, make no mistake.....Vance is the one who made the decision to ridicule that girl of 17yrs.


  • "Do you don't think folks can't handle a bit of bullying?"
  • that she should have been able to handle this, because we all learn to deal with it in Jr. High.
  • Bitching about people being mean.

So, a man politicking for the 2nd highest office in the US and with a ginormous megaphone to millions and millions of people ridicules and holds up for disparagement the history of a young girl who had a dream 17years ago.

Count me skeptical that Vance's bullying ---Vance's mean-spirited dunderheadedness ---was an appropriate pitch. It wasn't. There was no empathy, no awareness.....and a callous disregard to a woman and her family.

A 2007 Miss Teen USA contestant who drew widespread mockery because of a stuttering response to a question that she fielded at the competition has said it is “a shame” – as well as condemned “online bullying” – after JD Vance recirculated a video of her difficult moment to attack Kamala Harris.

Another women hating contribution from the hackass.

Should grown men be mocking teenage girls for stuff they did 20 years ago ?

Its an Epstein level of abuse.

And to cap it all he refuses to apologise.

Cowardly hillbilly fuck.
Are you striving to be an even worse drama queen than that pageant contestant?
Sandmann was a 16 year old being harassed by a liberal crazy. He thought if he smiled the act would be non threatening and defuse a volatile situation. He didn't get up in front of television cameras voluntarily or in a belief his career would be advanced. He didn't agree to be "interviewed". He was victimized from the very beginning.

Once that girl agreed to appear in front of cameras she opened herself up to every kind of criticism the world can hold. And it was only her inability to verbally express herself. Some are mercilessly criticized for everything from their hair, to the color of their toenails. Look at what the democrats did to Monica Lewinsky. You want criticism, they made her name into a VERB and still do to this very day, decades after she became "the news".
There was no difference between two. You just want there to be to excuse rotten behavior. She wasn’t a political person at all. She wasn’t a public person. But someone decided to use a clip of her, when she was 17, and make a joke.

Monica Lewinsky was an adult who did what she did knowingly and willingly (and that isn’t excusing Bill either). She was a public figure.

You should be perfectly fine then with how Sandmann was treated but I doubt it. So

It is always different when it is one of your own doing the attacking.
Are you saying she was mishandled by her parents? Because that's where all blame should go. And, she's 34 years old now. 34! Get over yourself lady.

I have no idea what her parents did or did not do nor is it really relevant.

What this is, and the only thing it is, is another excuse for communist democrats to clutch their pearls and head for the fainting couch.
Like Sandmann, right? An excuse for the rightists to get all fauxraged about?
Signing a release form. Appearing on television. Appearing in a publicity fueled pageant, al make one a public figure. Any one of them would. All of them definitely make her a public figure. If she is that sensitive, she should never have appeared in the pageant. When she's done over reacting, she can get on with her life.
Her attackers can shut up
I have no idea what her parents did or did not do nor is it really relevant.

Like Sandmann, right? An excuse for the rightists to get all fauxraged about?
Sandmann won his lawsuit against the Washington Post because he did not do anything. He didn't sign a release to make a fool of himself in a pageant. He was standing there waiting for a bus.

You do admit that this girl voluntarily entered this pageant. She voluntarily got on television and agreed to answer questions. How much of that did Nick Sandmann do?

What her parents did is absolutely relevant. She was a minor. They let her be humiliated and yes, really, yes, she deserved every bit of it. I hope she learned something from the experience.
Sandmann won his lawsuit against the Washington Post because he did not do anything. He didn't sign a release to make a fool of himself in a pageant. He was standing there waiting for a bus.
As he deserved to.

You do admit that this girl voluntarily entered this pageant. She voluntarily got on television and agreed to answer questions. How much of that did Nick Sandmann do?
She was 17 and a minor.

What her parents did is absolutely relevant. She was a minor. They let her be humiliated and yes, really, yes, she deserved every bit of it. I hope she learned something from the experience.

Her parents have nothing to do with the fact that a supposed adult decided to ressurrect that old footage and use it to make a public joke about her. It is cruel. It was Vance’s choice. And doubling down instead saying “ya, I shouldn’t have done that, I’m sorry” and moving on shows what a jerk he is. And of course what does tbe MAGA crowd do? Blame her.
As he deserved to.

She was 17 and a minor.

Her parents have nothing to do with the fact that a supposed adult decided to ressurrect that old footage and use it to make a public joke about her. It is cruel. It was Vance’s choice. And doubling down instead saying “ya, I shouldn’t have done that, I’m sorry” and moving on shows what a jerk he is. And of course what does tbe MAGA crowd do? Blame her.
Sandmann deserved to be waiting for a bus? Absolutely. He sued for 250 million dollars but the settlement amount is undisclosed.

You can twist yourself into a pretzel but this girl's performance was entirely her own fault and if it's resurrected a couple of decades later she can chalk it up to living in a free country. She gets no sympathy. Very few of us haven't done something egregiously embarassing. You suck it up and go on.
Sandmann deserved to be waiting for a bus? Absolutely. He sued for 250 million dollars but the settlement amount is undisclosed.
No. He deserved to sue.

You can twist yourself into a pretzel but this girl's performance was entirely her own fault and if it's resurrected a couple of decades later she can chalk it up to living in a free country. She gets no sympathy. Very few of us haven't done something egregiously embarassing. You suck it up and go on.
No twisting involved. Monica Lewinsky was a real twist and you are sympathetic with her?

You suck it up, but then most people don’t have a political candidate dredging it up years later to publicize either.
No. He deserved to sue.

No twisting involved. Monica Lewinsky was a real twist and you are sympathetic with her?

You suck it up, but then most people don’t have a political candidate dredging it up years later to publicize either.
That's the risk you run when you do something really really stupid. Of course Monica Lewinsky didn't deserve what was done to her. She was NEVER allowed to live a normal life. She was hounded out a marriage. Beyonce made a song out of the blue dress just a couple of years ago. How many decades after the affair with Clinton?

This girl got a bit of ribbing and that's all. Of course if she wants to cry and moan and put her tear stained face in front of every passing camera, she deserves everything that happens to her.

And her clip is directly appropriate to use against Commiela the brain damaged.

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