Zone1 Should you have to pay taxes to be able to vote?

Who in this country pays no taxes at all?
I do not pay federal income taxes. And as to state taxes, this state refunds them to us who send them the proper paperwork.
If you are a citizen and subject to the laws being passed, you damn well have a right to vote.
Nope.... Not unless you contribute. You don't get to sit at a restaurant for nothing, you don't get to ride the bus for free, you Don't call taxi then run out the door when you get when you're going without paying.

You don't contribute???... you don't pull the lever. Get a social security number and pay your fair share.
Everyone who lives in this country as a citizen and is subject to it’s laws has “skin in the game”. Elitists keep trying to come up with new ways to limit the franchise.
I’m not an elitist.

Why should 5 dependant children be able decide household finances over tax paying and earning parents?
It’s not a bad idea to flirt with IMO

It’s easy to spend other people’s money, and it’s easy to vote to only get things from the state and not give anything.

It’s easy to vote recklessly if one has no skin in the game.

It’s like 2 parents and 3 kids in a family, and all get a vote. The kids vote for toys, food, vacations, etc while the parents vote for paying the mortgage and saving for retirement. Under this system the family will become homeless and broke.

Using your hypothetical family. If the husband works and the mother doesn’t does she get to vote? If their 16 year old daughter has a job and pays taxes does she get to vote?
Using your hypothetical family. If the husband works and the mother doesn’t does she get to vote? If their 16 year old daughter has a job and pays taxes does she get to vote?
Taxes are the system used by Democrats to politically control the citizens. They won't shut up about paying taxes.
what about people like me that retire early for health reasons and dont pay any income tax and dont collect any government benefits because I planned ahead??
While there could be room for exceptions, you paint yourself into the corner as one with "no skin in the game" yet think you should be able to dictate to others who do have real and vested interests. Some of us would consider that at least borderline criminal.

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